And as always,This Interview was to remain confidential.
Time: Mid-Zeo
Place: The Power Chamber
Q - Can You Give Me An Update On What Happened Since The Last Time We Met?
Tommy - It all started when Master Vile showed up and made our lives hell. The main reason he came was to search for the Zeo Crystal.
Zordon - The exact origins of the Zeo Crystal have been lost for a millennium. However, it is known to have been brought to the Earth's moon by an ancient race from the M51 Galaxy. They hid the Zeo Crystal in the Caves of Deception located beneath the Moon Palace. To further protect the Zeo Crystal from anybody who would try to harness its power for evil,the people of the M51 Galaxy surrounded the crystal in a force field that would destroy anybody not purely good who came in to contact with it. Knowing that Master Vile had plans for the crystal, I asked the Rangers to acquire and destroy it. Unfortunately,Tommy,was the only person who managed to successfully gain the Zeo Crystal and release it from the Caves.
Tommy - I decided that the Zeo Crystal had to be sent to a place where the Forces of Evil could never find it. So,I split the Zeo Crystal into five sub-crystals using Saba. Zordon then teleported the sub-crystals through holes in time and space, sending them to various locations in Earth's history.
Katherine - As an act of revenge,Master Vile de-aged everyone via a time reversal spell. Billy devised a plan to restore our proper ages using The Regenerator,an Age Restoration machine that was powered by the Ninja Coins. Billy restored himself, but Goldar stole the machine, and Zedd and Rita destroyed all six Ninja Coins,causing us to lose our connection to Ninjor's Temple.
Adam - Thankfuly,we had allies: Ninjor's old students the Aquitian Ninja Rangers. They fought Master Vile using their Powers and our Zords. Ninjor even lent them a hand.
Rocky - While this was going on,all of us except Billy,went on a quest to retriever the Zeo Crystal from across time and space. Thank Billy for that latest feature. While We went on our Zeo Quest,Billy was Mission Control.
Tommy - Eventually,Billy,Alpha,and Zordon reversed Master Vile's spell and returned things to normal. We all returned to the Command Center with our mission completed...well,most of us returned.
Tanya - Aisha wanted to stay in Africa to take care of sick Wildlife,so she sent me in her place.
Katherine - Little did anyone know, Rito and Goldar infiltrated the caves underneath the Command Center,while we were on our Zeo Quest through time. They planted a time bomb,which went off as soon as we got back. They stole the Zeo Crystal as the Command Center was about to explode. Thankfully,we escaped with only 15 seconds to spare.
Adam - We lost the Command Center and the Zeo Crystal,and we thought we lost Zordon and Alpha too.
Rocky - Thankfully,that wasn't the case. Goldar and Rito dropped the Zeo Crystal outside the remains of the Command Center. We were then sucked into an underground tunnel,and that tunnel lead us to the Power Chamber,where we found Zordon and Alpha okay.
Tommy - Meanwhile,Rita and Zedd were evicted from their Moon Base by the Machine Empire,who took over for them as our enemies. Zordon feared that this would happen,so he created special Zeo Morphers to work in conjunction with the Zeo Sub-Crystals. We now have fresh new Powers and Zords.
Katherine - Billy decided to temporarily retire from active Ranger duty and serve as Zordon's assistant instead.
Adam - Our Zeo Zords were created using the remains of our old ThunderZords. We also have RP-OH5.5,aka the Red Battle Zord,an original Zord created using the same technology as the Aquitian Ninja Ranger's Battle Borgs. The Zords are stored in brand new bays underneath the Power Chamber.
Tanya - When Trey of Triforia arrived,he brought along the Super Zeo Zords,as well as his own Zord,Pyramidas. Trey was the Gold Ranger,but he couldn't retain that form as long as he was fatigued. We found out that,the Triforians split into 3 people when fatigued. So a new candidate was needed for the Gold Zeo Powers.
Tommy - At first we thought it was gonna be Billy,however,Billy's genetic make-up was incompatible with the powers. We needed someone stronger,and I knew who.
Jason - That's where I come in. Zack,Trini,and Myself had just arrived home from the Geneva Peace Conference. Trini left Angel Grove to start a Mantis Kung-Fu school in Sacramento. Zack and I stayed in Angel Grove,though went our seperate ways. Zack decided to pursue his Career as a Dance Instructor,teaching His craft to a new generation. As for me,I was living at home,doing nothing special. That is..until I got a call from Tommy,asking me to be part of the Rangers again. I accepted with no hesitation. The power transfer was a success and I became the Gold Ranger.
