2 weeks after the Incident on Tetris.....
Kevin, Lana, Mega Man, and Pit Icarus have just finished a mission on Mount Olympius and have arrived in the world of Final Fantasy 1 to have lunch with Lana's friend, the Elf Prince. Unknown to our Heroes,a sinister plot to overthrow the Elf Prince is about to take place.
Kevin: Not a shabby world,reminds me of Hyrule.
Lana: The Elf Prince's castle shouldn't be too far.
Kevin: (laments) I'd rather be blasting more bad guys than have lunch with some dippy prince.
Lana: (takes offense) That "Dippy Prince" is a friend of mine. Be nice
Voice: Help!!!
The Voice's owner comes running toward the N-Team. It's a local shop owner.
Kevin: What's the problem?
Shop Owner: My magic shop was just robbed by a bunch of monsters. Astos must be behind this.
Lana: Astos?
Shop Owner: Trust me,he's someone you Don't want to know.
A warp opens, and a witch flies out on her broom. She flies into Pit Icarus, and they both crash to the ground. Kevin helps the Witch up.
Kevin: Can we help you,Ma'am?
The Witch takes out her shopping list and reads it.
Witch: Yeah. Get me a half-a-pound of salami and a quarter-pound of eye of newt.
Mega Man: What do we look like, a local magic shop?!
Broom: No. You look like a tin can with arms and legs.
Lana: We must hurry to the Elf Castle,we shoudn't keep the Prince waiting.
Kevin: I'd rather be fighting monsters.
As the N-Team leaves,a man,who was hiding behind a tree,pops up. He looks like a Monk,but is anything but.
The Bad Monk: So the legendary Captain N is here! He should prove quite useful in my little uprising!
At Elf Castle,the N-Team is having lunch with the Elf Prince,who tells them a story about his heroism and valor. Kevin is not amused.
Elf Prince:..And that my friends,is how I defeated The dark knight,Garland and sent him running.
Kevin is tired of hearing about the Prince's battles.
Kevin: These tales are boring. I'm gonna get something to drink.
Kevin goes into another room holding a picher.
Kevin: (with disdain) I've been in way better battles then that pointy-eared wimp.
The mysterious Bad Monk appears.
The Bad Monk: Indeed,you are the Real Legend.
The bad monk casts a control spell on Kevin using his staff.
The Bad Monk: Now,let's help the Prince catch up on his beauty sleep. Put this in his drink.
The Bad Monk hands Kevin a vile. Kevin,hypnotized,returns to the dining area.
Kevin: (monotone) Some more iced tea,your highness.
Elf Prince: Why,yes. thank you.
Kevin pours the,now tainted,drink into the Princes cup. The Prince drinks up and falls asleep - right in his soup! Lana checks on him concerned. Kevin laughs evilly.
Lana: Kevin, this is not funny. Did you do something to the Prince?
Kevin: (monotone) Now my Master can easily take over the Kingdom.
Pit Icarus tries to snap Kevin out of it.
Pit: He's under some sort of spell.
Mega Man:But,how could that happen?
To answer that, the bad monk zaps the table with
lightning and appears in a warp hole. The N-Team watches in shock.
The Bad Monk: Come,Lackey! It's time to start my little uprising.
Kevin and the monk make an exit through the warp.
Mega Man: How do we always get into these messes?
Moments later,Lana and the others warp to where the witch lives, and land in quicksand.
Lana: Oh,no! Quicksand!!
Lana takes in a mouthful and has to spit it out! Mega Man is sinking faster due to his weight.
Pit: I'll use my Rope Arrow to get us out of this sticky situation.
Pit Icarus uses his rope arrow and gets them out. Suddenly the old witch finds them.
The Old Witch: Don't move,intruders. Or be petrified!
Lana: I'm Princess Lana and this is the N-Team.
The old witch turns her into a statue.
The Old Witch: I told you don't move!
After Pit tells the old witch about the current situation. The old witch recognizes Mega Man and Pit Icarus.
The Old Witch: Oh,now I recognize you. So what're you doing in these parts?
She turns Lana back to normal.
Pit:Like we said earlier,Kevin was put under a spell and he put the Elf Prince to sleep using contaminated iced tea.
The Old Witch: Hmm,The Light Crystal can reveal people's true identity, but Astos stole it years ago. He's likely hid it inside his castle.
Lana: Well then,we'll have to sneak into his castle to get it. I have an idea.
Later at Astos's castle, Kevin is training a warrior. Another one rushes up behind Kevin. Kevin avoids him by super jumping using his Powerpad. He then uses his Zapper to disintegrate their swords. The Bad Monk applauds. Kevin drops down.
The Bad Monk: Well done,Captain! With you leading my troops,Elf Land will be mine!
Our heroes are observing this from afar. Lana has a key around her neck.
Lana: Here's the plan! Pit,you and Mega Man distract the monk,I'll sneak inside using this key I got off the prince earlier.
Mega Man and Kid Icarus hide in a suit of armor they got earlier and pretend to be a warrior looking to join the army. They approach the Bad Monk.
Pit Icarus: I hear you're looking for wariors to join your army.
The Bad Monk: Do you have any experience overthrowing kingdoms?
Pit Icarus: Uh,...I used to work for Mother Brain, but I then she died.
The Bad Monk: You're hired!
The Bad Monk takes the new warrior into the room with the light crystal,where a soldier is guarding it.
The Bad Monk: All rookies are assigned to guard duty.
The Bad Monk slaps Mega Man and Pit Icarus in the back,causing them to fall over,exposing themselves.
The Bad Monk: So,I have an imposter in my ranks! Get them!
The monk tries slicing Mega Man,but the robot uses his Metal Blade to slice the sword itself. The guard cuts off Pit Icarus' armor.Pit Icarus grabs the crystal and tosses it to Mega Man..As Mega Man catches it. Captain N arrives with some armored soldiers.Kevin tackles Mega Man and the Crystal flies into the hands of a guard
The Bad Monk: Excellent work! Captain N has trained you well.
The guard turns out to be Lana in disguise.
Lana: He certainly has.
Lana activates the crystal, and the spell on Kevin is broken. The Bad Monk transforms into Captain N's rendition of Astos,the Dark Elf. The armored guards are revealed to be unarmoured demon monsters.
Kevin's snaps out of the spell.
Kevin: Whoa! What's happening?
Mega Man: We can talk about this later!
Astos: Destroy Them All!
A chase ensues through the castle. The heroes come to a few dead ends too. Soon they come to a rising drawbridge.Kevin uses his Powerpad to float Lana to safety,while Pit flies Mega Man to safety.
Later at the Elf Prince's castle, the old witch creates a brew to wake the Prince up.
Old Witch: This magic potion should put some hair on his chest.
She gives it to the Prince and he wakes up.
Elf Prince: (groggily) Oh, I must've fallen asleep. What's going on?
Lana: You're not still jealous of the Elf Prince; are you, Kevin?
Kevin: No way. I learned my lesson, and I'm happy just being The Game Enforcer.
Lana: You're also a real prince.
Lana kisses him on the cheek.
Notes: Ok, now that our Adventures in Videoland are finished. You probably wondering why I did this in the 1st place? Because I like Captain N,but always thought it needed great improvements. So I did this. As to why I changed his title from Game Master to Game Enforcer? Because 'Game Master' makes no sense,since Kevin is only good at a handful of Games and not every single one. I also thought that Game Enforcer made slightly more sense,sinse he helps the game heroes out.
And Why I didn't do the Whole Series? 2 reasons: 1 - Too time consuming. And 2 - I felt that those episodes were not very important,in fact,some of them were just stupid.
So,now that the Videoland Adventures are done,what next? I haven't decided yet to be honest. Hopefully,I'll come up with something soon.
Until next time...See Ya,Space Cowboys!
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Captain N Re-Edited Episode 16: Totally Terisized!
2 weeks after the previous Megaland Adventure...
At the Palace of Power, Kevin and Simon were playing a riddle video game on the television in the living room. They were sitting on the couch. Simon was player one, and Kevin was player two.
The game asked in a monotone voice:
Game: Where do you study to become a vampire?
Simon pressed the button on his controller, much like a Jeopardy contestant.
Simon: A ghoul school!
On the screen, there was a schoolhouse with a bell. The words "Player 1" were blinking on the upper left side of the screen. When Simon provided the response, the bell rang, and a yellow, disgusting ghoul popped off the holographic screen and made an ugly noise.
Simon: (with cocky grin)One more, and I win, Mr. Lame Enforcer!
Kevin did not like the way this game was going. He had missed just one question, and that put Simon in the lead. The only way he could win was if Simon missed the next question. On the screen, a bald head with protruding spikes appeared.
Game: What do you call the things in a Vampires head that bite?
Kevin pressed his response button and stood up.
Kevin: Fangs!
The head turned into a set of teeth that snapped shut.
Simon: (sits back down) Eat your heart out, Mr. Vampire Hunter!
Princess Lana entered the room and went over to the couch.
Lana: Are you two still playing that riddle game? It's been hours!
She leaned on the back of the couch with her elbows.
Kevin: (looks up at her) Yeah! It's kinda fun!
He and Lana looked at the screen.
A peaceful country scene appeared with a bridge spanning a flowing river.
Game: What do you call a river that's too big for its bridges?
Simon hit his response button and stood up.
Simon: A flood. It's a flood!
The game made a buzzing noise.
Simon: Yes! I won! I'm the Riddle King!
Unfortunately for his vanity, the river splashed out of the holographic screen and soaked him! Kevin and Lana laughed.
Lana: Congratulations,King Simon! You've just been crowned!
She resumed laughing. Suddenly, though, the screen image became static, and the mayor of Tetris appeared on the TV screen.
Kevin: Hey! That's Mayor Squareski!
Mayor Squareski: Tetris...trouble! Lyle...gone! The Puzzle Wizard...!
Many of his words interrupted by the heavy static.
Lana (gasped,cries out) Lyle? Oh, no! My brother's in trouble again!(looks at Kevin) We have to go to Tetris immediately!
She ran out the open door as Kevin stood up. Simon was sitting on the floor. He got out his cordless yellow hair-dryer and began blow-drying his blonde hair.
Simon: Count me out. I've had enough hair-flattening experiences for one day.
Kevin reached down and pulled the vampire hunter along with him.
Kevin, Lana, and Simon arrived on Tetris, but it was not like their first visit had been. Usually, Tetris was bustling with activity; now, it was dark, and no one was around, except for the three heroes.
Kevin: (quietly) Where is everybody? It's like a ghost town.
Lana: (points to her right) Look over there. I don't remember that castle being here before.
It was a tall, leaning blocky castle, but it just did not fit in with the rest of Tetris. A bridge spanned a moat in front of the castle.
Simon (shivers): This place is giving me the creeps!
Kevin: Yeah,I know what you mean. It feels like somebody or something is watching us.
Kevin was right; somebody was watching them! The nefarious Puzzle Wizard was using his monitor in his castle to watch them.
Puzzle Wizard: (in his deep Voice) So,the famous Captain N is here...things just got interesting! Heh,Heh,Heh!
The trio walked down a dark road. They stopped when they heard a feminine voice from behind them call
Voice: Somebody help!"
Simon: (nervously) W-Who said that? .
Kevin: It came from over there, down that alley.
Simon restrained Kevin.
Simon: (vainly) Stand aside, Captain N! Watch a real hero in action.
The vain Castlevanian ran blindly to the alley.
Inside his Lair...
Puzzle Wizard: It's time to see how well the famous Game Enforcer does in my little game! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
The Wizard appeared to be made up of puzzles; he had a hat, and he was round-shaped two-dimensionally, unlike others on Tetris. He pressed a button on the right armrest of his chair with his right thumb.
Simon did not pay attention where he was running until it was too late; a rectangular wall formed from Tetris-blocks, and he gasped just before he crashed into it! He fell on his back.
The Puzzle Wizard laughed cruelly, his upper face separating temporarily from his lower face!
The Puzzle Wizard: This stuff really cracks me up!
Simon moaned and sat up just as Kevin and Lana caught up with him.
Lana: Simon, what happened? Wasn't this a street a minute ago?
Kevin examined the area. He felt the wall with his right hand and turned to his friends.
Kevin: I've got a bad feeling about this game.
Simon: (feels his aching head) You've got a bad feeling?
Puzzle Wizard: (chuckles) How right you are Captain N,That was just a small sample of my power!
The trio turned around and walked towards the Chamber of Tetris, the tallest building in the land.
Kevin: I think we'd better find Mayor Squareski fast.
Lana: But what about the voice that called for help?
Kevin: Whatever it was, I don't hear it anymore.
After they walked by a wall, a pink T-block, a green Z-block, and a blue reverse L-block appeared. A hand from the Z-block covered the mouth of the feminine T-block, shushing her cries. These blocks and several others came off the walls and descended to the N Team members!
Lana (gasps) The blocks are falling! Look out!!!!
As Kevin began to draw his Zapper, though, she stopped him.
Lana: No, Kevin! Don't! They look like...they're alive!
The blocks fell towards them.
Kevin: (yells) Hurry! Get to the Chamber of Tetris! It's the safest place...I hope.
The trio tried to run through the rain of Tetris-blocks.
Kevin: Let's split up!
The team separated.
Kevin narrowly avoided getting bashed with an L-block. A group of blocks joined in front of him to try to block him, but he used his Power Pad to jump over them...and he landed on an ornery red Z-block! It was like a bull, with a gold ring through its "nose" and ears on top of its "head", and it tried to throw him off.
Lana almost ran into an orange L-block that crashed in front of her, and she was almost rammed by a red L-block that slid quickly towards her. She leapt onto it.
Simon screamed as he narrowly avoided getting squashed by other blocks, and he came back to the wall that had nearly broken his neck before. He used his whip and knocked out a square-block; he leapt through and fell onto the L-block that was carrying Lana!
The Z-block that Kevin had landed on tossed him onto the head of the L-block as it was going over an arc in the road, but the end of the line came quickly as the L-block smashed into a square-block.
The three heroes were propelled off the L-block, and they rapidly fell towards the ground. Simon opened his square parachute, and Lana and Kevin grabbed onto his legs. They floated without further incident to the Chamber of Tetris.
As they entered the Chamber,They stopped before a large, perpendicularly-constructed robot that stood before them. It appeared to be of the same square construction as everything else on Tetris.
Simon: (nervously) I-I hope that's not their leader.
As the robot growled at the N Team, several animate Tetris-blocks came up behind them and blocked their exit.
Kevin: This is what I call being stuck between some blocks and a hard case.
Simon: They've got us surrounded!!!!
The robot and the blocks continued growling, until the operator of the robot came to his senses.
Voice: Jumpin' right angles! You're the N Team!
The operator came out of the left side of the head of the robot. It was Mayor Squareski!
Mayor Squareski: Whew! I thought you'd never get here!"
Kevin: Mayor Squareski! Are we glad to see you!"
Puzzle Wizard: (laughed) He's as good as they say! The game's not over,though,not until all of Tetris is under my thumb.
He used his right thumb to turn off the screen he had been using to monitor the N Team.
Kevin: You mean this Puzzle Wizard has completely taken over Tetris?
Squareski: (dejected) Perpendicularly speaking, yes. He tetrisized anyone who fought back.
Lana: What about my brother, Lyle? y.
Squareski shook his head.
Squareski: He went to challenge the Wizard and never came back.
Lana cried, burying her face in her hands.
Simon knelt before her.
Simon: (softly) Don't worry, Your Sadness! Simon Belmont will find him.
Squareski's hat popped off his head and spun around.
Squareski: You mean we have to go to his castle?!"
Kevin: Well, uh,...maybe you should stay here and guard the Chamber, Your Honor.
Squareski: Oh, ho, ho! Quadrilateral idea, Captain N! I and my Tetris titan will square off any intruders!
Lana, Simon, and Kevin entered a blue warp to the castle. Suddenly, the left arm of the robot came loose and fell on the floor next to the mayor!
Squareski: Yaah! Hey! Wait for me!!
As he passed through, his hat fell off; he reached back and grabbed it just before the warp closed. The four knelt behind a pillar next to the bridge in front of the Puzzle Wizard's castle.
Kevin: If you ask me, this looks a little too easy."
Simon: (rudely) So who asked you? Why look a gift bridge in the mouth?
Simon boldly started to cross, and the other three followed him. Suddenly, several nasty Tetris blocks rose up at the beginning and quietly approached the N Team. Kevin looked back just as one red L-block was reaching out to grab Lana's ankle!
Kevin: Lana! Behind you!
Lana did not notice until the block grabbed her left leg. She gasped. She kicked back her leg, knocking the block backwards, and causing all the blocks to fall down. The last block fell through the hole in the bridge into the moat.
Kevin: Way to go, Lana! (slaps a high-five with her) Let's hit it!
The doors slid open to grant the four entry. When the doors closed, the lights came on.
Puzzle Wizard: Ah,Captain N,I've waited so long to meet you!
Hands came out of the walls and took Kevin's orange Zapper and Simon's brown whip.
Puzzle Wizard: You won't be needing those.
Lana clenched her fists and stepped over to the Puzzle Wizard.
Lana: (angry) You must be the Puzzle Wizard! I demand to know what you did with my brother!
Puzzle Wizard: That's for me to know and you to find out (indicates the square room, with identical red blocks) Be my guest and take a pick.
The short Mayor Squareski was hiding behind Kevin.
Squareski: (fearfully) Are we going to be your next victims?
Puzzle Wizard: Ha, ha, ha, ha! No,that would be too easy! Since I love games, I'll give you a chance to save yourselves. All you have to do is answer one riddle. Are you game?
The wall to the right of the N Team slid open. A woman was standing next to a vertically-held green square spinning wheel with red numbers from 1 to 8.
Simon: (egotistically stepping up) No problemo for the Riddle King
Lana: No, Simon! I don't trust him."
Puzzle Wizard: What's not to trust? If you win, you go free. If you lose...Don, tell them what they'll get if Simon loses.
He indicated a television screen above his chair.
Don: Well, Puzzle Wizard, if Simon loses, we'll take him and his friends first-class to spend the rest of their days as block-heads on the Tetris wall of their choice! Back to you, Puzzle Wizard.
The screen showed two mean Tetris blocks taking the four, bound in ropes, away, and the next screen showed Kevin as a yellow Z-block, Simon as a blue four-bar, Squareski as a white and blue square-block, and Lana as a pink reverse L-block in a wall!
Simon (gulps) Yipes!
He was beginning to have serious second thoughts about this.
Puzzle Wizard: Simon Belmont,come on down!
Simon laughed nervously and tried to back away, but he was stopped by the mean-looking red L-block that had tried to grab Lana. He went to the wheel, which the woman spun.
Puzzle Wizard: Round and round and round we go, where it stops, it pops!
When the wheel stopped, it flashed, and words in red writing appeared on it.
Don: If you take two apples from three apples, chop them into four squares, what do you have?
Simon (nervously) Is this a trick question? I have, uh, fruit salad. No,...applesauce. No! Apple pie!"
Kevin: Simon, you're thinking too hard! Just put two and two together.
Simon: Four? No, wait; it's two! Two! I have two apples!
He finished as the buzzer sounded.
Puzzle Wizard: Oh sorry,times up! Too Bad! He laughed evilly as he brought his index finger down on a button on his armrest; a ray-gun, the Wizard's Tetrisizer, came out of the ceiling and turned Simon into a blue four-bar!
Lana: Simon!!!
Squareski: I'm angling out of here!!!
As soon as the Mayor he ran to the door, the Tetrisizer's ray caught him and turned him into a blue square-block.
Kevin turned angrily to the Wizard and took on a challenging stance.
Kevin: Riddles are for amateurs. I'd like to see you win a real game.
The Wizard rests his right elbow on his armrest and resting his chin on his right hand.
Puzzle Wizard: Ah,I was hoping you would challenge me Game Enforcer!
Lana ran over to her boyfriend and put her hands around his right arm.
Lana: (desperately) Kevin, I can't lose you, too!
Levin: (held up his left thumb) Hey! I'm the Game Enforcer, remember? I never lose.
Puzzle Wizard: Then let the game begin!
He pressed another button in his armrest with his index finger.
Kevin was encased in a glass rectangular cage, and a small monitor indicating the number of Tetris lines came out of the floor.
Puzzle Wizard: You have one minute to get twenty-five points.
Kevin looked to the ceiling as Tetris blocks started raining down, and he immediately started moving the blocks to score lines. Meanwhile, Lana investigated the wall in search of her brother.
Lana: Oh, I've got to figure out which one of these blocks is Lyle.
At the start, Kevin scored three lines.
Kevin: I'll have you beat in no time.
Puzzle Wizard: (wickedly) Why don't we speed things up,shall we?
He fingered another button, and the blocks started falling more quickly. However, Kevin appreciated the added challenge...and he racked up more points this way! Lana continued to scan the wall. Two pairs of eyes stared back at her from the wall. She gasped.
Lana: It's no use; I'll never find him!
Suddenly, she saw an emerald ring glint at her from one of the blocks! She gasped again.
Lana: That's Lyle's ring!
She took off her crown and began trying to wedge her brother's block out of the wall.
Lana: Oh, Lyle; if you're in there, please, try to help me! It's our only hope!
She was succeeding in trying to wedge the block out; and when it was halfway out, the emerald in her crown reacted magically with the emerald in her brother's ring, and the magic restored him! The two siblings hugged each other.
Meanwhile, Kevin was nearing the end of his minute, and he had four lines left to score,...and he was just primed to score a Tetris! He was standing in a space one Tetris square wide.
Puzzle Wizard: Feeling the squeeze, Captain N?
The Wizard laughed evilly. When the four-beam popped out of the ceiling, Kevin used his Power Pad to leap out of the column and land safely on top of the other blocks. He placed the four-beam where it was supposed to go, and the four lines disappeared just in time! The wizard laughed maliciously to himself the whole time.
Kevin: All right! I won!
The glass cage disintegrated.
The Puzzle Wizard,now angry,rose and pointed at the Game Master.
Puzzle Wizard: Entertaining! (shouting)But I'm a sore loser!
Kevin: Hey, wait a minute! We had a deal!
The Tetrisizer came back out of the ceiling.
Puzzle Wizard: Deal with this! Game Over!!
Kevin gasped in horror at the double-cross as the Wizard laughed malevolently. Lana began to approach Kevin, but Lyle stopped her.
Lyle: The power of our two stones worked for me. Maybe it'll work for Kevin!
The Puzzle Wizard's Tetrisizer fired at Kevin, but Lana and Lyle brought their crown and ring together. These fired a ray that intercepted the Tetrisizer's ray and diverted it to its owner. The Wizard screamed as his puzzle parts separated and disintegrated into video dust.
Back in the Palace's living room, Kevin was standing behind the couch, and Lana was standing to the left. Her brother was sitting near her, while Squareski was to Lyle's right.
Squareski: Your Royal Roundness, we can never thank you enough.
Lyle: Yeah, thanks, sis. You, too, Kevin, and...hey! Where's Simon?
Lana (giggles) The doctors say it's going to take a little longer for Simon's squareness to wear off.
Kevin: Until then,we're using him as a doorstop!
Simon was still a blue four-beam, and he was propped up against the door.
Simon: Very funny, Captain N!
Note: this was a weird,but fun,episode. The final leg of our adventures will take place on the World of Final Fantasy 1. See you there.
At the Palace of Power, Kevin and Simon were playing a riddle video game on the television in the living room. They were sitting on the couch. Simon was player one, and Kevin was player two.
The game asked in a monotone voice:
Game: Where do you study to become a vampire?
Simon pressed the button on his controller, much like a Jeopardy contestant.
Simon: A ghoul school!
On the screen, there was a schoolhouse with a bell. The words "Player 1" were blinking on the upper left side of the screen. When Simon provided the response, the bell rang, and a yellow, disgusting ghoul popped off the holographic screen and made an ugly noise.
Simon: (with cocky grin)One more, and I win, Mr. Lame Enforcer!
Kevin did not like the way this game was going. He had missed just one question, and that put Simon in the lead. The only way he could win was if Simon missed the next question. On the screen, a bald head with protruding spikes appeared.
Game: What do you call the things in a Vampires head that bite?
Kevin pressed his response button and stood up.
Kevin: Fangs!
The head turned into a set of teeth that snapped shut.
Simon: (sits back down) Eat your heart out, Mr. Vampire Hunter!
Princess Lana entered the room and went over to the couch.
Lana: Are you two still playing that riddle game? It's been hours!
She leaned on the back of the couch with her elbows.
Kevin: (looks up at her) Yeah! It's kinda fun!
He and Lana looked at the screen.
A peaceful country scene appeared with a bridge spanning a flowing river.
Game: What do you call a river that's too big for its bridges?
Simon hit his response button and stood up.
Simon: A flood. It's a flood!
The game made a buzzing noise.
Simon: Yes! I won! I'm the Riddle King!
Unfortunately for his vanity, the river splashed out of the holographic screen and soaked him! Kevin and Lana laughed.
Lana: Congratulations,King Simon! You've just been crowned!
She resumed laughing. Suddenly, though, the screen image became static, and the mayor of Tetris appeared on the TV screen.
Kevin: Hey! That's Mayor Squareski!
Mayor Squareski: Tetris...trouble! Lyle...gone! The Puzzle Wizard...!
Many of his words interrupted by the heavy static.
Lana (gasped,cries out) Lyle? Oh, no! My brother's in trouble again!(looks at Kevin) We have to go to Tetris immediately!
She ran out the open door as Kevin stood up. Simon was sitting on the floor. He got out his cordless yellow hair-dryer and began blow-drying his blonde hair.
Simon: Count me out. I've had enough hair-flattening experiences for one day.
Kevin reached down and pulled the vampire hunter along with him.
Kevin, Lana, and Simon arrived on Tetris, but it was not like their first visit had been. Usually, Tetris was bustling with activity; now, it was dark, and no one was around, except for the three heroes.
Kevin: (quietly) Where is everybody? It's like a ghost town.
Lana: (points to her right) Look over there. I don't remember that castle being here before.
It was a tall, leaning blocky castle, but it just did not fit in with the rest of Tetris. A bridge spanned a moat in front of the castle.
Simon (shivers): This place is giving me the creeps!
Kevin: Yeah,I know what you mean. It feels like somebody or something is watching us.
Kevin was right; somebody was watching them! The nefarious Puzzle Wizard was using his monitor in his castle to watch them.
Puzzle Wizard: (in his deep Voice) So,the famous Captain N is here...things just got interesting! Heh,Heh,Heh!
The trio walked down a dark road. They stopped when they heard a feminine voice from behind them call
Voice: Somebody help!"
Simon: (nervously) W-Who said that? .
Kevin: It came from over there, down that alley.
Simon restrained Kevin.
Simon: (vainly) Stand aside, Captain N! Watch a real hero in action.
The vain Castlevanian ran blindly to the alley.
Inside his Lair...
Puzzle Wizard: It's time to see how well the famous Game Enforcer does in my little game! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
The Wizard appeared to be made up of puzzles; he had a hat, and he was round-shaped two-dimensionally, unlike others on Tetris. He pressed a button on the right armrest of his chair with his right thumb.
Simon did not pay attention where he was running until it was too late; a rectangular wall formed from Tetris-blocks, and he gasped just before he crashed into it! He fell on his back.
The Puzzle Wizard laughed cruelly, his upper face separating temporarily from his lower face!
The Puzzle Wizard: This stuff really cracks me up!
Simon moaned and sat up just as Kevin and Lana caught up with him.
Lana: Simon, what happened? Wasn't this a street a minute ago?
Kevin examined the area. He felt the wall with his right hand and turned to his friends.
Kevin: I've got a bad feeling about this game.
Simon: (feels his aching head) You've got a bad feeling?
Puzzle Wizard: (chuckles) How right you are Captain N,That was just a small sample of my power!
The trio turned around and walked towards the Chamber of Tetris, the tallest building in the land.
Kevin: I think we'd better find Mayor Squareski fast.
Lana: But what about the voice that called for help?
Kevin: Whatever it was, I don't hear it anymore.
After they walked by a wall, a pink T-block, a green Z-block, and a blue reverse L-block appeared. A hand from the Z-block covered the mouth of the feminine T-block, shushing her cries. These blocks and several others came off the walls and descended to the N Team members!
Lana (gasps) The blocks are falling! Look out!!!!
As Kevin began to draw his Zapper, though, she stopped him.
Lana: No, Kevin! Don't! They look like...they're alive!
The blocks fell towards them.
Kevin: (yells) Hurry! Get to the Chamber of Tetris! It's the safest place...I hope.
The trio tried to run through the rain of Tetris-blocks.
Kevin: Let's split up!
The team separated.
Kevin narrowly avoided getting bashed with an L-block. A group of blocks joined in front of him to try to block him, but he used his Power Pad to jump over them...and he landed on an ornery red Z-block! It was like a bull, with a gold ring through its "nose" and ears on top of its "head", and it tried to throw him off.
Lana almost ran into an orange L-block that crashed in front of her, and she was almost rammed by a red L-block that slid quickly towards her. She leapt onto it.
Simon screamed as he narrowly avoided getting squashed by other blocks, and he came back to the wall that had nearly broken his neck before. He used his whip and knocked out a square-block; he leapt through and fell onto the L-block that was carrying Lana!
The Z-block that Kevin had landed on tossed him onto the head of the L-block as it was going over an arc in the road, but the end of the line came quickly as the L-block smashed into a square-block.
The three heroes were propelled off the L-block, and they rapidly fell towards the ground. Simon opened his square parachute, and Lana and Kevin grabbed onto his legs. They floated without further incident to the Chamber of Tetris.
As they entered the Chamber,They stopped before a large, perpendicularly-constructed robot that stood before them. It appeared to be of the same square construction as everything else on Tetris.
Simon: (nervously) I-I hope that's not their leader.
As the robot growled at the N Team, several animate Tetris-blocks came up behind them and blocked their exit.
Kevin: This is what I call being stuck between some blocks and a hard case.
Simon: They've got us surrounded!!!!
The robot and the blocks continued growling, until the operator of the robot came to his senses.
Voice: Jumpin' right angles! You're the N Team!
The operator came out of the left side of the head of the robot. It was Mayor Squareski!
Mayor Squareski: Whew! I thought you'd never get here!"
Kevin: Mayor Squareski! Are we glad to see you!"
Puzzle Wizard: (laughed) He's as good as they say! The game's not over,though,not until all of Tetris is under my thumb.
He used his right thumb to turn off the screen he had been using to monitor the N Team.
Kevin: You mean this Puzzle Wizard has completely taken over Tetris?
Squareski: (dejected) Perpendicularly speaking, yes. He tetrisized anyone who fought back.
Lana: What about my brother, Lyle? y.
Squareski shook his head.
Squareski: He went to challenge the Wizard and never came back.
Lana cried, burying her face in her hands.
Simon knelt before her.
Simon: (softly) Don't worry, Your Sadness! Simon Belmont will find him.
Squareski's hat popped off his head and spun around.
Squareski: You mean we have to go to his castle?!"
Kevin: Well, uh,...maybe you should stay here and guard the Chamber, Your Honor.
Squareski: Oh, ho, ho! Quadrilateral idea, Captain N! I and my Tetris titan will square off any intruders!
Lana, Simon, and Kevin entered a blue warp to the castle. Suddenly, the left arm of the robot came loose and fell on the floor next to the mayor!
Squareski: Yaah! Hey! Wait for me!!
As he passed through, his hat fell off; he reached back and grabbed it just before the warp closed. The four knelt behind a pillar next to the bridge in front of the Puzzle Wizard's castle.
Kevin: If you ask me, this looks a little too easy."
Simon: (rudely) So who asked you? Why look a gift bridge in the mouth?
Simon boldly started to cross, and the other three followed him. Suddenly, several nasty Tetris blocks rose up at the beginning and quietly approached the N Team. Kevin looked back just as one red L-block was reaching out to grab Lana's ankle!
Kevin: Lana! Behind you!
Lana did not notice until the block grabbed her left leg. She gasped. She kicked back her leg, knocking the block backwards, and causing all the blocks to fall down. The last block fell through the hole in the bridge into the moat.
Kevin: Way to go, Lana! (slaps a high-five with her) Let's hit it!
The doors slid open to grant the four entry. When the doors closed, the lights came on.
Puzzle Wizard: Ah,Captain N,I've waited so long to meet you!
Hands came out of the walls and took Kevin's orange Zapper and Simon's brown whip.
Puzzle Wizard: You won't be needing those.
Lana clenched her fists and stepped over to the Puzzle Wizard.
Lana: (angry) You must be the Puzzle Wizard! I demand to know what you did with my brother!
Puzzle Wizard: That's for me to know and you to find out (indicates the square room, with identical red blocks) Be my guest and take a pick.
The short Mayor Squareski was hiding behind Kevin.
Squareski: (fearfully) Are we going to be your next victims?
Puzzle Wizard: Ha, ha, ha, ha! No,that would be too easy! Since I love games, I'll give you a chance to save yourselves. All you have to do is answer one riddle. Are you game?
The wall to the right of the N Team slid open. A woman was standing next to a vertically-held green square spinning wheel with red numbers from 1 to 8.
Simon: (egotistically stepping up) No problemo for the Riddle King
Lana: No, Simon! I don't trust him."
