Meanwhile in a pocket dimention called "The Realm Between Universes",a mysterious Machine appears and is stranded. The machine appears to be alive and tries to escape,but fails every time.
The Wily Era: The 3rd Uprising(20XX AD): Back on Earth,Under the influence of Dr.Wily,Dr.Cossack assaults Light Labs. Mega Man and Roll head to the lab to stop the attack,They Succeed,but are shocked to find out that Dr.Cossack is behind it. In a worldwide broadcast,Cossack lies to the world by saying that he is starting an uprising for fun. He then lies about Reprogramming Dr.Wily's robots for his own use.
The Light's receive a message from Kalinka Cossack afterward begging them not to hurt her father and pleads for his case. Mega Man promises to find out whats really up.
Dr..Cossack unleashes Dr.Wily's 3rd Team (sparkman,snakeman,needleman,hardman,topman,geminiman,magnetman,shadowman) and 7th Team (springman,freezeman,slashman,burstman,junkman,turboman,cloudman,shademan) upon the world. Mega Man goes after the 3rd team,Roll goes after the 7th team.
While the heroes are busy,Dr.Cossack helps Wily build Gamma.
The siblings defeat all 16 Robot Masters and find out where Dr.Cossack is located. Kalinka contacts the Lights again to plead for her fathers life and his case.
The Light Siblings raid Cossack Labs in Russia. Mega Man and Roll take different routes as usual. Mega Man and Roll each battle 2 Fortress Guardians and then Cossack. In Roll's case,the Dr.Cossack she fights is a robot dummy. Mega Man defeats the Real Dr.Cossack. After his loss,Dr.Cossack regains his senses with a killer headache. Dr.Cossack is back to normal and somehow remembers what he has done. He tells Mega Man about Gamma and Wily. After telling Mega Man to head to Skull Fortress,he faints. Mega Man contacts Roll and informs her of the situation,he than tells her to take Cossack to a hospital..he needs the medical attention. Roll tells Mega tgat she's on her way. Mega Man heads to Skull Fortress to Stop Wily.
Mega Man battles the 16 Robot Masters from this Uprising (both repaired and vengeful) and defeats them. Next he battles Protoman,who tries to reason with..including telling him that he was originally Dr. Light's robot. This has little effect. After defeating Protoman,Mega Man battles Dr.Wily after the fight,Wily tells Mega that he's too late and that Gamma is charged up and ready to go. Wily flees. Mega Man follows. Soon,Mega Man battles Gamma,who's piloted by Dr.Wily.
Mega Man destroys the Giant robot,to the disbelief of Dr.Wily. The Fortress begins exploding and Wily makes his escape. Mega Man tries to catch him,but fails. Mega Man escapes.
1 month later,After recovering,Dr.Cossack is put on trial by the International Court and is found guilty. He is sent to a Max Security Prison in Siberia. As a sign of good faith,Dr.Light posts bail for his fellow scientist. Dr.Cossack thanks The Light's for the help and promises to pay them back. Kalinka thanks Mega Man for not hurting or killing her father.
Mega Man is ready for a a good meal and some rest..before he begins fighting again. After bidding their fiends farewell,The Cossacks head back to Cossack Citidel,their home.
To help combat the threat of future Uprisings,The U.S. government creates a special OPs arm of the American Military made up of Androids and Robots,called The Robo-Guardians. Led by General Stereo and Lt.Mono,his sister. The Leadership of the Robo_Guardians become allies of the Light Family.
Unbeknownst to All,Dr.Wily creates a Space Station,called the Space Skull. He also creates the Skull Station for bonus uprisings.
The Wily Era: The Return of Regal Incident (20XX AD): A group of irregular robots called the Manuvericks appear and cause havoc. Due to their awesome fighting skills and warping abilities,they are unstoppable. They reveal that they were created by Dr.Regal to help him terrorize mankind into submission.
The Manuvericks also bring with them 8 super enhenced variations of Dr.Wily's Robot Masters. They are Quick Man R,Magnet Man R,Top Man R,Ice Man R,Crash Man R,Shadow Man R,Needle Man R,and Guts Man R.