Q - Is The Zeo Crystal Independent From The Morphing Grid,Like With The Ninja Coins?
Zordon - Indeed it is. And it was a good thing too,as the Grid hadn't fully recovered from the Crash yet. Now,the Grid has been fully restored,and can be used again.
Q - Who Are The Enemy This Time?
Tommy - The Machine Empire. Lead by King Mondo and Queen Machina. They have 2 sons,Sprocket and Gasket. 2 assistants,Klank and Orbus. As well as a whole army of robotic foot soldiers called Cogs.
Adam - King Mondo was first to challenge us,but we destroyed him with the Super Zeo MegaZord. The Next challenge was Louie Kaboom,a robot created by Finster to help Rita and Zedd control the Empire. Unfortunatly for them,it backfired and Kaboom took control of the Empire for Himself. Soon after,Mondo's oldest Son,Prince Gaskett arrived with his wife Lady Archerina to reclaim the Empire. We destroyed Louie Kaboom,leaving Gaskett and Archerina as our current enemies.
Q - Where's Billy At? Haven't Seen Him Since He Graduated Early!
Tommy - Due to the unseen negative side-effects of The Restorator,Billy began aging rapidly. We tried everything,spells,tech,but nothing worked. Thankfully,Zordon remembered that Aquitar's waters had age suppression properties,as well as a fountain of youth. So it was decided that Billy would remain on Aquitar,until a solution is found.
Adam - We miss Billy. Hope we hear from him again.
Rocky - We likely will,after all last week we talked with Kimberly. She'll be coming home next month.
Tanya - I've only known Billy for a short time,but from what I could tell,he's a special guy.
Jason - The guy was like a brother to me and the original team. Hope we can find a permanent cure for his condition soon.
Katherine - We faced tough challenges before and overcame them.
Q - Where Are Ninjor and The Ninja/Shogun Zords Now?
Zordon - Ninjor and the Zords are back in Ninjor's Temple. As we stated earlier,without the Ninja Coins,we have no way of accessing those Zords. We were also unable to keep contact with Ninjor,himself.
Rocky - We could still teleport to the Temple,however. But,that wouldn't be smart,as Prince Gaskett would assault Earth unopposed in our absence.
Adam - And the last thing we need is more casualties.
Q - What Are Some Of Your New Powers?
Tommy - The Zeo Crystal exhibits the same powers as the Morphing Grid,it's kinda like a portable Morphing Grid. Anyway,we can energize our Punches and Kicks,as well as our Zeo Weapons. The Zeo Weapons were created using our old weapons. For example,my Zeo Sword is a modified version of the old Power Sword.
Katherine - We can combine our weapons to form the Zeo Blaster. But that's not all,our MegaZord has special helmets that it can use to defeat the Machine Empire. The default helmet gains us access to the Zeo Megazord Sabre,which we use in general combat.
Tommy - The default helmet is part of my Zord,Zeozord 5.
Katherine - Another helmet,which is equiped with an energy cannon,is part of my Zord,Zeozord 1.
Tanya - The next helmet is from my Zord,Zeozord 2. It has twin laser cannons.
Rocky - Zeozord 3's helmet is capable of telekinesis. It can also fire blue beams.
Adam - And finally,Zeozord 4. It can be used to neutralize force fields,fire green lightning bolts,and ram enemies.
Jason - Pyramidas can fire gold lasers. It also has a Warrior Mode,which makes it tower over most enemies.
The Interview ended there as,I had to go somewhere important. The final interview would take place,months later.
Months Later...
Time: Early-Turbo
Place: The Power Chamber.
Q - You Guys Told Me About Your Adventure In Muiranthias Earlier,as Well As Justin's Induction Into The Power Rangers. But What Else Has Happened?
Tommy - Not much,though King Mondo Did return breifly,but we beat him. Jason was having problems with the Gold Zeo powers. Apparently,the powers had a side effect on Earthlings who used them. If the powers were used by an Earthling too many times,they'll begin to put major strain on the users body,eventually killing them. We found this out recently.
