Thursday, May 18, 2017

Mighty Morphin' Power Interviews Part 2

Almost a year ago,I was allowed into the Power Rangers Command Center to interview the Power Rangers themselves. Today,I asked for another interview...and I got it. The stipulations were the same as before,that this interview be kept secret. And,like last time,I will honor that promise. On a related note,I became friends with the Rangers sometime after the previous interview.

And Now....
Time: Mid-Season 2
Place: The Command Center

Q - Thanks for having me back,guys. So What's Happened Since The Last Time.

Billy - I'll go first. After many failures,Rita Repulsa was ousted by Lord Zedd,her master. Zedd's brought along his own brand of well as his Z-Putties,which were as strong as Rita's Super Putties. Anyway,our Zords were too weak to fight Zedd,so Zordon and Alpha upgraded them into Thunderzords. Unfortunately,Tommy's Dragonzord wasn't able to be upgraded,due to his failing powers.

Tommy (the White Ranger) - I also lost my Green Ranger powers again...this time for good. However,I got new powers,as well as a new Zord. I'm the White Ranger now and I control the White Tiger Zord. Also,Zordon chose me to be the new Leader of the Power Rangers. Jason didn't mind,though.

Kimberly - Soon after that,Jason,Trini,and Zack were chosen to represent the United States at the Global Peace Conference. With the 3 of them going,we needed replacement Rangers. Sometime before,we met 3 exchange students from Stone Canyon: Rocky,Aisha,and Adam. We became fast friends soon after.

Billy - The 3 found out our identities by force. Rocky,Adam,and Aisha were kidnapped by Goldar and were being held in a cave. So Tommy,Kim,and Myself went to rescue them. Due to a snake bite,my breathing was weak,so we had to remove my helmet,exposing my identity to our new friends. Soon after,Tommy and Kimberly exposed their identities.

Tommy - In order for the safe transfer of power,we needed the Sword of Light,which was on an Abandoned Planet. Long story short: We got the Sword,chose Rocky Adam,and Aisha as the Ranger replacements,and used the Sword to give them copies of the Red,Black,and Yellow Powers respectively.

Kimberly - But things would get worse over time. Rita Repulsa returned,created a love potion and gave it to Zedd. Now the 2 are married and have been giving us major headaches ever since.

Q - Why Make Tommy The Leader?

Zordon - Jason was undergoing some minor stress as the Leader of the Rangers,so I figured it would be best to create a New Ranger who would lead the team and take the edge off of Jason. I chose Tommy. In fact,the White Ranger Powers were designed with Tommy in mind.

Tommy - The White Ranger Powers are much more powerful than the Green Ranger Powers. As for being the Leader,I'm doing my best. I wanna make Jason proud.

Q - Who Is Lord Zedd?

Zordon - My Longtime Rival From Eltar. Lord Zedd and I were enemies and rivals since childhood. He was extremely gifted at dark magic and,like myself,could tap into the Morphing Grid. I will admit,back then,Zedd would defeat me in all of our encounters,he was considered the Most Powerful Man in the Universe. One day,during one of our battles,Zedd fell into a pit of magma and burned his body. Now any other person would've died,but Zedd survived and was turned into the Cyborg menace we know of today.

Q - What Additions Have You Made To The Command Center?

Billy - Only 1. The Teleportation System. It has been re-calibrated to allow us to travel to other Planets in the Galaxy. We also have completed the Power Satellites and sent them across the Galaxy itself. So now we can check up on what happens on other Worlds.

Kimberly - That's gonna be so cool.

Q - So,Rocky,Adam,Aisha,What Was It Like Being Rangers For The First Time?

Aisha - It felt weird at first,but we eventually got used to to our Ranger forms..and we loved it. These powers are amazing.

Adam - Learning how to be a Ranger wasn't that difficult...especially for me. I guess it's due to all those years of Martial Arts training.

Rocky - Being a Ranger is cool. Love the costumes. Jumping high and far is also awesome.

Adam - Teleporting was definantly a weird experience.

Aisha - Though,ya gotta admit,Adam,it's kinda handy.

Rocky - Yeah,especially when you gotta get somewhere in a hurry.

Q - What Happened To Titanus and DragonZord?

Tommy - Well,since the Dragon Power Coin is now completely powerless,the DragonZord is forever inoperative. Still sleeping at the bottom of Angel Grove Bay. As for Titanus,he's been converted into a Thunderzord. He's now Tor the ShuttleZord.

Billy - The Thunderzords are occupying the holding bays of the DinoZords. Tor is occupying Titanus' bay,and the White Tiger Zord is resting in a cave underneath the Command Center.

Q - Has Anyone Else Found This Place Yet?

Kimberly - Thankfully,no.  At least,not to our knowledge.

Alpha - There have been Hikers and some Archaeologists who managed find the Command Center,but we wiped their memories and teleported them away.

Rocky - Zordon should really consider adding some sort of cloaking mode for this place. Make it tougher to find.

Adam - That would be wise. You can't keep erasing the memories of people who find this place. It's kinda unethical.

Q - How Exactly Did You Get Trapped In That Time Warp Anyway,Zordon?

Zordon - It was 10,000 Years Ago,Both Rita Repulsa and Myself were locked in great battle on Planet Nemesis,the 10th planet of our Solar System. I eventually defeated her. Being the sore loser that She is,Rita ripped open a portal to what's called the "Realm Between Time",where I would be trapped seemingly forever. Before I was completely sucked into the vortex,I created a Space Dumpster,where I sealed both Rita and her minions away. Scorpina was the only one who escaped. She fled back to her home planet,Lamie 7.

Q - What Are The Abilities of The White Ranger?

Tommy - The same as the rest,except my powers are greater in terms of attributes. My main weapon is Saba,an enchanted Saber. Saba was kinda annoying at first,constantly telling me stuff I already knew,but he's chilled out since then. My special attack is called the Saba Slash,where I use Saba to create an energy wave by slashing. My Tiger Shield/Armor is stronger than the Green Ranger's,though it doesn't have the ability to reflect energy blasts.

Q - What Is Serpentera?

Tommy - It's Lord Zedd's Huge Zord. It's so huge,it completely towers over our Zords. It has extremely powerful attacks,and on top of that,It's also extremely tough.

Kimberly - Remember when we told you that there were no casualties in the monster attacks? Well,that streak ended with Serpentera. It attacked with such blinding speed,the people in the area had no chance to escape in time. Thousands had died that day. And what's worse,we couldn't even touch it,it was just so powerful. We all cried for days,not just for the current victims,but for any future victims of that awful thing.

Billy - Our only saving grace against Serpentera,was it's design flaw,it's attacks use up energy,the stronger the attack,the more energy it uses. Thus it runs out of energy quickly.

Zordon - Like with Cyclopsis,Serpentera was created by Zedd himself. He modeled it after Earth Great Dragon God.

Suddenly,the alarm went off.

Tommy - Looks like we've got work to do.

The Team and Myself looked at the Viewing Globe,where a Tombstone Monster,a J-Biker Monster,and a Female Telephone Monster are causing trouble in Angel Grove Park.

Thanks Again For The Interview Guys. And Best Of Luck With Those Monsters.

Billy - No problem. and Thanks.

From there,I was sent home. But I would have one more interview with the Team 1 year later.

To Be Continued..

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