Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Complete (Rebooted) Mega Man RS Universe Timeline Part 6

The Zero Era: The Z-Uprisings (210X AD): Just for fun,Zero decides to take a crack at Uprisings.

With Dr.Wily's help,Zero conducts 3 violent Uprisings using various Robot Masters.

The first uprising was just an act of World Wide death and destruction. Dr.Wily wanted to kill everyone,so that he could replace them with Robots under his command. Mega isn't interested in this fight,until he sees how powerful the Robot Masters are...that and how cool their weapons are.

These new Robot Masters are: Force Man,Youma Woman,Chop Woman,Crush Man,Icey Woman,Explose Woman,Burnin' Woman,Zap Woman,Acid Woman,and Death Woman.

The second uprising took place a few weeks later,with a Robot Battle Challenge For The Lights. But another new threat arrives,RZ aka Zed,the final creation of Dr.Regal,who wants revenge on the Lights for killing his father. He activates what's left of Regal's Army (mostly grunts and "fort guardian-type robots" and begins his assault on Dr.Light's various robots and facilities. Mega Man decides to stop Zed and his Robots,while Roll and Proto stop the New Wily Numbers.

The Next set of New Wily Numbers were: Saw Woman,Hurricane Man,Marine Woman,TopSpeed Woman,Clash Woman,TimeStop Woman,Blaze Woman,and Flora Woman.

The 3rd and Final Uprising has Wily taking over for Zero...who's modeling for a self-made Girly Calender!? Anyway,as the Wily-bot's attack, a new threat appears. She's a radically powerful Female Mega Man called Quintete. Quintete,later reveals that She was originaly created by Dr.Wily to be the 5th Chaos Emperor,but was scrapped thanks to a brain defect that made her crazy. Deciding that 4 Chaos Emperors would be enough,Wily placed her in storage,with intentions of fixing her later. As time went by,Dr.Wily forgot about her and eventually died.

10 years after the Z-Uprisings,Quintete awoke and wanted to fight and destroy. After repairing herself,Quintete went out into the world. It should be noted,however,that those repairs were only physical,her mental state remained the same.

After failing to find any robot fighters to fight (thanks to the anti-android law),she starts destroying everything in sight. After growing board of that,she decides to raid Dr.Light's lab for some fun stuff. She finds an experimental time machine,which she uses to go back in time 10 years to fight Mega Man,Roll,and Zero.

Like Mega Man,Quintete has a Plasma Buster and can copy abilities. Unlike Mega,however,Quintete can turn Both arms into Busters. She also breaks the 4th Wall a lot and makes references to various franchises.

She loves fighting as well as death and destruction. She attacks both Lightbot and Wilybot alike. She fights Roll 1-0n-1 and is eventually destroyed by her.

The Final set of Robot Masters are: DeathSpike Woman,Magnetic Woman,Twin Woman,Slam Man,Spin Woman,Madusa Woman,Electro Woman,and Kunoichi Woman.

The Light family (mainly roll) stop the Bad Guys every time,they even get help from Bass.

After the 3rd failed etempt,Zero grows tired of the Uprisings. Dr.Wily decides to update him.

Dr.Light finally introduces his family to Xavier aka Mega Man X,who is still sealed up. Dr.Light explains that the world isn't ready for such an advanced android just yet,so he keeps him sealed...for the time being,at least.

Meanwhile,the Machine escapes from the Realm Between Universes and crashlands on Earth. Out from tbe wreckage comes a sinister energy being. This is the "spirit" of Mega Man Shadow,the Original Ruby-Spears Mega Man. Mega Man Shadow's Spirit is comprised of that Mega Man's Code and His Wily's Virus,
The Zero Era: Zero v Mega Man (210X AD): After the final Zero Uprising,Protoman is dying due to the defect in his core. Proto refuses to let Dr.Light operate on him,due to a fear of having his systems altered. Because of this,Protoman has only a few days to live.

If Proto has to die,he'll go out on his own terms,so as a final request,he challenges Mega to a final 1-on-1 fight. The 2 battle with everything they have,with Mega winning. After the battls the 2 share a big "Brother" moment.

The day after,Protoman dies in his sleep....peacefully. Dr.Light burys Protoman next to Rhythm.

Back in Wily's secret Lab,Zero and Wily have an arguement,Wily reveals to Zero that He's just a prototype for an even Bigger Line of Androids that he's working on,he even shows Zero the room,where they're stored. The 5 are resting in capsules and aren't complete yet,but soon they will be. Zero senses their enormous power and grows frustrated. 

Upset at the fact thsere are beings Stronger than him,Zero leaves in rage and begins a world-wide rampage. Roll was the first casualty of The Red Armor Android's rampage,killing her in a sneak attack. Mega Man is also attacked in a similar matter. While,Mega Man survives,Roll,unfortunatly does not.

Zero continues his rampage as Mega Man is being repaired.

Bass soon battles Zero and gives it a valiant effort. Bass is fighting for the future of Android-Kind and sees Zero as a threat to his race. Zero himself,despide beingban android,doesn't considers himself one,instead,he considers himself to be a God. Bass and Treble are eventually killed after Zero transforms into his Kuro Mode.

A fully repaired Mega Man arrives at the battlefield and is angry at the loss of Bass,who he believed had a chance to reform. Before dying,Bass emplores Mega Man to destroy Zero for tbe sake and future of Android Kind. Mega Man promises Bass that he will and asks Bass to share some of his Android Pride with him.

The battle is even..that is until Zero powers up to 100%. Mega decides to use his latest technique: The Spirit Buster. Mega gathers life energy through his Buster and fires said energy from it. Dr.Light and Auto arrive to give Mega Man support.

Mega Man manages to hit Zero and send him flying. Thinking that he won,Mega decides to go home. However,Zero suddenly reappears and damages Auto. But when Zero destroys Rush in cold blood,Mega Man snaps.

In his rage and sadness of the loss of his best friend,Mega Man transforms. Mega Man's new form was Golden and Super Saiyan-esque.

Now both Mega Man and Zero are evenly matched. Mega can push his powers further if he wants,but since this is a new power,Mega Man might suffer an overload and destroy himself if he does.

During the battle,Mega takes a moment to boast about his new powers and goes into an "I Am" speach,ala Super Saiyan Goku vs Frieza. And in another part of the fight,Mega boasts about how if Roll survived instead of himself,Zero would be dead now. Zero grows even more enraged at the fact that his "Godhood" is being challenged.

The battle (and war) ends in a draw,with both Mega and Zero being knocked out. Wily machines take Zero back to Wily's lab and Auto takes Mega Man back to Light's.

Light sees a dead Bass and decides to give him a proper fit for an Android King, Little do the heroes know,that Mega Man Shadow had been watching the battle this whole time.

Due to the Various Uprisings,The Leaders of the World (led by the american president) have begin talks about laws banning the creation of all androids and the extermination of existing ones.

Meanwhile,Dr.Wily repairs Zero back at his lab. Upon repair,however,Zero goes crazy and destroys Wily's lab. The mad Doctor eventually subdues his creation and is forced to seal him up. Wily himself died moments later due to exhaustion.
The Zero Era: The Uno Incident (2108 AD): As Mega Man is talking with Bass at his gravesite in the robot junkyard. Dr.Light is on capital hill trying to convince senators and congressmen Not to adopt the upcoming Anti-Android Law.

The Law,also known as The 'Machine-on-Man Violence Prevention Act', states that the creation of Androids and/or Robot Masters is a criminal offence punishable by 60 years in prison or a 1 million dollar fine. It also states that all existing androids and robot masters Must be scraped and those who won't comply with that will face a fine of 1 million dollars and the confiscation of said machine.

Dr.Light's testamony falls in deaf ears as he's out shouted and out numbered by the DC polititions who support this bill. He then meets with the President,who is behind this bill. The next stop on Dr.Light's trip is to the United Nations,who are currently deciding on an International Robot Master ban.

Meanwhile,at Dr.Wily's hidden base... Wily was dead,there's no doubt about it. But even after death Wily Still remains a threat. He preprogrammed a small super computer with a near perfect emulation of his conciousness.Inside the room with the Computer,lies 5 capsules,each house a dormant,but extremely deadly androids. These are the rest of Dr.Wily's Omega Series. One capsule activates and out steps a Navy Android (looks like a ruby-spearsized version of inafune's first "super megaman" hero).