Adam - At the same time,Trey of Triforia returned and was ready to reclaim his Gold Ranger powers. Jason relinquished them and Trey was the Gold Ranger once again. After Trey returned home,we had a few weeks off,then we went on our Big Muiranthian Adventure.
Q - What Happened To The Zeo Crystal?
Zordon - Like with the Gold Ranger Powers,the Zeo Crystal wasn't meant to be used frequently by Earthlings. We only found out about this problem recently. So,after the fall of King Mondo,The Rangers relinquished their Zeo Powers,before they could do them any harm. Trey took the Zeo Crystal back to Triforia,where he has hidden it from evil.
Q - What About The Zeo Zords?
Tommy - Trey took them all back to Triforia,which makes sence,since without the Zeo Powers,we can't use them anymore.
Q - Who Created The Turbo Morphers?
Katherine - Billy. It was one of his secret side projects while he was still on Earth. Billy must've known about the Zeo Crystal's side effects and created replacement powers for us.
Alpha - The Turbo Powers,like with the Power Coins,are powered by the Morphing Grid,which just recently recovered from the Crash.
Tommy - The Morphing Grid was also used in the construction of the Turbo Zords. Billy created them as well.
Q - But Why Cars?
Tommy - Your gonna have to ask Billy (laughs)
Q - When Exactly Did The Morphing Grid Recover?
Adam - Early on in our Zeo Ranger days. Just before we met the Gold Ranger.
Q - Who Are The Enemy Now?
Tanya - Divatox. After we foiled her,she followed us home,seeking revenge.
Katherine -She's a bit of a buffoon,but a dangerous buffoon,kinda like Rito and Goldar.
Adam - She has 3 minions and an army of fish-like grunts called,Piranhatrons. The 3 minions are Rygog,her second in command; Porto,the inventor; and Elgar,her nephew and go-fer.
Tommy - And like Rita,Zedd,and The Machine Empire,Divatox only seems to attack once a week.
Q - Where Are Your Old Enemies Now?
Tommy - After we defeated King Mondo for the second time,the Machine Empire kinda disappeared. Rita and Zedd are also mysteriously missing. We expected them to try to conquer Earth again,once the Machine Empire was taken care of. However,nothing happened. So we assume that Zedd and Rita are taking a vacation somewhere in another Galaxy.
Q - How Do You Like Being A Power Ranger,Justin?
Justin - It's so cool. I've always wanted to be a Ranger ever since I saw the Original Team,lead by Jason. I also love the fact that Morphing makes me grow into an "adult". Jumping is my favorite thing to do while morphed. I also love running very fast. They don't call these the "Turbo" Powers for nothing.
Q - I Hear You Guys Plan To Retire From Ranger Duty Soon,That True?
Tommy - It's true. We feel that our time as Rangers is coming to a close,and we think it's time to move on. Don't get us wrong we love being Rangers,but we can't do this type of thing forever.
Adam - We still haven't found any suitable replacements yet. So until then,we're gonna continue our Ranger duties.
After that Question,the Klaxxon's blared and on the Viewing Screen was a Monster. I said my good-byes to everyone and Alpha sent me home.
From that point on,I never did another Ranger interview,though I did eventually meet the Rangers replacements: Cassie,Ashley,Carlos,and T.J. I hang out with them from time to time,but that it.
I had a fun time interviewing these guys. It was also cool to have them as friends.
I'll be signing off now. I'd like to thank the Rangers and Zordon for giving me the oppertunity to learn more about them. It was definitely an interesting experience.
Adam - We lost the Command Center and the Zeo Crystal,and we thought we lost Zordon and Alpha too.
Rocky - Thankfully,that wasn't the case. Goldar and Rito dropped the Zeo Crystal outside the remains of the Command Center. We were then sucked into an underground tunnel,and that tunnel lead us to the Power Chamber,where we found Zordon and Alpha okay.
Tommy - Meanwhile,Rita and Zedd were evicted from their Moon Base by the Machine Empire,who took over for them as our enemies. Zordon feared that this would happen,so he created special Zeo Morphers to work in conjunction with the Zeo Sub-Crystals. We now have fresh new Powers and Zords.
Katherine - Billy decided to temporarily retire from active Ranger duty and serve as Zordon's assistant instead.
Adam - Our Zeo Zords were created using the remains of our old ThunderZords. We also have RP-OH5.5,aka the Red Battle Zord,an original Zord created using the same technology as the Aquitian Ninja Ranger's Battle Borgs. The Zords are stored in brand new bays underneath the Power Chamber.