As for the Manuvericks themselves they are: Broadway(the charasmatic leader),Kabuki (an effeminate japanese fighter with kabuki makup),Concert (a sound based robot),Roxy (a female grunge rocker),and Sound (a lion mechanoid and team pet)
Mega Man and Roll and Rush go into action against the Manuvericks and the Robot Masters. Mega takes on 4 and Roll takes on 4. Rush battles the renegade mechanoids under Manuverick control.
After defeating the Robot Masters,Mega Man and Roll are each confronted with 2 of the 4 Manuvericks. Mega Man vs Broadway and Concert. Roll vs Kabuki and Roxy. Rush is forced into a battle with Sound. The Heroes destroy the Manuvericks. Before dying,Broadway reveals that the terror attacks were just a front to keep the Light Bots busy,while Dr.Regal retools and rebuilds the Super Computer,Cyber-Regal.
Dr.Light locates Dr.Regal's new headquarters and sends Mega,Roll,and Rush there. Regal is nearing completion of Cyber-Regal and sends Mega Man R,his evil Mega Man,to battle the Light Bots,who are likely on their way here after destroying his forces.
The Light's battle their way through Regal's base,eventualy meeting up with Saiyan-like Mega Man R. Roll and Rush are sent to confront Regal by Mega,while Mega Man battles his evil counterpart.. Roll confronts and defeats Regal with Rush's help,she tben destroys the incomplete Cyber-Regal. Mega Man defeats and nearly destroys Mega Man R. He then leaves to help Roll. Mega Man arrives at Regal's lair. Regal escapes with plans on returning,he is soon joined by a busted up Mega Man R.
The Light siblings and Rush return home.
A month later,The Light's befriend an android named Bass and his wolfbot Treble,who mysteriously appeared before Dr.Light asking for work.
Meanwhile,Out in Space,Ra-Moon decides that their next conquest will be Earth. He has his diciples hide his sons from the Enforcers and to look after them. The diciples do as they're told. Ra-Moon and the Stardroids head to Earth.
Duo and Sunstar catch wind of Ra-Moon's Plans and secretly follow the Stardroids to Earth.
The Wily Era: Outsiders Uprising (20XX AD): Ra-Moon and the Stardroids arrive on Earth,where they intend on killing the humans and claiming the World. Roll is undergoing upgrades and updates,so it looks like Mega Man is alone. However,Lt.Mono and the Robo Guardians decide to help out. While the rest of the military is on various rescue missions,Lt.Mono decides to aid Mega Man as a Navigator.
Mega Man begins his mission on the Fiji Islands,where forces of RaMoon are creating a base. Mega Man prevents their plans. Suddenly,he is attacked by Terra (who's female in this universe) Mega Man has a tough time defeating her,though he loves the battle challenge.
Suddenly,Terra is beaten back by Duo and Sunstar. The 2 introduce themselves as enemies of Ra-Moon and his Empire.
After,Terra retreats. Mega Man gets a call from Lt.Mono telling him that 8 Advanced Androids called The Stardroid Soldiers have begun their hostile takeover of Earth. Duo and Sunstar offer to help.
After defeating 4 Stardroids,Duo tells the Earth good guys his history with Ra-Moon. After Duo's story,The heroes get back to work. Within his space ship hidden on the Samoan Islands,Ra-Moon is angry that 4 of his Stardroids were destroyed,so he sends Ra-Thor,his Harold to interrupt the Hero's mission.
Throughout the mission,the Heroes are attacked by Ra-Thor. And every time they defeat him.The Trio defeats the remaining 4 Stardoids and,thanks to Lt.Mono,find RaMoon's ship.
The Trio raid Ra-Moon's ship. First they destroy a Weapons Archive housing the Stardroids Weapons. Next, they face and destroy,RaThor. The 3rd foeis Terra,who is destroyed this time. And finally,they face RaMoon. After his first defeat,Ra-Moon transforms and becomes more difficult.
After Ra-Moon's destruction,Duo and Sunstar destroy the ship. Sunstar is pleased that Ra-Moon is dead. Duo and Sunstar thank Mega Man for the help, but that their mission is still ongoing. The 2 space robots bid Mega Man farewell and leave as quickly as they came.
Roll arrives to join the action,but is disappointed whenshe sees that she's too late. Lt.Mono contacts Mega Man asking for a status report. Mega Man tells her everything. Lt.Mono is proud,she's also proud to report that the Robo-Guardians have destroyed the rest of Ra-Moon's forces.