The Digital-Wily has a talk with The Android,who is named Uno,and tells him his mission. He is to continue Zero's perpose (to kill everyone,so wily can replace them with bots under his command). Uno heads out.

Anti-Android and Anti-Robot Master sentement rises through out the world,especially in the U.S.

The Light's (dr.light,mega man and auto) are camping out and talking about the Anti-Android sentement and the upcoming Law. Meanwhile,Uno goes on a killing and destruction spree. He stops when he senses Mega Man miles from his location. Uno decides to destroy Mega Man and get it over with.

The Ghost of Mega Man Shadow secretly arrives to watch the batle. He masks his energy to stay hidden.

Uno arrives at the Light's location and Mega Man mistakingly refers to him as Zero at first. The 2 soon battle and Uno is outclassed. Because of this Uno transforms into his 'Kuro Mode',a form that turns his armor black,complete with purple aura. The form greatly increases every stat at the cost of energy. Zero used this form against Mega Man.

Uno is now on equal ground with MegaMan,but is still unable to beat him. Uno explains that when Albert Wily,his late father,buit him,he installed a very special chip within him. The chip is a Wily original and it can Evolve Androids. A chip dubbed Andro-Mutation, Not only does it greatly increase the abilities of the Android,but it also produces an aura that changes their shape.

Uno powers up and transforms. Mega Man is shocked at the kinda power Uno now possesses. Uno and Mega Man continue the fight and Mega Man is having trouble. Uno beats Mega Man and goes after Dr.Light,since he Is the arch rival of his father.

Uno punches Dr.Light and is about to kill him,an angry Mega rushes to Lights aid,gaining a gold aura in the prosess. Mega Man kicks Uno away and checks on his creator. As he does this,he transforms into his Golden Super Android Mode,an almost all golden form he used against Zero,gained after Zero destroyed Rush. Mega tells Auto to take Dr.Light to a hospital,Auto does this without hesitation.

Uno is shocked at Mega Man's power,but continues his assault. Mega Man overpowers him and eventually destroys Him.

Hours later,Mega Man is visiting Dr,Light at the hospital. While he's doing this,Congress passes the 'Machine-on-Man Violence Provention' act and the President signs it with little hesitation. Meanwhile,the U.N. passes a resolution forbiding the creation or repair of Robot Masters and that any existing Robot Master that 'dies',can't be revived.

The President appears on TV talking about The recent 'Man-on-Machine Violence Prevention' Act, Which is set to become law in 2110.
The Zero Era: The Final Conflict (2109 AD): Mega Man (who is now upgraded to look like an adult) and Auto are at the graves of Proto,Roll,and Rhythm,who were buried in Light's yard,talk about the future and the Anti-Android law. Dr.Light died of a heart virus a month ago.

Mega Man and Auto go inside to watch TV to get their mind off of their strife. On TV,they see protest rallys for and against the Anti-Android law. Meanwhile,Deep inside Dr.Wily's hidden base,Dr.Wily's computer activates and tells his "children" that they are complete and to awaken. 4 Androids awaken from stasis. They are: Omega Wily Number 002 - Dos,a short yellow and red armored android. Omega Wily Number 003 - Tres,a big chested prettyboy android in green armor. Omega Wily Number 004 - Quatro,a big muscular brute of an android in dark purple armor. And finally,Omega Wily Number 005 - Cinca,a crimson armored female and leader of the 4.

Digi-Wily gives them all a peptalk and sends them on their mission to destroy and kill. Duo,who's on vacation,sences the evil energies of the Omega series and heads to earth to warn Mega Man.

The Omega Wily Androids cause destruction and death throught the country. Mega Man and Auto see the carnage on TV. Duo arrives and the 3 heroes discuss a stratagy. Mega Man reveals the existence of Xavier (X) to Duo and plans on using him to help them against the a trump card.

He activates Xavier and tells him of the situation. Xavier agrees to help. Mega Man decides to have the fight in a secluded location and lure the Omega's to them by powering up from said location.

The heroes head to a deserted wasteland and power up. Sencing the heroes,The Omega's head to them. Once arrived,introductions. Cinca and Co. notice X and talks about how he has a strength similar to their own.