Puzzle Wizard: What's not to trust? If you win, you go free. If you lose...Don, tell them what they'll get if Simon loses.
He indicated a television screen above his chair.
Don: Well, Puzzle Wizard, if Simon loses, we'll take him and his friends first-class to spend the rest of their days as block-heads on the Tetris wall of their choice! Back to you, Puzzle Wizard.
The screen showed two mean Tetris blocks taking the four, bound in ropes, away, and the next screen showed Kevin as a yellow Z-block, Simon as a blue four-bar, Squareski as a white and blue square-block, and Lana as a pink reverse L-block in a wall!
Simon (gulps) Yipes!
He was beginning to have serious second thoughts about this.
Puzzle Wizard: Simon Belmont,come on down!
Simon laughed nervously and tried to back away, but he was stopped by the mean-looking red L-block that had tried to grab Lana. He went to the wheel, which the woman spun.
Puzzle Wizard: Round and round and round we go, where it stops, it pops!
When the wheel stopped, it flashed, and words in red writing appeared on it.
Don: If you take two apples from three apples, chop them into four squares, what do you have?
Simon (nervously) Is this a trick question? I have, uh, fruit salad. No,...applesauce. No! Apple pie!"
Kevin: Simon, you're thinking too hard! Just put two and two together.
Simon: Four? No, wait; it's two! Two! I have two apples!
He finished as the buzzer sounded.
Puzzle Wizard: Oh sorry,times up! Too Bad! He laughed evilly as he brought his index finger down on a button on his armrest; a ray-gun, the Wizard's Tetrisizer, came out of the ceiling and turned Simon into a blue four-bar!
Lana: Simon!!!
Squareski: I'm angling out of here!!!
As soon as the Mayor he ran to the door, the Tetrisizer's ray caught him and turned him into a blue square-block.
Kevin turned angrily to the Wizard and took on a challenging stance.
Kevin: Riddles are for amateurs. I'd like to see you win a real game.
The Wizard rests his right elbow on his armrest and resting his chin on his right hand.
Puzzle Wizard: Ah,I was hoping you would challenge me Game Enforcer!
Lana ran over to her boyfriend and put her hands around his right arm.
Lana: (desperately) Kevin, I can't lose you, too!
Levin: (held up his left thumb) Hey! I'm the Game Enforcer, remember? I never lose.
Puzzle Wizard: Then let the game begin!
He pressed another button in his armrest with his index finger.
Kevin was encased in a glass rectangular cage, and a small monitor indicating the number of Tetris lines came out of the floor.
Puzzle Wizard: You have one minute to get twenty-five points.
Kevin looked to the ceiling as Tetris blocks started raining down, and he immediately started moving the blocks to score lines. Meanwhile, Lana investigated the wall in search of her brother.
Lana: Oh, I've got to figure out which one of these blocks is Lyle.
At the start, Kevin scored three lines.
Kevin: I'll have you beat in no time.
Puzzle Wizard: (wickedly) Why don't we speed things up,shall we?
He fingered another button, and the blocks started falling more quickly. However, Kevin appreciated the added challenge...and he racked up more points this way! Lana continued to scan the wall. Two pairs of eyes stared back at her from the wall. She gasped.
Lana: It's no use; I'll never find him!
Suddenly, she saw an emerald ring glint at her from one of the blocks! She gasped again.
Lana: That's Lyle's ring!
She took off her crown and began trying to wedge her brother's block out of the wall.
Lana: Oh, Lyle; if you're in there, please, try to help me! It's our only hope!
She was succeeding in trying to wedge the block out; and when it was halfway out, the emerald in her crown reacted magically with the emerald in her brother's ring, and the magic restored him! The two siblings hugged each other.
Meanwhile, Kevin was nearing the end of his minute, and he had four lines left to score,...and he was just primed to score a Tetris! He was standing in a space one Tetris square wide.
Puzzle Wizard: Feeling the squeeze, Captain N?
The Wizard laughed evilly. When the four-beam popped out of the ceiling, Kevin used his Power Pad to leap out of the column and land safely on top of the other blocks. He placed the four-beam where it was supposed to go, and the four lines disappeared just in time! The wizard laughed maliciously to himself the whole time.
Kevin: All right! I won!
The glass cage disintegrated.
The Puzzle Wizard,now angry,rose and pointed at the Game Master.
Puzzle Wizard: Entertaining! (shouting)But I'm a sore loser!
Kevin: Hey, wait a minute! We had a deal!
The Tetrisizer came back out of the ceiling.
Puzzle Wizard: Deal with this! Game Over!!
Kevin gasped in horror at the double-cross as the Wizard laughed malevolently. Lana began to approach Kevin, but Lyle stopped her.
Lyle: The power of our two stones worked for me. Maybe it'll work for Kevin!
The Puzzle Wizard's Tetrisizer fired at Kevin, but Lana and Lyle brought their crown and ring together. These fired a ray that intercepted the Tetrisizer's ray and diverted it to its owner. The Wizard screamed as his puzzle parts separated and disintegrated into video dust.
Back in the Palace's living room, Kevin was standing behind the couch, and Lana was standing to the left. Her brother was sitting near her, while Squareski was to Lyle's right.
Squareski: Your Royal Roundness, we can never thank you enough.
Lyle: Yeah, thanks, sis. You, too, Kevin, and...hey! Where's Simon?
Lana (giggles) The doctors say it's going to take a little longer for Simon's squareness to wear off.
Kevin: Until then,we're using him as a doorstop!
Simon was still a blue four-beam, and he was propped up against the door.
Simon: Very funny, Captain N!
Note: this was a weird,but fun,episode. The final leg of our adventures will take place on the World of Final Fantasy 1. See you there.
Captain N Re-Edited Episode 15: Tale Of Two Dogs!
1 Week after,the latest CastleVania Adventure. Kevin returns to Megaland. And In a startling twist of events, the diabolical Dr. Wiley has joined forces with Dr. Wright to bring peace to Megaland.
In Dr. Wright's lab, the two doctors of science were working on a giant robot with a round, egg-shaped yellow face-like body that had a red peace sign where the nose would be, and two eyes and a smile painted on it. There was a blue band going around the middle of the body, separated by where the peace sign was. It had blue arms and red pincers on the end; the arms looked like half-pulled accordions. It also had two long cylindrical legs, in length about seven-eighths the height of the egg-shaped face. Its kneecaps were painted blue, as were the "sandals"!
On the top was a clear dome and the control chamber. Right now, Wily and Right were on an automated floor panel on electronic scaffolding, and Wily operated the machine that put the final touch on the robot - installing the left arm in its socket with an electronic crane.
Dr. Wiley: (with a pleasant smile) Building a super robot to keep peace in Megaland was a brilliant idea, Dr. Wright.
Dr. Wright hugged him with his left arm.
Dr. Wright: Its first act of peace was bringing the two of us back together.
Wiley used his left hand to press a down button on a control attached to their floor panel that caused the panel to descend slowly to the floor of the lab. When it landed, Wily jumped off.
Wiley: I'll be back with my new control device before I can say, 'Peace'."
A blue warp opened in front of him to his lab, and he stepped through.
In Dr. Wiley's lab, Robo-Wiley, who looked like the mad scientist, was using the scientist's monitor to view the situation in Wright's lab.
When Wily emerged from the warp, he laughed.
Wiley: Heh, heh, heh! I can say peace all right...a piece of cake to steal that super robot!
Robo-Wiley: (turns the chair around and stood) Master, is it time to take over Megaland? Is it, huh? Is it?
Wiley: Calm down, metal-head!(sits in his seat and turns towards his monitor) We can't do anything until Captain Ninny and Mega Moron come back from Topland with the last energy tank.
Topland, a dizzying section of Megaland, appeared on the screen. It was spinning like a top.
Kevin and Mega Man were in Topland, trying to find Top Man. The two came out from behind a column, and they were arguing about their dogs.
Kevin: I'm tellin' you, Mega Man, the baddest dog in Videoland is Duke!
Mega Man: No way, Captain N. My robo-dog, Rush, is the new mega mutt!
The two heroes continued down the hallway.
Rush and Duke, their canines, came from behind the column. Rush had a mechanical voice, and he said "There they go again! Arf!"
The heroes gasped as they encountered an enormous robotic feline! It made metallic feline growling noises.
Mega Man: Uh-oh! I hope that giant kitty doesn't think we're mice!
The robo-cat spat out a large ball of yarn.
Kevin: (draws his Zapper) This is no time to play ball!