Roll suddenly begins to wonder what Dr.Wily is up to? Mega Man asks how Bass is doing? Roll tells Mega that the new guy is doing great as Dr.Light'sassistant,though he's a bit too eager. She also mentions that Treble is notgetting along with others. Mega Man says that Treble will warm up eventually. The 2 leave for home.
Meanwhile,out in space,Dr.Wily is putting the finishing touches on his Space Station,the Skull Station. However, he needs the final components for his new weapon...components only accessible to the U.S. Military and General Stereo. He also finds out about the Robo-guardians intent to over-police mankind,thus making them unpopular. Wily,who hates the Guardians,gets an evil idea. He calls in Doc Robot and tells him that it's time to start the 4th Uprising...and it shall be a big one. Wily laughs evily.
Meanwhile,under Lt.Mono's orders,the Robo-Guardians continue to act like overzealous police. Lt. Mono decided that Humans are too stupid and weak to rule themselves anymore and that the Guardians need to supervise them. Gen. Stereo disagrees with his sister,but is kinda afraid of her to do anything.
Dr. Light creates a new Lab Assistant,Auto.
The Wily Era: The Final Regal Incident (20XX AD): A nasty group of Robots are commiting horrible acts in the name of The Robo Guardians. The bots posing as Robo Guardians are: Bombest Mook,Fan Guy,Sparky Mark,Kasterpolix,Ton Fun,Flashpoint,Serpentor and Launcho.
The Robo-Guardians deny that they have anyone with those names enlisted,but with the Robo-Guardian's reputation damaged by their will to over police mankind, most of the public refuses to believe.
Roll senses somethings up and goes to investigate. Mega Man is too busy training to care and believes everything will be find in the end. He also believes in the battle abilities of the Guardians. After locating 4 of the pretenders together in one spot,Roll and Rush leave to fight them.
Meanwhile,at his base in Latvaria,Dr.Regal is in the prosess of reconstructing Cyber-Regal,this time in a robotic body.
Roll confronts 4 of the pretenders,Bombest Mook,Fan Guy,Sparky Mark,and Launcho. After getting beat by Roll single handedly,The pretenders reveal their true colors: Redesigned and Enhenced version's of Wily's Robot Masters made by Dr.Regal. Bombest Mook is really Bomb Man R,Fan Guy is really Air Man R,Sparky Mark is Spark Man R,and Launcho is Launcher Man (a missile launcher robot master),the lone Regal original.
Meanwhile,Mega Man has decided to join the fight and runs into the other 4 pretenders,who turn out to be More Super Enhenced Robot Masters. Kasterpolix is Gemini Man R,Flashpoint is Flash Man R, Ton Fun is Hard Man R,and Serpentor is Snake Man R.
It's revealed that Regal hated the Robo Guardians and sent them to finish off their reputation. The Blue Bomber is annoyed at such a petty grudge.
The Lights destroy the Robot Masters and leave home to rest before heading to Regal's. Dr.Cossack calls and gives the Light's some backstory on Regal. Dr. Victor Regal was an ex collegue of and old acedemic rival of Dr.Cossack. Regal believes that Hunankind wasn't worthy of anything and that their robots needed to be controlled by him. Regal was crazy and because of his mental instability,was kicked out of the Robotics University where he and Cossack attended.
The Light's raid Regal's base. Roll decides to find the main generator and destroy it,while Mega Man finds Dr.Regal. Mega Man battles a new and improved Mega Man R and then Regal Himself. After his loss,Regal reveals that he has rebuilt Cyber-Regal and has put it in an Android body. The Android enters. While bragging about how awesome the new and improved Cyber Regal is,Regal is killed by is own creation,who intends on ruling the earth himself.
Roll finds the generator and destroys it activating a countdown to the bases destruction. Mega Man battles and destroys Cyber-Regal. The base is about to blow. Mega Man escapes after getting the message from Roll.
The Light's watch as Regal base is blown to pieces.
The Wily Era: The 4th Uprising(20XX AD): 1 Month later,Gen.Stereo and 5 of his greatest Generals (frostman,grenademan,aquaman,searchman,and swordman) are on a mission to retrieve the remains of RaMoon's ship.However,Dr.Wily's General,Doc Robot, ambushes and reprograms them to follow Dr.Wily. He orders them to secretly start an Uprising by Occupying parts of the world. The then tells General Stereo to await for further instructions. The Robots do as they are told. He then tells Wily's 3 Member 8th Team(tenguman,clownman,and astroman) to go with them.Dr.Wily sends Doc Robot to kidnap Kalinka Cossack and his 4th Team (pharohman,toadman,drillman,dustman,brightman,skullman,diveman,and,ringman) to each destroy a terratory.
