Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Who Is...Ruby-Spears Roll (Old Reality)

Disclaimer: The following is inspired by Twitch - Reploid REVO's "Who Exactly Is.." Series. If you haven't checked out his vids,do so. Here's his channel here at: https://m.youtube.com/c/reploidrevo

Welcome to my newest series "Who Is",where I profile various fictional characters (mainly ones that I'm familiar with). In this next edition,I'm gonna be taking a look at my all-time favorite character in the Mega Man Multiverse: Ruby-Spears Roll. And like with Mega Man,I'll be looking at the Pre-Erasure,Old Reality Version.

Let's get started.


In the year 2094,Famed Roboticist,Dr.Thomas X.Light creates Rock,an Android with human-like features,thoughts,and emotions. He then creates Roll, a short time later. Roll's main purpose was to handle household work...and to be the daughter that he never had. Like Rock,Roll is also an Android with human-like features,thoughts and emotions.

Rock and Roll are eventually shown Dr.Light's 3 Robot Masters (cutman,gutsman,and iceman). Dr.Albert W.Wily,former assistant of Dr.Light,breaks into Light's Lab to steal the Robot Masters. And with the aid of his #1 Android Warrior,Proto Man,he succeeds in not only reprogramming the 3 Robot Masters,but also capturing Rock and Roll.

Dr.Wily takes Rock and Roll to his Fortress,with intent on reprogramming and retooling them. But,the siblings are able to escape by tricking Dr.Wily. Back at home,Dr.Light is happy to see that his children are okay,but fears that Dr.Wily may return one day,so he decides to transform Rock into a Great Robot Warrior.

While Dr.Light is converting Rock into Mega Man,Roll upgraded her Utility Arm into a literal "Swiss Army Knife" of weaponized household gadgets.

Soon,Roll aids Mega Man in his battle against Dr.Wily and his evil bots. Despite rejecting her help at first,Mega Man eventually excepted Roll as his partner. The 2 have been an unstoppable duo ever since.

Roll RS is 5'8",has Blonde Hair,and Cyan Eyes. Her overal weight is unknown,though we believe she weighs more than a human woman of her shape and size.

Her AI Age is about 20-25,like her brother. Also like her brother,her brain is human-like and can't hold more data than it's designated RAM capacity. So if Roll wanted to learn more stuff,but her RAM is full,she'd either have to self-delete some data (ie.forget what she learned) OR get Dr.Light to increase his RAM Capacity.

However,Roll's brain is slightly more advanced than Mega Man's and can hold more data,due to her being created after Dr.Light improved the design of his Advanced Android blueprints. She is Younger than Mega,afterall.

Remember when I talked about Dr. Light considering the Asmov Laws to be outdated and that he replaced them with a much simpler "Moral Code"that tells the Android that hurting humans and letting innocent lives get hurt is wrong?

Well,Dr.Light gave Roll the same "Moral Code". Except the code itself has been updated,should Roll disobey the code,she will shut down on the spot,without experiencing pain.

Roll RS is powered by a powerful Plasma Reactor,which gives Roll her strength. One note about this Reactor,is that it's more powerful and more stable than Mega Man's. Again,Dr.Light improved the technology.

Roll is equiped with a Utility Arm full of weaponized household gadgets. She has a total of 30 gadgets within it. Yes,I said 30 Weaponized Gadgets in that 1 Utility Arm. Technology of the late 21st Century is amazing,isn't it?

Gadgets Her Utility Arm include: A Highpowered Vaccume,a Circular Saw,A Highpowered Blowdryer,An Axe,A Ceratanium Spatula that Doubles As A Club,A Plasma Launching Toaster,and Many More.

Despite being faster and more powerful than Mega,Roll doesn't wear armor (except for her boots),which is why so many see her as being weak. Hey,she's as strong as Capcom!Zero (x series version), So Shut Up!

Anyway,Roll's yellow and red jumpsuit is made up of a special tough material,it's so tough that it can't be ripped by normal means. Her Boots are made up of the same flexable,ultra tough metal that Mega Man's armor is made of. Yup,Ceratanium RS. Her Utility Arm is made up of Ceratanium RS as well.

Roll's human-esque skin is made up of a thin,but very tough and stretchable material. Again,much like her brother's.

Roll has a whole host of abilities,these include: High Jumping,Hyper Speed,Wall Scaling,Advanced Martial Arts,and Advanced Cooking and Cleaning Skills.

Like Mega Man,Roll also posesses strong self-determination,which keeps her in the fight.

As stated in the Previous "Who Is..",Mega Man has 2 weaknesses: 1 - The stronger his buster blast is,the more energy he uses. and 2 - He can't handle multiple missions without re-energizing via Energy Can.

Roll doesn't have these weaknesses. Her greatest weakness is her headstrongness. I'll talk more about that in a bit.

Roll is a headstrong hero,who loves jumping into action. Sadly,her headstrongness is also her weakness,as she often times rushes into battle without thinking. She also has small "Blonde" bouts,where she comes off as being a bit of an airhead. Still,Roll is brave and selfless and would sacrifice most for the people she loves.

Roll loves being violent with Robot Masters and unlike Mega Man,shows absolutly no restraint against her Brother,Proto Man,who Roll believes is an arrogant jerk that needs to have his big ego beaten out of him.

Like with Mega Man,Roll also has a humorous side to her,though she doesn't display it as often as her Brother. Roll also enjoys fighting,training hard and learning new fighting techniques. Her hobbies outside of battle are Video Games,Rock Music,Anime,and Reading,

Partialy due to her "Moral Code",Roll would Never kill a human,even if they deserve it. This includes Dr.Wily.

Roll is also super smart,being able to upgrade and repair machinery. Examples include: upgrading her Utility Arm to help her fight and fixing up Rush in the episode "Brain Bot".

- Kenji Infanue’s MML3 concept design of Lilly bore some resemblance to this version of Roll.

- Inafune's concept of RS Roll was a pre-teen girl in armor...with an egg beater buster..

- Roll RS resembles Samus Aran from Metroid.

- She has 2 Voice actresses Robyn Ross and Kathaleen Barr.

- Roll has/had a fan game called ‘Roll Boss Rush’ (for the PC. sadly,this project seems scrapped)

- The Roll from the Brazilian Comic 'Novas Aventuras de Megaman’ is loosely based on this one.

- Roll has defeated the following Robot Masters in battle: Cut Man (more than once),Bright Man,Elec Man (with rush’s help),Fire Man,Top Man,Hard Man and Snake Man (when megaman was in his body).

- Even though,it's not shown in the series,it's likely Roll can remove her boots.

Well,that's all she wrote. Hope you learned something new about this version of Roll. Expect more in the future. Seeing how I'm not much for closing words,I'll just end things here.

Until Next Time,Stay Gold.

For more about this Old Reality Check Out The Timeline Here:
