Monday, July 18, 2016

Ask Ruby Spears Dr.Light 4

RS Dr.Light: Greetings,I am Dr.Light of an Alternate Rockman Universe. Ask me anything? Silly or Trivial,it doesn't matter,I'll answer it to the best of my abilities.

How much more powerful is Roll compared to her brothers?

RS Dr.Light: Roll is the strongest Android I have ever created. She is more than capable of taking down Robot Masters. I doubted this at first,because of her lack of great weapons,but in time she prooved how capable she really was. She schooled the professor. (laughs). Anyway,Roll is at least twice as strong as Mega and 2.5x stronger than Proto.
Dragon Ball has Kais,what about Your Universe?

RS Dr.Light: I really don't believe we have anything equivalent to them. If that were the case,they would've made themselves known to us by now. Never was a spiritual man,anyway.
Mega Man and Proto Man run on Plasma Power. So what about Roll?

RS Dr.Light: Oh,she runs on Plasma Power too. Her power input/output is slightly more advanced though.
What is Project Zenkai?

RS Dr.Light: Shhh...It's A Secret To Everybody!
What did you do before becoming a Roboticist?

RS Dr.Light: Before I was a rob0ticist,I was a Champion Robot Battler. I won most championships with my robot,Rokkuman. My first (and only) tournament loss came from Albert Wily himself. After that loss,as well as the loss of my battle robot,I gave up the battle tournament circuit and focused all of my energies into robotics.
How come you never made another Daughter? Sexist?

RS Dr.Light: I certainly am not. I just don't think it's nessassary to built another Son or Daughter....especially since 4 Living Adult Androids are all I ca........Oh,Shit..!
King was an Advanced Android,Bass is An Advanced Android,[censored] is an Advanced Android? Is Dr.Wily as great as you when it it comes to Robotics?

RS Dr.Light: First off,let me apologize for that outburst,I usually don't swear that hard. As for the question: He is definatly up there with me,so yes we are equals. However, I hold one advantage over him: Humanity. Wily never treats his creations like his children,only as weapons of death and destruction. Wily may be as smart as I,but he will Never Ever match me when it comes to humanity. Albert threw out his a long time ago,
Ever consider creating Robot Masters based on Dragon Ball characters?

RS Dr.Light: I'm afraid Albert beat me to that with his Zed Team. (laughs). I'd still like to create some though. A Vegeta-bot would be my answer to Albert's Bass (laughs).

Well that's all for now,Keep those questions coming,I really enjoy answering them in my free time.

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