With 2 Uprisings going on,Mega Man and Roll will have to be on seperate missions. And while the Good Guys are busy,Dr.Wily will beable to work uninterrupted. 1 Week Later,While training,Mega Man and Roll get a distress signal coming from an Artificial Island,called Sea Metropolis. Rouge Robots,some looking like members of The Robo-Guardians. Mega Man and Roll head for Sea Metropolis to save it's people. Once there,the Island is on the verge of collapses. The Light Siblings split up to cover more ground. While Roll just battles a generic Dragon,Mega Man battles a Dinosaur Mechanoid ridden by a low-ranked member of The Robo Guardians.
After destroying the Dino Rider,Mega Man is confronted by Lt.Mono. Mono blasts Mega Man for interfering in a mission that the Robo-Guardians had under control..until he got here. She then blames him and his Sister's actions for escalating the violence and destruction that damned the Island. The 2 have a small argument. Lt.Mono warns Mega never to intervene with the Robo-Guardians again. The 2 Escape the Island,which explodes and sinks into the sea.Roll escapes the island a well.
Once back at Dr.Light's lab,The 2 find out that while they were gone,The Robo-Guardian Generals and the 3 Wilybots,who infiltrated their ranks, have occupied territories all over the World and wants to know what's up? Soon after,Another crisis emerges,Wily's 4th Team is terrorizing the world.
Suddenly,Doc Robot Broadcasts to the World that He is leading this assault and as a Bonus,has Kidnapped Kalinka Cossack as a tool to keep the military at bay. However,he invites Roll to try her luck. Mega Man and Roll now have missions. Mega Man's is to Investigate the Robo-Guardians,while Roll must save the World and Kalinka Cossack. Bass volunteers to be Roll's Navigator,while Auto acts as Mega Man's.And so the 2 head off on their Missions.
After defeating 4 Robot Masters,Mega Man gets a call from the Secretary of Defense telling him that General Stereo is at the US Weapons and Component Storage center and is acting strangely and asking for access to Top Secret components. Mega Man leaves to check it out.Meanwhile,after Roll defeats 4 Robot Master,she gets challenged by Doc Robot,who she beats.Once at the facility,Mega Man confronts the General and gets no answer from him. Lt.Mono arrives and confronts Mega Man on his interference.
She is also angry that Mega Man killed 4 of their Generals. Lt.Mono tells Mega that The Robo-Guardians always do whats best for the world and that Humans need to be controlled by Robots and Androids. Mega disagrees. Mono blasts the Guards with a stun blast,allowing her brother to get what he needs. Mega Man and Lt.Mono battle,while General Stereo retrieves the components. The General leaves with the components and Mono follows. Before leaving Mono tells Mega Man that she Will kill him if he interferes again.
Mega and Roll destroy the rest of the Robot Masters. After,Bass finds where Doc Robot is,Roll heads straight for Wily's Skull Base to rescue Kalinka Cossack from Doc Robot. Meanwhile,the U.N. Secretary General is way past concerned about the Robo-Guardians as of late and ask Mega Man to destroy them.Mega Man leaves for Robo-Guardian HQ to do just that. While all this is going on,Bass and Treble decide to help around Light Lab's DC chapter,which houses some of The Doctor's most top secret plans. Roll invades Skull Base and defeats 3 generic Guardians. She then battles Doc Robot,who has assimilated the abilities of Wily's 4th Team. After destroying Doc Robot,Roll Rescues Kalinka.The 2 leave for Light's lab to rest.
Meanwhile,Mega Man storms the RG Base and defeats a generic guardian before facing off against General Stereo and Lt. Mono themselves. Mega Man defeats tgem,and while Mono is dead,Stereo is barely alive and has regained his original programming. He tells Mega Man about Dr.Wily's scheme to use the parts his gave him for a huge laser on his Space Station. Mega Man offers to take General Stereo to Light's lab for repairs. but the General refuses,saying that he must pay for his stupidity and must die in peace. Mega Man reluctantly agrees and heads back to Light's Lab for rest and a spacepod.
