Welcome to my newest series "Who Is",where I profile various fictional characters (mainly ones that I'm familiar with). In this first edition,I'm gonna be taming a look at Ruby-Soears Mega Man...at least the Original,Pre-Multiversal Erasure,Version.
Let's get started.
In the year 2094,Famed Roboticist,Dr.Thomas X.Light creates Rock,an Android with human-like features,thoughts,and emotions. Dr.Light created Rock for the purpose of being a lab assistant...and the Son that he never got to have.
Rock is soon introduced to his sister,Roll and is eventually shown Dr.Light's 3 Robot Masters (cutman,gutsman,and iceman). But peace was about to end. Dr.Albert W.Wily,former assistant of Dr.Light,breaks into Light's Lab to steal the Robot Masters. And with the aid of his #1 Android Warrior,Proto Man,he succeeds in not only reprogramming the 3 Robot Masters,but also capturing Rock and Roll.
Dr.Wily takes Rock and Roll to his Fortress,with intent on reprogramming and retooling them. Proto Man reveals to Rock that they are Brothers,built from the same plans.
The siblings are able to escape by tricking Dr.Wily. Back at home,Dr.Light is happy to see that his children are okay,but fears that Dr.Wily may return one day,so he decides to transform Rock into a Great Robot Warrior. Rock likes the idea and goes through with it.
Soon Rock becomes the Super Fighting Robot,Mega Man! And as Mega Man,Rock has foiled Dr.Wily's various schemes time and time again.
Mega Man RS is 5'10",has Brown Hair,and Blue Eyes. His overal weight is unknown,though we believe he weighs more than 200lbs.
His AI Age is about 20-25. Even though his brain is human-like,it can't hold more data than it's designated RAM capacity,similar to a PC's hardrive. In other words,if Mega Man wanted to learn more sweet stuff,but his RAM is full,he'd either have to self-delete some data (ie.forget what he learned) OR get Dr.Light to increase his RAM Capacity.
Yes,It is believed that Mega Man RS can self-program his brain and delete data. However,there is one piece of data that can Never be erased by the Blue Wonder himself.
Y'see,Dr. Light considered the Asmov Laws to be outdated,so he replaced them with a much simpler "Moral Code",which tells Mega Man that hurting humans and letting innocent lives get hurt is wrong. This code prevents Mega Man from hurting and even killing humans. Should Mega Man willingly go against this Code,it will cause Mega Man to short out and experience sharp pains throught his body before shutting down.
This was a failsafe Dr.Light wrote in the code,just in case Mega Man,accidental or no,harmed or killed human life. Roll has the same "Moral Code",Proto Man,however,doesnt. I'll talk more about them at a later date.
Mega Man RS is powered by a powerful Plasma Reactor,which gives Mega Man his strength. Mega Man is equiped with a Plasma Canon,which fires off powerful Plasma Shots. Using his Plasma Canon Arm,Mega Man can temporarily copy an enemies powers just by touching them. In fact,Mega Man can use multiple powers at once.
Mega Man's armor is made up of a flexable,ultra tough metal called Ceratanium RS,an improved version of Ceratanium,which is used in the construction of Robot Masters.
Mega Man's human-esque skin is made up of a thin,but very tough and stretchable material.
Mega Man has a whole host of abilities,these include: High Jumping,Hyper Speed,Wall Scaling,Basic Martial Arts,and Many More.
Mega Man's greatest strength is his self-determination,which keeps him going when times are low. Mega Man also has 2 weakness'. Mega Man can control how much plasna he fires,the stronger the blast the more energy he uses. He Also can't handle multiple missions without re-energizing via Energy Can.
This is a weakness shared by Proto Man as well,though Dr.Light corrected this problem while creating Roll,who I'll talk about another time.
Mega Man is a heroic type,who sometimes does good for the sake of being good. That's not to say he's a perfect angel,though. He's violent toward Wily's bots and is kind of a risk taker. He'll get angry when his friends and family are threatened and will slaughter any Robots who threaten the lives of innocent people.
Despite being violent with Robot Masters,Mega Man shows restraint against his Brother,Proto Man,who Mega believes has good qualities and Can be reformed.
As stated earlier,Mega Man loves his family very much and would risk his life for them. Mega Man also has a humorous side to him and will desplay it often. Mega Man also seems to enjoy fighting,always having fun during battle.
Partialy due to his "Moral Code",Mega Man would Never kill a human,even if they deserve it. This includes Dr.Wily.
Mega Man is also smart,though he sometimes confuses Ceratanium with Titanium.
Initially,the Series was to have an art style just like Capcom's official art. There are a few reasons for the drastic change in art style:
Reason 1 - The Anime style wasn't that popular in America and we were used to a more American look to our cartoon shows. This was before the Anime Boom in 1997.
Reason 2 - In America,The 'Kid Hero' was looked down upon,so Mega Man,Roll,and Proto Man were aged up. This attitude later changed in the early 2000's.
And Reason 3 - Muscular Heroes and Villains were the Thing in 90's America.
Despite it being an adaption of the Classic Series,Ruby-Spears Mega Man is so loose,that it can be considered it's own Mega Man Series.
Mega Man shares a Voice Actor with Goku. Ian Corlette,the 1st voice of Goku in english is also the voice of Mega Man. Also most of the music for the show was used for Ocean's Dub of Dragon Ball Z.
Despite being refered to as Robots,Mega Man,Roll,Proto Man,and Brain Bot are,in fact,Androids.
Mega Man's Buster works differently than his Capcomverse Counterpart's. Instead of charging up his buster he can fire it off in various levels of power,from paper thin beams to super powerful blasts. Mega Man can also rapid fire.
Even though,it's not shown in the series,it's likely Mega Man can remove his armor.
Well,that's all she wrote. Hope you learned something new about this version of The Blue Bomber. Expect bios of Roll and Proto Man in the future. Seeing how I'm not much for closing words,I'll just end things here.
Until Next Time,Stay Gold.
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