He shot the ball, and it turned into smaller balls that fell to the floor. Growling, Duke jumped up to the huge cat and scared it. The mechanized feline turned around and ran. Duke chased after it. After Mega Man and Kevin had taken care of the last of the balls of yarn, Rush turned into a jet sled.
Mega Man: Looks like our flight's leaving!
Mega Man gets on his dog. Kevin got on behind him.
Kevin: Follow that dog!
Rush fired his afterburners and took the heroes the way Duke had run. Soon, they encountered severe turbulence - several small tops flying their way. Kevin shot the tops to video dust before he and his friends ran into them.
Mega Man: I think we've lost him, Captain N. .
Kevin: No, look there! Good ol' Duke's got Top Man cornered!
He was right. Duke was growling and barking at the spinning Top Man. Mega Man stopped Rush right beside Duke.
Mega Man: I'll hit him with my Hard Knuckle!"
He aimed his left fist at the spinning robot. He fired his fist,which bashed Top Man in the head, stopped him in his tracks, and caused him to fall to the floor and evaporate to video dust. A yellow energy tank appeared in Top Man's place.
Kevin: All right! We got the last energy tank for the peace robot.
He knelt and petted Duke.
Kevin: You're the hero of this trip, fella, for sniffing out Top Man.
He grabbed the tank, but then Mega Man grabbed it on the other side!
Mega Man: (taking offense) Wait a minute! We wouldn't even be here without the Rush's Rocket Mode!"
He was strong, but not strong enough to wrest the tank away from the angry teenager. The 2 began arguing.
Kevin: Duke chased that cat away! .
Mega Man: Yeah? Well, not without Rush's help, he didn't!
The dogs watched as their masters fought over the energy tank.
Back at Dr. Wright's lab, the good scientist used an electromagnetic crane that lowered this eighth energy tank into the robot's power chamber. He, Kevin, Mega Man, Rush, and Duke were standing on the floor panel of the scaffolding, which was up high again.
Wright: Thank you, N Team. All we need now is the control device Dr. Wiley built for the robot."
Mega Man: Dr. Wright, are you sure you can trust that mega-rat?
Wright: Aye! There's good in everybody, Mega Man. You just have to find it.
Kevin: (laughs) Yeah, well, Wiley does wear a clean lab coat!
Dr. Right lowered the floor panel.
In his lab, Dr. Wiley was watching the N Team with his viewscreen.
Wiley: Heh, heh, heh, heh! And now, I'm going to clean up on Megaland.
He got up and went over to a table in his lab.
Wiley: After my control device turns that peace robot deliciously evil.
He picked up the control device, which looked like a joystick with all sorts of fancy buttons.
Wiley: But first, we have to get Captain Nitwit and Mega Mite out of the way!
He watched as Kevin, Mega Man, and their dogs approached a blue warp.
Wiley: Heh, heh, heh! And I know just the bait to trap them with - those doggies!
Kevin: (calls) Come on, Mega Man. We earned ourselves some rest and relaxation.
The two heroes and their dogs stepped through the warp, which took them to the world of California Games.
On California Games, Duke and Rush were surfing on a really big wave.
Kevin: Come on, Duke! Go, go!
Mega Man: You've got him, Rush! Go go go!
However, Rush slipped off his board and fell into the water with several mechanized yips and barks. Duke slid onto the shore on his board.
Kevin: Way to go, Duke! You won, paws down!
Kevin patted his victorious pooch. Rush as he washed onto the shore.
Mega Man: That's okay, boy. You'll beat his tail off in the frisbee free-for-all!
Rush: Here we go again! Arf!
Kevin had decided that he should throw the frisbee. After all, if Mega Man threw it, it might go around the world and whack him in the head a second later!
Kevin: Get ready...set...go!
He tossed the frisbee, and the two dogs took off after it barking as Mega Man came to Kevin's side. The frisbee made an upward arc in the air, and the dogs lept after it. Suddenly, a warp opened in the air to Skull Castle(the megaman 3 incarnation), and the dogs flew right into it!
Wiley's Voice: Say bye-bye, doggies! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Mega Man: W-wasn't that Dr. Wiley's lab?"
Kevin: It's Skull Castle,looks like he remodeled the place!"
Mega Man: But why would he want to capture Duke and Rush?
Kevin: Well, like I said, Mega Man: Once a sleezoid, always a sleezoid! Let's hit it!
The heroes ran through the warp to Skull Castle. As they approached the main gate, they heard Duke's voice howling from within.
Kevin: That's Duke! I'd know his howl anywhere!
Within, Wiley was watching with satisfaction.
Wiley: Why are the good guys always such chumps?
Robo-Wiley: (eagerly)Can I spring the trap, master? Can I? Huh?"
Pressing several keys on his control panel, Wiley turned to the robot and said
Wiley: I like your attitude, Robo-Wiley. Go on! Enjoy!
Robo-Wiley went to a lever on the wall and pushed it up as Mega Man and Kevin backed away from the door.
Mega Man: Stand back, Captain N! (points his blaster at the door) I'm going to blast the door!
Suddenly, a trap warp opened beneath them and dumped them screaming into a tank full of water! They spat out water when they resurfaced, and Mega Man knocked some water out of his right ear when he slapped his head with his left hand. A circular section of the wall slid away, revealing a metal tube that came out of the wall.
Kevin: Why do I get the feeling we're about to go on spin cycle? .
The tube released a large robotic turtle into the tank. On a platform above the tank, Wiley watched with satisfaction.
Wiley: (laughs wickedly) So nice of you to come to my pool party! I do hope you'll stay for dinner; my robo-turtles just love foolish heroes!"
Mega Man gasped as the villainous scientist laughed. The robo-turtle started snapping its jaws.
Dr. Wiley: (laughs). If you're still around after dinner, you can watch me and my new "peace" robot take over Megaland!"
Kevin: (swings his fist at the scientist) You'll pay for this, Dr. Wiley! .
Wiley: So sorry, Captain Numbskull. I left my wallet in my other lab coat.
Wiley left the room, and the door closed behind him. The tube released two more turtles, so three turtles approached the two heroes. Kevin took out his Zapper and attempted to fire, but water popped out instead!
Kevin: If we get out of this, remind me to have my Zapper waterproofed!
Mega Man: Hey, that's it! My non-powered Master Weapon - the Shadow Blade!
He took out a Shadow Blade and tossed it at the tube. It hit a button on the device to which the tube was connected, causing it to vacuum all the water and the turtles out of the tank.
Kevin: Major brainwave, Mega Man! You turned it into a turtle vacuum!"
Suddenly, they felt the suction, too.
Mega Man: (shouts) Now, all we have to do is keep it from sucking us up, too!
He grabbed a grate with a floor in his hands, and Kevin held on to him. He pulled the grate off and grabbed onto the lip of the drain underneath; he and Kevin coughed a bit as the water flowed around them. The two heroes dropped down through the drain and sat, coughing up the last of the water.
Kevin: (breathed heavily) That lowlife, Wiley, just better not have hurt our dogs.
He and Mega Man crawled down the pathway. Back at Wiley's lair....
Wiley: Well, I'm off to steal my peace robot.
He jumped into his small vehicle, which would carry only one passenger.
While I'm gone, Robo-Wiley, make sure that Captain Nothing and Maggot Man enjoy their misery."
Robo-Wiley: Goody goody goody! What about dogs?
Wiley: Put them down!
Wiley closed the blue canopy and sped out of the lab.
Robo-Wiley: Will-do, master!
The robot saluted, but unfortunately, he had formed his right hand into a saw, and he cut part of his metallic hair!
In their prison cell, Duke was sniffing around,investigating the glowing bars
Rush: Careful, Duke. The bars may be booby-trapped. Arf!
Duke accidentally rammed his nose into a bar, and he got a painful shock and yipped. He growled, backed away, and suddenly got an idea, as shown by a light-bulb popping on above his head. He barked, pointing to the floor with his left front paw. He and Rush started digging their way out through the dirt floor.
Meanwhile, Mega Man and Kevin were still digging their way through the castle,...and they were now digging through the back wall of the cell!
Mega Man: We've been digging forever! Do you think we're still in Skull Castle?
The wall fell away, and they entered the cell.
Kevin: Are you kidding? We're lucky if we're still in Megaland!
They gasped as they discovered where they were.
Kevin: Darn! Out of the frying pan and into the fire!
They saw Duke and Rush dig up on the outside of the cell!
Kevin: Duke!"
Mega Man: Rush!
The dogs barked excitedly back at their masters. Down the hall, Robo-Wiley's voice called.