As Mega Man is traveling into space,Bass is busy at Light's DC Labs.After being contacted by Dr.Wily telling him that "it's time",Bass is relieved and reveals his true Colors:A Wily Robot meant for destruction.
After defeating 4 Robot Masters,Mega Man gets a call from the Secretary of Defense telling him that General Stereo is at the US Weapons and Component Storage center and is acting strangely and asking for access to Top Secret components. Mega Man leaves to check it out.Meanwhile,after Roll defeats 4 Robot Master,she gets challenged by Doc Robot,who she beats.Once at the facility,Mega Man confronts the General and gets no answer from him. Lt.Mono arrives and confronts Mega Man on his interference.
She is also angry that Mega Man killed 4 of their Generals. Lt.Mono tells Mega that The Robo-Guardians always do whats best for the world and that Humans need to be controlled by Robots and Androids. Mega disagrees. Mono blasts the Guards with a stun blast,allowing her brother to get what he needs. Mega Man and Lt.Mono battle,while General Stereo retrieves the components. The General leaves with the components and Mono follows. Before leaving Mono tells Mega Man that she Will kill him if he interferes again.
Mega and Roll destroy the rest of the Robot Masters. After,Bass finds where Doc Robot is,Roll heads straight for Wily's Skull Base to rescue Kalinka Cossack from Doc Robot. Meanwhile,the U.N. Secretary General is way past concerned about the Robo-Guardians as of late and ask Mega Man to destroy them.Mega Man leaves for Robo-Guardian HQ to do just that. While all this is going on,Bass and Treble decide to help around Light Lab's DC chapter,which houses some of The Doctor's most top secret plans. Roll invades Skull Base and defeats 3 generic Guardians. She then battles Doc Robot,who has assimilated the abilities of Wily's 4th Team. After destroying Doc Robot,Roll Rescues Kalinka.The 2 leave for Light's lab to rest.
Meanwhile,Mega Man storms the RG Base and defeats a generic guardian before facing off against General Stereo and Lt. Mono themselves. Mega Man defeats tgem,and while Mono is dead,Stereo is barely alive and has regained his original programming. He tells Mega Man about Dr.Wily's scheme to use the parts his gave him for a huge laser on his Space Station. Mega Man offers to take General Stereo to Light's lab for repairs. but the General refuses,saying that he must pay for his stupidity and must die in peace. Mega Man reluctantly agrees and heads back to Light's Lab for rest and a spacepod.
As Mega Man is traveling into space,Bass is busy at Light's DC Labs.After being contacted by Dr.Wily telling him that "it's time",Bass is relieved and reveals his true Colors:A Wily Robot meant for destruction.
After he and Treble kill the workers,they steal Dr.Light's secret plans and blowup the lab. Bass promises to make Mega Man suffer,before destroying him. Bass and Treble summon a space pod from Wily Base and fly off into space,with the plans in tow.
When Mega Man enters Wily's Skull Station,his 1st foe is a generic guardian. Mega's next foe is Bass,who reveals that he was a Mole from the begining. After defeating Bass,Mega decides to spare Bass because he had fun during their fight and wants to fight him again.
After giving Bass a spare Energy Can,Mega Man moves on to fight Protoman,who after defeat,reveals that Dr.Wily is building a Mega Protocol Disruptor Cannon to use against Earth from this space station. And that this new weapon has the ability to brainwash every Man,Woman,Child and Robot on the Planet to obey the Mad Doctor.
Mega Man rushes to confront Wily..after he defeats the rebuilt Robot Masters (the 5 robo-guardian generals and the 3 8th team members).Mega Man confronts Wily,who is angry at Protoman for spoiling his surprise weapon. When asked,Wily reveals the True origin of Protoman. Unknown to the 2 arch foes,Protoman was listening.
Mega Man defeats Dr.Wily,in a very tough battle. A battle that satisfied the Blue Bombers thurst for a challenging battle.Suddenly,the Station is set go self destruct. It's General Stereo,who followed Mega Man secretly and has just activated the Station's self destruct mechanic.Mega Man and Wily each escape as the Station explodes,taking the General with it.On his way back to Earth,Mega Man gets a call from Roll at Home,telling him that Her mission was a complete success. Mega Man talks to Roll about Protoman and tells her what Wily told him. Roll doesn't believe it. Mega wonders what it would be like if Proto Was on his side..for real.