Tanya - When Trey of Triforia arrived,he brought along the Super Zeo Zords,as well as his own Zord,Pyramidas. Trey was the Gold Ranger,but he couldn't retain that form as long as he was fatigued. We found out that,the Triforians split into 3 people when fatigued. So a new candidate was needed for the Gold Zeo Powers.
Tommy - At first we thought it was gonna be Billy,however,Billy's genetic make-up was incompatible with the powers. We needed someone stronger,and I knew who.
Jason - That's where I come in. Zack,Trini,and Myself had just arrived home from the Geneva Peace Conference. Trini left Angel Grove to start a Mantis Kung-Fu school in Sacramento. Zack and I stayed in Angel Grove,though went our seperate ways. Zack decided to pursue his Career as a Dance Instructor,teaching His craft to a new generation. As for me,I was living at home,doing nothing special. That is..until I got a call from Tommy,asking me to be part of the Rangers again. I accepted with no hesitation. The power transfer was a success and I became the Gold Ranger.
Q - Is The Zeo Crystal Independent From The Morphing Grid,Like With The Ninja Coins?
Zordon - Indeed it is. And it was a good thing too,as the Grid hadn't fully recovered from the Crash yet. Now,the Grid has been fully restored,and can be used again.
Q - Who Are The Enemy This Time?
Tommy - The Machine Empire. Lead by King Mondo and Queen Machina. They have 2 sons,Sprocket and Gasket. 2 assistants,Klank and Orbus. As well as a whole army of robotic foot soldiers called Cogs.
Adam - King Mondo was first to challenge us,but we destroyed him with the Super Zeo MegaZord. The Next challenge was Louie Kaboom,a robot created by Finster to help Rita and Zedd control the Empire. Unfortunatly for them,it backfired and Kaboom took control of the Empire for Himself. Soon after,Mondo's oldest Son,Prince Gaskett arrived with his wife Lady Archerina to reclaim the Empire. We destroyed Louie Kaboom,leaving Gaskett and Archerina as our current enemies.
Q - Where's Billy At? Haven't Seen Him Since He Graduated Early!
Tommy - Due to the unseen negative side-effects of The Restorator,Billy began aging rapidly. We tried everything,spells,tech,but nothing worked. Thankfully,Zordon remembered that Aquitar's waters had age suppression properties,as well as a fountain of youth. So it was decided that Billy would remain on Aquitar,until a solution is found.
Adam - We miss Billy. Hope we hear from him again.
Rocky - We likely will,after all last week we talked with Kimberly. She'll be coming home next month.
Tanya - I've only known Billy for a short time,but from what I could tell,he's a special guy.
Jason - The guy was like a brother to me and the original team. Hope we can find a permanent cure for his condition soon.
Katherine - We faced tough challenges before and overcame them.
Q - Where Are Ninjor and The Ninja/Shogun Zords Now?
Zordon - Ninjor and the Zords are back in Ninjor's Temple. As we stated earlier,without the Ninja Coins,we have no way of accessing those Zords. We were also unable to keep contact with Ninjor,himself.
Rocky - We could still teleport to the Temple,however. But,that wouldn't be smart,as Prince Gaskett would assault Earth unopposed in our absence.
Adam - And the last thing we need is more casualties.
Q - What Are Some Of Your New Powers?
Tommy - The Zeo Crystal exhibits the same powers as the Morphing Grid,it's kinda like a portable Morphing Grid. Anyway,we can energize our Punches and Kicks,as well as our Zeo Weapons. The Zeo Weapons were created using our old weapons. For example,my Zeo Sword is a modified version of the old Power Sword.
Katherine - We can combine our weapons to form the Zeo Blaster. But that's not all,our MegaZord has special helmets that it can use to defeat the Machine Empire. The default helmet gains us access to the Zeo Megazord Sabre,which we use in general combat.
Tommy - The default helmet is part of my Zord,Zeozord 5.
Katherine - Another helmet,which is equiped with an energy cannon,is part of my Zord,Zeozord 1.
Tanya - The next helmet is from my Zord,Zeozord 2. It has twin laser cannons.
Rocky - Zeozord 3's helmet is capable of telekinesis. It can also fire blue beams.