Robo-Wiley: Hey! Stop that! Bad! Bad dogs!"
He fired Metal Blades at the two dogs.
Kevin: Uh-oh! We're outta here!
He and Mega Man jumped into the hole. Just after the first two blades had flown by, Kevin and Mega Man popped their heads up from the hole, and Kevin started blasting blades. Rush turned into a jet
Rush: All aboard! Arf!
Kevin, Duke, and Mega Man piled onto the robotic dog.
Mega Man: Come on, Rush; kick it!
Rush's rockets did not want to start up at first, but they did.
Kevin, Mega Man, and Duke held on as Rush narrowly avoided the blades. One blade sliced through a ventilation pipe, which fell towards Robo-Wiley! The robot gasped as the pipe fell on him and crushed him.
Skull Castle ejected the heroes and sent them sprawling on the ground outside. A blue warp opened in front of them, and Dr. Wright came out.
Dr.Wright: Mega Man! Captain N! Dr. Wiley's stolen the peace robot! We've got to find him!
Several gigantic footsteps approached them.
Kevin: Uh, I think he found us!
The peace robot approached the heroes and stopped. Wiley was in the cockpit,operating the control.
Wiley: Now,Megaland is mine! .
A bolt shot past the five heroes.
Kevin: Whoa!
Kevin,now in a sitting position,drew his Zapper and fired at the large robot.
Kevin: This game is getting hot! Too hot!
His shots burned the robot's right foot, and the robot started stomping.
Wiley: (shouts) I'll crush you like insects for that!
As he stomped, a branch holding a nest of robobees fell off a nearby tree and landed next to Duke, who yapped. The canine suddenly got an idea!
Wiley: (with a despicable grin) Good-bye, pests!
He saw two dogs flying towards him - Rush as a jet, holding a rock with his legs, and Duke riding on Rush and holding the branch with the robobee nest.
Wiley: What the - "
As the dogs approached, Rush dropped the rock, cracking a hole in the glass canopy. Wily hit the deck to avoid getting hit. As he looked up, he saw the branch with the robobee nest fall through the hole and crash next to him.
Wiley: No! No! Robobees!
He started racing in circles around the circular control chamber to avoid being stung by the robotic bees.
Wiley: Help!
As he ran, the robot also ran in circles, and three guys on the ground laughed. The peace robot's left foot hit a stone, and the robot fell on its face, demolished. Wiley ran away, screaming.
Wiley: Yaah! Bees!
He screamed unintelligible phrases as the bees chased him away.
Wright: I wonder what got into Dr.Wiley?
Rush landed on the ground near them.
Rush: Something must be bugging him!
The mechanical mutt laughed as Duke got off him. "Harf, arf, arf, arf!"
Kevin and Mega Man: (to each other) Did you say something?
They turned to their dogs.
Kevin: Duke, you can talk!?
Mega Man: No way! That was Rush!
The dogs looked at each other and then leapt on their masters, proceeding to lick their faces!
Dr. Wright smiled in amusement.
Note: And thus the final visit to Megaland concludes. We have 2 more stops left before this sereis comes to a close. Next stop: Teris!
In Dr. Wright's lab, the two doctors of science were working on a giant robot with a round, egg-shaped yellow face-like body that had a red peace sign where the nose would be, and two eyes and a smile painted on it. There was a blue band going around the middle of the body, separated by where the peace sign was. It had blue arms and red pincers on the end; the arms looked like half-pulled accordions. It also had two long cylindrical legs, in length about seven-eighths the height of the egg-shaped face. Its kneecaps were painted blue, as were the "sandals"!
On the top was a clear dome and the control chamber. Right now, Wily and Right were on an automated floor panel on electronic scaffolding, and Wily operated the machine that put the final touch on the robot - installing the left arm in its socket with an electronic crane.
Dr. Wiley: (with a pleasant smile) Building a super robot to keep peace in Megaland was a brilliant idea, Dr. Wright.
Dr. Wright hugged him with his left arm.
Dr. Wright: Its first act of peace was bringing the two of us back together.
Wiley used his left hand to press a down button on a control attached to their floor panel that caused the panel to descend slowly to the floor of the lab. When it landed, Wily jumped off.
Wiley: I'll be back with my new control device before I can say, 'Peace'."
A blue warp opened in front of him to his lab, and he stepped through.
In Dr. Wiley's lab, Robo-Wiley, who looked like the mad scientist, was using the scientist's monitor to view the situation in Wright's lab.
When Wily emerged from the warp, he laughed.
Wiley: Heh, heh, heh! I can say peace all right...a piece of cake to steal that super robot!
Robo-Wiley: (turns the chair around and stood) Master, is it time to take over Megaland? Is it, huh? Is it?
Wiley: Calm down, metal-head!(sits in his seat and turns towards his monitor) We can't do anything until Captain Ninny and Mega Moron come back from Topland with the last energy tank.
Topland, a dizzying section of Megaland, appeared on the screen. It was spinning like a top.
Kevin and Mega Man were in Topland, trying to find Top Man. The two came out from behind a column, and they were arguing about their dogs.
Kevin: I'm tellin' you, Mega Man, the baddest dog in Videoland is Duke!
Mega Man: No way, Captain N. My robo-dog, Rush, is the new mega mutt!
The two heroes continued down the hallway.
Rush and Duke, their canines, came from behind the column. Rush had a mechanical voice, and he said "There they go again! Arf!"
The heroes gasped as they encountered an enormous robotic feline! It made metallic feline growling noises.
Mega Man: Uh-oh! I hope that giant kitty doesn't think we're mice!
The robo-cat spat out a large ball of yarn.
Kevin: (draws his Zapper) This is no time to play ball!
He shot the ball, and it turned into smaller balls that fell to the floor. Growling, Duke jumped up to the huge cat and scared it. The mechanized feline turned around and ran. Duke chased after it. After Mega Man and Kevin had taken care of the last of the balls of yarn, Rush turned into a jet sled.
Mega Man: Looks like our flight's leaving!
Mega Man gets on his dog. Kevin got on behind him.
Kevin: Follow that dog!
Rush fired his afterburners and took the heroes the way Duke had run. Soon, they encountered severe turbulence - several small tops flying their way. Kevin shot the tops to video dust before he and his friends ran into them.
Mega Man: I think we've lost him, Captain N. .
Kevin: No, look there! Good ol' Duke's got Top Man cornered!
He was right. Duke was growling and barking at the spinning Top Man. Mega Man stopped Rush right beside Duke.
Mega Man: I'll hit him with my Hard Knuckle!"
He aimed his left fist at the spinning robot. He fired his fist,which bashed Top Man in the head, stopped him in his tracks, and caused him to fall to the floor and evaporate to video dust. A yellow energy tank appeared in Top Man's place.
Kevin: All right! We got the last energy tank for the peace robot.
He knelt and petted Duke.
Kevin: You're the hero of this trip, fella, for sniffing out Top Man.
He grabbed the tank, but then Mega Man grabbed it on the other side!
Mega Man: (taking offense) Wait a minute! We wouldn't even be here without the Rush's Rocket Mode!"
He was strong, but not strong enough to wrest the tank away from the angry teenager. The 2 began arguing.
Kevin: Duke chased that cat away! .
Mega Man: Yeah? Well, not without Rush's help, he didn't!
The dogs watched as their masters fought over the energy tank.
Back at Dr. Wright's lab, the good scientist used an electromagnetic crane that lowered this eighth energy tank into the robot's power chamber. He, Kevin, Mega Man, Rush, and Duke were standing on the floor panel of the scaffolding, which was up high again.
Wright: Thank you, N Team. All we need now is the control device Dr. Wiley built for the robot."
Mega Man: Dr. Wright, are you sure you can trust that mega-rat?
Wright: Aye! There's good in everybody, Mega Man. You just have to find it.
Kevin: (laughs) Yeah, well, Wiley does wear a clean lab coat!
Dr. Right lowered the floor panel.
In his lab, Dr. Wiley was watching the N Team with his viewscreen.
Wiley: Heh, heh, heh, heh! And now, I'm going to clean up on Megaland.
He got up and went over to a table in his lab.
Wiley: After my control device turns that peace robot deliciously evil.
He picked up the control device, which looked like a joystick with all sorts of fancy buttons.
Wiley: But first, we have to get Captain Nitwit and Mega Mite out of the way!
He watched as Kevin, Mega Man, and their dogs approached a blue warp.
Wiley: Heh, heh, heh! And I know just the bait to trap them with - those doggies!