1 week later,as a special gift,Dr.Cossack gives Dr.Light blueprints for a Bird robot called Beat.The Robo-Guardians are officially decommissioned. Vocal, A Navigator for the group starts her own Organization of Android Supremacy called The Android Supremacy League..the group starts off horribly.
The Wily Era:The Roboforce Incident (20XX AD): Dr.Light creates a prototype Digital dome generator that creates a dome that allows digital beings to exist along side mankind within the confinds of the dome.
The great Doctor is showcasing his Dome generator to the public. Meanwhile,in an underground bunker,a mysterious cloaked man is meeting with robots and robot masters,who are what's left of the Robo Guardians. He preaches about the imoerfections of humanity and that the only way to improve the world is to force change by way of violent uprising. everone cheers. The man names the resurrected Robo Guardians,Roboforce. The man then introduces the new commanding officers of Roboforce,Colonel Radio and Assistant Akurock (who looks very familiar). He also mentions that there will be 8 Sargaent who will lead the raids.
The Roboforce begin their attack on the world using millitary might. The targeted countries are: Austrailia (lead by sgt. funtimes),Egypt (run by sgt. blade),Brazil (led by sgt.soaker),Japan(lead by sgt.youma),Canada(lead by sgt.kaboom),India(lead by sgt.radar),Russia (lead by sgt igloo),and Spain (lead by sgt.cosmos). The Light siblings head off to stop this,each taking 4 armies.
After defeating the armies,Rock and Roll confront the Sargaents. Once confronted each Sargaent is reveal themselves to be super enhenced versions of Dr.Wily's 8th Team. Sgt.Funtimes is Clown Man R,Sgt.Blade is Sword Man R,Sgt.Soaker is Aqua Man R,Sgt.Youma is Tengu Man R,Sgt.Kaboom is Grenade Man R,Sgt.Radar is Search Man R(a single headed bot,btw),Sgt.Igloo is Frost Man R,and Sgt.Cosmos is Astro Man R.
After destroying the Sargaents,the Light's head home for a rest,while the global millitary can handle the remains of the Roboforce armies. Unpleased by the fall of his Uprising,the Mysterious Man sends Colonel Radio to despose of the Light siblings,and while thats happening,He'll put plan B into effect.
The Colonel challenges Mega Man and Roll to a battle,if they win,he'll reveal the location of the Roboforces hidden base. The Light siblings defeat Colonel Radio,who reveals that he was a loyal Robo-Guardian Commander,who loved his Organization and it's mission.
When Mega Man enters Wily's Skull Station,his 1st foe is a generic guardian. Mega's next foe is Bass,who reveals that he was a Mole from the begining. After defeating Bass,Mega decides to spare Bass because he had fun during their fight and wants to fight him again.
After giving Bass a spare Energy Can,Mega Man moves on to fight Protoman,who after defeat,reveals that Dr.Wily is building a Mega Protocol Disruptor Cannon to use against Earth from this space station. And that this new weapon has the ability to brainwash every Man,Woman,Child and Robot on the Planet to obey the Mad Doctor.
Mega Man rushes to confront Wily..after he defeats the rebuilt Robot Masters (the 5 robo-guardian generals and the 3 8th team members).Mega Man confronts Wily,who is angry at Protoman for spoiling his surprise weapon. When asked,Wily reveals the True origin of Protoman. Unknown to the 2 arch foes,Protoman was listening.
Mega Man defeats Dr.Wily,in a very tough battle. A battle that satisfied the Blue Bombers thurst for a challenging battle.Suddenly,the Station is set go self destruct. It's General Stereo,who followed Mega Man secretly and has just activated the Station's self destruct mechanic.Mega Man and Wily each escape as the Station explodes,taking the General with it.On his way back to Earth,Mega Man gets a call from Roll at Home,telling him that Her mission was a complete success. Mega Man talks to Roll about Protoman and tells her what Wily told him. Roll doesn't believe it. Mega wonders what it would be like if Proto Was on his side..for real.
1 week later,as a special gift,Dr.Cossack gives Dr.Light blueprints for a Bird robot called Beat.The Robo-Guardians are officially decommissioned. Vocal, A Navigator for the group starts her own Organization of Android Supremacy called The Android Supremacy League..the group starts off horribly.