Adam - And finally,Zeozord 4. It can be used to neutralize force fields,fire green lightning bolts,and ram enemies.
Jason - Pyramidas can fire gold lasers. It also has a Warrior Mode,which makes it tower over most enemies.
The Interview ended there as,I had to go somewhere important. The final interview would take place,months later.
Months Later...
Time: Early-Turbo
Place: The Power Chamber.
Q - You Guys Told Me About Your Adventure In Muiranthias Earlier,as Well As Justin's Induction Into The Power Rangers. But What Else Has Happened?
Tommy - Not much,though King Mondo Did return breifly,but we beat him. Jason was having problems with the Gold Zeo powers. Apparently,the powers had a side effect on Earthlings who used them. If the powers were used by an Earthling too many times,they'll begin to put major strain on the users body,eventually killing them. We found this out recently.
Adam - At the same time,Trey of Triforia returned and was ready to reclaim his Gold Ranger powers. Jason relinquished them and Trey was the Gold Ranger once again. After Trey returned home,we had a few weeks off,then we went on our Big Muiranthian Adventure.
Q - What Happened To The Zeo Crystal?
Zordon - Like with the Gold Ranger Powers,the Zeo Crystal wasn't meant to be used frequently by Earthlings. We only found out about this problem recently. So,after the fall of King Mondo,The Rangers relinquished their Zeo Powers,before they could do them any harm. Trey took the Zeo Crystal back to Triforia,where he has hidden it from evil.
Q - What About The Zeo Zords?
Tommy - Trey took them all back to Triforia,which makes sence,since without the Zeo Powers,we can't use them anymore.
Q - Who Created The Turbo Morphers?
Katherine - Billy. It was one of his secret side projects while he was still on Earth. Billy must've known about the Zeo Crystal's side effects and created replacement powers for us.
Alpha - The Turbo Powers,like with the Power Coins,are powered by the Morphing Grid,which just recently recovered from the Crash.
Tommy - The Morphing Grid was also used in the construction of the Turbo Zords. Billy created them as well.
Q - But Why Cars?
Tommy - Your gonna have to ask Billy (laughs)
Q - When Exactly Did The Morphing Grid Recover?
Adam - Early on in our Zeo Ranger days. Just before we met the Gold Ranger.
Q - Who Are The Enemy Now?
Tanya - Divatox. After we foiled her,she followed us home,seeking revenge.
Katherine -She's a bit of a buffoon,but a dangerous buffoon,kinda like Rito and Goldar.
Adam - She has 3 minions and an army of fish-like grunts called,Piranhatrons. The 3 minions are Rygog,her second in command; Porto,the inventor; and Elgar,her nephew and go-fer.
Tommy - And like Rita,Zedd,and The Machine Empire,Divatox only seems to attack once a week.
Q - Where Are Your Old Enemies Now?
Tommy - After we defeated King Mondo for the second time,the Machine Empire kinda disappeared. Rita and Zedd are also mysteriously missing. We expected them to try to conquer Earth again,once the Machine Empire was taken care of. However,nothing happened. So we assume that Zedd and Rita are taking a vacation somewhere in another Galaxy.
Q - How Do You Like Being A Power Ranger,Justin?
Justin - It's so cool. I've always wanted to be a Ranger ever since I saw the Original Team,lead by Jason. I also love the fact that Morphing makes me grow into an "adult". Jumping is my favorite thing to do while morphed. I also love running very fast. They don't call these the "Turbo" Powers for nothing.
Q - I Hear You Guys Plan To Retire From Ranger Duty Soon,That True?
Tommy - It's true. We feel that our time as Rangers is coming to a close,and we think it's time to move on. Don't get us wrong we love being Rangers,but we can't do this type of thing forever.
Adam - We still haven't found any suitable replacements yet. So until then,we're gonna continue our Ranger duties.
After that Question,the Klaxxon's blared and on the Viewing Screen was a Monster. I said my good-byes to everyone and Alpha sent me home.
From that point on,I never did another Ranger interview,though I did eventually meet the Rangers replacements: Cassie,Ashley,Carlos,and T.J. I hang out with them from time to time,but that it.
I had a fun time interviewing these guys. It was also cool to have them as friends.
I'll be signing off now. I'd like to thank the Rangers and Zordon for giving me the oppertunity to learn more about them. It was definitely an interesting experience.