Cinca traps X in an unbreakable force field,so that she can save him for later. Cinca decides to let her Brothers to do the work and watches from the sidelines. The battle begins and Mega Man and Duo (mainly mega) outclass the Male Omega's. Cinca commands her Brothers to initiate their "Kuro Modes". The Men do just that,followed by Cinco herself.

Mega Man Shadow's "Ghost" arrives to watch the fight and stays hidden.

Mega is glad to see the Omega's upping their game,as he hates weak opponents. Mega Man transfirms into his "Golden Super Android Mode". Mega Man and Duo eventually defeat the Omega's in their Black Armor. However,the Wily siblings aren't finished yet. The quartet transform once again,this time into forms similar to Uno's final form. They each have an Andro-Mutation chip.

Mega and Duo have a tougher time,but eventually destroy Dos,Tres,and Quatro. It's Cinca's turn now and she prooves to be much tougher than her brothers. She fights in normal form,before going 'Kuro' and then 'Andro-Mutant'. Cinca reveals that she has an extra form,a form that will turn the tide of this battle quickly.

Cinca transforms again,this time into the more goddess-like,"Awakened Mode". Cinca critically injers Duo and gives Mega Man an extremely tough fight. Mega is outclassed. Xavier watches in horror as his brother is getting mangled.

Unable to stand it any longer,An emotional Xavier busts out of the force field,to the shock of everyone. With anger and sadness,Xavier screams at Cinca to leave his Brother Alone. He powers up and fires his X-Buster at Cinca,destroying her in a single blast.

Xavier faints. Mega and Duo are just amazed at his power. Meanwhile,the Wily Computer sences the death of the Omega series and is really distrought.

Hours later at Light's lab,After Xavier is put back in stasis and Auto repaires the heroes,Mega and Auto say their good-byes to Duo before he flies off into space.

After Duo leaves,Mega Man decides to go into stasis himself,since the Anti-Android law forbids him from doing anything...he can't even visit Dr.Light at the cemetary. He wasn't even allowed to attend Light's funeral.
The Anti-Android Era: Xavier Light,The Future (2109 AD):

Before he passed,Dr.Thomas Light created a bunch of capsules containing special armor for X and holographic versions of himself explaining the capsule and it's contents. He also created a special message for those who would discover X in the future.

A few days Later,inside Dr.Light's hidden bunker,Xavier is awoken from stasis once again by Mega Man. The 2 brothers have a chat about the future. Mega Man talks about Xavier's power and hopes that they can have a fight oneday,once Xavier has the fighting experience.

After the chat,Xavier goes back into stasis and Mega Man leaves to do the same.

Note: The reason why Dr.Wily's Omega Series (001-005) seem weaker than Zero (their
prototype) is because of a couple of factors: 1- Mega Man never used the full extent of his Super Android Powers during his fight with Zero,as he feared that the,then just acquired,ability might destroy him if he used maximum power (due to overload),so he dialed it down. Once he was upgraded to accommodate his Super Android Powers,Mega Man was able to use them to their fullest extent,without fear of overloading and getting destroyed by the power he possessed. Mega Man also trains,so when Uno attacked,Mega Man was fully prepared.

Reason 2: Dr.Wily awoken the Omegas Too Early! They were activated at about 30 - 50% of their power.

And Reason 3: They didn't have time to train and master their powers,Wily sent them to destroy and kill as soon as they awakened.

Without these factors,Each of the 5 Omega's would've been even stronger than Mega Man.
The Anti-Android Era: The Return Of Original RS (2109):

While in stasis,Mega Man's conciousness is invaded by a malevolent spirit....the "Ghost" of The Original Ruby-Spears Mega Man,now known as Mega Man Shadow,who wants to take over Mega's body,so that he can terrorise and destroy the Mega Man Multiverse.

Mega Shadow reveals how he barely survived the erasure of his Old Universe: He quickly exeted his Original Body and "Possessed" His Dr.Light's Multiverse Travel Machine. He made his escape in the machine with only 5 seconds to spare. He was then trapped in the Realm Between Unicerses,where he was stuck for years thanks to the Machine breaking down.

He was able to fix it though,but just long enough to exit the Realm and crashland on Earth. After the backstory,,the 2 battle inside Mega's mind,where Mega eventually defeats him. During the battle,Mega learns of Super Android 2,and intends on reaching that level as soon as he awakens from stasis. 

Continued In Mega Man X RS!!

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