The Wily Era:The Roboforce Incident (20XX AD): Dr.Light creates a prototype Digital dome generator that creates a dome that allows digital beings to exist along side mankind within the confinds of the dome.
The great Doctor is showcasing his Dome generator to the public. Meanwhile,in an underground bunker,a mysterious cloaked man is meeting with robots and robot masters,who are what's left of the Robo Guardians. He preaches about the imoerfections of humanity and that the only way to improve the world is to force change by way of violent uprising. everone cheers. The man names the resurrected Robo Guardians,Roboforce. The man then introduces the new commanding officers of Roboforce,Colonel Radio and Assistant Akurock (who looks very familiar). He also mentions that there will be 8 Sargaent who will lead the raids.
The Roboforce begin their attack on the world using millitary might. The targeted countries are: Austrailia (lead by sgt. funtimes),Egypt (run by sgt. blade),Brazil (led by sgt.soaker),Japan(lead by sgt.youma),Canada(lead by sgt.kaboom),India(lead by sgt.radar),Russia (lead by sgt igloo),and Spain (lead by sgt.cosmos). The Light siblings head off to stop this,each taking 4 armies.
After defeating the armies,Rock and Roll confront the Sargaents. Once confronted each Sargaent is reveal themselves to be super enhenced versions of Dr.Wily's 8th Team. Sgt.Funtimes is Clown Man R,Sgt.Blade is Sword Man R,Sgt.Soaker is Aqua Man R,Sgt.Youma is Tengu Man R,Sgt.Kaboom is Grenade Man R,Sgt.Radar is Search Man R(a single headed bot,btw),Sgt.Igloo is Frost Man R,and Sgt.Cosmos is Astro Man R.
After destroying the Sargaents,the Light's head home for a rest,while the global millitary can handle the remains of the Roboforce armies. Unpleased by the fall of his Uprising,the Mysterious Man sends Colonel Radio to despose of the Light siblings,and while thats happening,He'll put plan B into effect.
The Colonel challenges Mega Man and Roll to a battle,if they win,he'll reveal the location of the Roboforces hidden base. The Light siblings defeat Colonel Radio,who reveals that he was a loyal Robo-Guardian Commander,who loved his Organization and it's mission.
He joined Roboforce to get revenge on Mega Man for destroying The Robo-Guardians. Before dying,Radio tells the Light's what they want to know. The Siblings head back to the lab to prepare,but when they return,they find Dr.Light missing and a note from a kidnapper,who happens to be the mysterious man behind Roboforce. The Light's race to rescue. They also find Auto and the pets trashed.
The Mysterious Man transmits a world wide televised broadcast treatening the world and telling them that the good Dr.Light is in his posession and will kill him if the leaders of the world refuse to hand over power to him. The Mystery Man reveals himself to be cyborg form. He gives the world 24 hours.
The Siblings rush to The Dr.Regals underground base. They destroy his robots and then go face to face against Assistant Akurock,who turns out to be Mega Man RX,a super enhenced version of Mega Man R. Roll is taken out,and Mega Man destroys RX for it.
Roll is down and out. Mega activates Rolls auto teleport system in her utility arm to send her back to the lab. He then heads to Regal's lair,where he finds Dr.Light and Dr.Regal waiting for him. Regal tells the tale of how he survived the last encounter. He escaped his exploding base with only seconds to spare. Regal himself was damaged goods,but Colonel Radio found him and saved him from death by turning him into a cyborg. In return for that,Regal agreed to revive the Robo Guardians.
After diologe,Mega Man Battles and destroys Dr.Regal. Mega saves Dr.Light and they head home.
The World's millitary take care of whats left of Roboforce and after being told where Regal's underground base is,they destroy that too.
Dr.Light repairs Roll and Auto and the Pets. They talk about The potential Regal had and how he just wasted it on being evil.
Unbeknownst to the heroes,Dr.Regal had survived and had teleported to his underground lab.
The Wily Era: Uprising Z (20XX AD): Dr.Wily is Extremely busy on the Moon working on his Moon Base,the Luna Skull. To keep the Heroes occupied,Wily sends his latest creations,The Zed Team,to Earth to combat the Light Siblings and cause massive damage to the planet.The Light Siblings spring into action with their new buddy,Beat.
After defeating 3 of the 6 Zed Team members,Mega Man and Roll start to wonder what Dr.Wily is up to and where he is now? They decide to worry about him later and just focus on his Zed Team.After Mega Man and Roll destroy the remaining 3 Zed Team Members,They find out about an abandoned Wily lab that has been recently reactivated. He tells them to go to the lab and shut it down.
Meanwhile,behind everyone's back,Dr.Wily's Robots are hiding Super Nuclear Bombs deep within different parts of the world. These super devastating explosives were made by Wily using the components he received from General Stereo.
The Light siblings raid the lab,destroy the 4 guardians,and then the lab itself. As the The Light siblings watch the lab explode,they thank Beat for his help and talk more about Wily.When he hears about this,Wily is annoyed,but not angry. Because his Luna Skull moon base is near completion and that he's almost ready to begin the 5th Uprising...the uprising that will Finally make him Ruler. Protoman is uneasy about Wily's new plan.
Dr.Cossack creates a robotic Cat named Tango and gives it to the Light Family as a gift.Dr. Wily is visited by a mysterious (bald and tall)Android from the future. To help him destroy Mega Man,the Mystery guy,gives the Psycho Scientist parts,plans,and an energy source from his own time.
The Mysterious Man transmits a world wide televised broadcast treatening the world and telling them that the good Dr.Light is in his posession and will kill him if the leaders of the world refuse to hand over power to him. The Mystery Man reveals himself to be cyborg form. He gives the world 24 hours.
The Siblings rush to The Dr.Regals underground base. They destroy his robots and then go face to face against Assistant Akurock,who turns out to be Mega Man RX,a super enhenced version of Mega Man R. Roll is taken out,and Mega Man destroys RX for it.
Roll is down and out. Mega activates Rolls auto teleport system in her utility arm to send her back to the lab. He then heads to Regal's lair,where he finds Dr.Light and Dr.Regal waiting for him. Regal tells the tale of how he survived the last encounter. He escaped his exploding base with only seconds to spare. Regal himself was damaged goods,but Colonel Radio found him and saved him from death by turning him into a cyborg. In return for that,Regal agreed to revive the Robo Guardians.
After diologe,Mega Man Battles and destroys Dr.Regal. Mega saves Dr.Light and they head home.
The World's millitary take care of whats left of Roboforce and after being told where Regal's underground base is,they destroy that too.
Dr.Light repairs Roll and Auto and the Pets. They talk about The potential Regal had and how he just wasted it on being evil.
Unbeknownst to the heroes,Dr.Regal had survived and had teleported to his underground lab.
The Wily Era: Uprising Z (20XX AD): Dr.Wily is Extremely busy on the Moon working on his Moon Base,the Luna Skull. To keep the Heroes occupied,Wily sends his latest creations,The Zed Team,to Earth to combat the Light Siblings and cause massive damage to the planet.The Light Siblings spring into action with their new buddy,Beat.
After defeating 3 of the 6 Zed Team members,Mega Man and Roll start to wonder what Dr.Wily is up to and where he is now? They decide to worry about him later and just focus on his Zed Team.After Mega Man and Roll destroy the remaining 3 Zed Team Members,They find out about an abandoned Wily lab that has been recently reactivated. He tells them to go to the lab and shut it down.
Meanwhile,behind everyone's back,Dr.Wily's Robots are hiding Super Nuclear Bombs deep within different parts of the world. These super devastating explosives were made by Wily using the components he received from General Stereo.
The Light siblings raid the lab,destroy the 4 guardians,and then the lab itself. As the The Light siblings watch the lab explode,they thank Beat for his help and talk more about Wily.When he hears about this,Wily is annoyed,but not angry. Because his Luna Skull moon base is near completion and that he's almost ready to begin the 5th Uprising...the uprising that will Finally make him Ruler. Protoman is uneasy about Wily's new plan.
Dr.Cossack creates a robotic Cat named Tango and gives it to the Light Family as a gift.Dr. Wily is visited by a mysterious (bald and tall)Android from the future. To help him destroy Mega Man,the Mystery guy,gives the Psycho Scientist parts,plans,and an energy source from his own time.
Dr.Light creates Brain Bot as a special commission for Tech Firm. Roll begins to resent her Brother's "Battlelust".
To Be Continued..,
To Be Continued..,
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