Kevin: (calls) Come on, Mega Man. We earned ourselves some rest and relaxation.
The two heroes and their dogs stepped through the warp, which took them to the world of California Games.
On California Games, Duke and Rush were surfing on a really big wave.
Kevin: Come on, Duke! Go, go!
Mega Man: You've got him, Rush! Go go go!
However, Rush slipped off his board and fell into the water with several mechanized yips and barks. Duke slid onto the shore on his board.
Kevin: Way to go, Duke! You won, paws down!
Kevin patted his victorious pooch. Rush as he washed onto the shore.
Mega Man: That's okay, boy. You'll beat his tail off in the frisbee free-for-all!
Rush: Here we go again! Arf!
Kevin had decided that he should throw the frisbee. After all, if Mega Man threw it, it might go around the world and whack him in the head a second later!
Kevin: Get ready...set...go!
He tossed the frisbee, and the two dogs took off after it barking as Mega Man came to Kevin's side. The frisbee made an upward arc in the air, and the dogs lept after it. Suddenly, a warp opened in the air to Skull Castle(the megaman 3 incarnation), and the dogs flew right into it!
Wiley's Voice: Say bye-bye, doggies! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Mega Man: W-wasn't that Dr. Wiley's lab?"
Kevin: It's Skull Castle,looks like he remodeled the place!"
Mega Man: But why would he want to capture Duke and Rush?
Kevin: Well, like I said, Mega Man: Once a sleezoid, always a sleezoid! Let's hit it!
The heroes ran through the warp to Skull Castle. As they approached the main gate, they heard Duke's voice howling from within.
Kevin: That's Duke! I'd know his howl anywhere!
Within, Wiley was watching with satisfaction.
Wiley: Why are the good guys always such chumps?
Robo-Wiley: (eagerly)Can I spring the trap, master? Can I? Huh?"
Pressing several keys on his control panel, Wiley turned to the robot and said
Wiley: I like your attitude, Robo-Wiley. Go on! Enjoy!
Robo-Wiley went to a lever on the wall and pushed it up as Mega Man and Kevin backed away from the door.
Mega Man: Stand back, Captain N! (points his blaster at the door) I'm going to blast the door!
Suddenly, a trap warp opened beneath them and dumped them screaming into a tank full of water! They spat out water when they resurfaced, and Mega Man knocked some water out of his right ear when he slapped his head with his left hand. A circular section of the wall slid away, revealing a metal tube that came out of the wall.
Kevin: Why do I get the feeling we're about to go on spin cycle? .
The tube released a large robotic turtle into the tank. On a platform above the tank, Wiley watched with satisfaction.
Wiley: (laughs wickedly) So nice of you to come to my pool party! I do hope you'll stay for dinner; my robo-turtles just love foolish heroes!"
Mega Man gasped as the villainous scientist laughed. The robo-turtle started snapping its jaws.
Dr. Wiley: (laughs). If you're still around after dinner, you can watch me and my new "peace" robot take over Megaland!"
Kevin: (swings his fist at the scientist) You'll pay for this, Dr. Wiley! .
Wiley: So sorry, Captain Numbskull. I left my wallet in my other lab coat.
Wiley left the room, and the door closed behind him. The tube released two more turtles, so three turtles approached the two heroes. Kevin took out his Zapper and attempted to fire, but water popped out instead!
Kevin: If we get out of this, remind me to have my Zapper waterproofed!
Mega Man: Hey, that's it! My non-powered Master Weapon - the Shadow Blade!
He took out a Shadow Blade and tossed it at the tube. It hit a button on the device to which the tube was connected, causing it to vacuum all the water and the turtles out of the tank.
Kevin: Major brainwave, Mega Man! You turned it into a turtle vacuum!"
Suddenly, they felt the suction, too.
Mega Man: (shouts) Now, all we have to do is keep it from sucking us up, too!
He grabbed a grate with a floor in his hands, and Kevin held on to him. He pulled the grate off and grabbed onto the lip of the drain underneath; he and Kevin coughed a bit as the water flowed around them. The two heroes dropped down through the drain and sat, coughing up the last of the water.
Kevin: (breathed heavily) That lowlife, Wiley, just better not have hurt our dogs.
He and Mega Man crawled down the pathway. Back at Wiley's lair....
Wiley: Well, I'm off to steal my peace robot.
He jumped into his small vehicle, which would carry only one passenger.
While I'm gone, Robo-Wiley, make sure that Captain Nothing and Maggot Man enjoy their misery."
Robo-Wiley: Goody goody goody! What about dogs?
Wiley: Put them down!
Wiley closed the blue canopy and sped out of the lab.
Robo-Wiley: Will-do, master!
The robot saluted, but unfortunately, he had formed his right hand into a saw, and he cut part of his metallic hair!
In their prison cell, Duke was sniffing around,investigating the glowing bars
Rush: Careful, Duke. The bars may be booby-trapped. Arf!
Duke accidentally rammed his nose into a bar, and he got a painful shock and yipped. He growled, backed away, and suddenly got an idea, as shown by a light-bulb popping on above his head. He barked, pointing to the floor with his left front paw. He and Rush started digging their way out through the dirt floor.
Meanwhile, Mega Man and Kevin were still digging their way through the castle,...and they were now digging through the back wall of the cell!
Mega Man: We've been digging forever! Do you think we're still in Skull Castle?
The wall fell away, and they entered the cell.
Kevin: Are you kidding? We're lucky if we're still in Megaland!
They gasped as they discovered where they were.
Kevin: Darn! Out of the frying pan and into the fire!
They saw Duke and Rush dig up on the outside of the cell!
Kevin: Duke!"
Mega Man: Rush!
The dogs barked excitedly back at their masters. Down the hall, Robo-Wiley's voice called.
Robo-Wiley: Hey! Stop that! Bad! Bad dogs!"
He fired Metal Blades at the two dogs.
Kevin: Uh-oh! We're outta here!
He and Mega Man jumped into the hole. Just after the first two blades had flown by, Kevin and Mega Man popped their heads up from the hole, and Kevin started blasting blades. Rush turned into a jet
Rush: All aboard! Arf!
Kevin, Duke, and Mega Man piled onto the robotic dog.
Mega Man: Come on, Rush; kick it!
Rush's rockets did not want to start up at first, but they did.
Kevin, Mega Man, and Duke held on as Rush narrowly avoided the blades. One blade sliced through a ventilation pipe, which fell towards Robo-Wiley! The robot gasped as the pipe fell on him and crushed him.
Skull Castle ejected the heroes and sent them sprawling on the ground outside. A blue warp opened in front of them, and Dr. Wright came out.
Dr.Wright: Mega Man! Captain N! Dr. Wiley's stolen the peace robot! We've got to find him!
Several gigantic footsteps approached them.
Kevin: Uh, I think he found us!
The peace robot approached the heroes and stopped. Wiley was in the cockpit,operating the control.
Wiley: Now,Megaland is mine! .
A bolt shot past the five heroes.
Kevin: Whoa!
Kevin,now in a sitting position,drew his Zapper and fired at the large robot.
Kevin: This game is getting hot! Too hot!
His shots burned the robot's right foot, and the robot started stomping.
Wiley: (shouts) I'll crush you like insects for that!
As he stomped, a branch holding a nest of robobees fell off a nearby tree and landed next to Duke, who yapped. The canine suddenly got an idea!
Wiley: (with a despicable grin) Good-bye, pests!
He saw two dogs flying towards him - Rush as a jet, holding a rock with his legs, and Duke riding on Rush and holding the branch with the robobee nest.
Wiley: What the - "
As the dogs approached, Rush dropped the rock, cracking a hole in the glass canopy. Wily hit the deck to avoid getting hit. As he looked up, he saw the branch with the robobee nest fall through the hole and crash next to him.
Wiley: No! No! Robobees!
He started racing in circles around the circular control chamber to avoid being stung by the robotic bees.
Wiley: Help!
As he ran, the robot also ran in circles, and three guys on the ground laughed. The peace robot's left foot hit a stone, and the robot fell on its face, demolished. Wiley ran away, screaming.
Wiley: Yaah! Bees!
He screamed unintelligible phrases as the bees chased him away.
Wright: I wonder what got into Dr.Wiley?
Rush landed on the ground near them.
Rush: Something must be bugging him!
The mechanical mutt laughed as Duke got off him. "Harf, arf, arf, arf!"
Kevin and Mega Man: (to each other) Did you say something?
They turned to their dogs.
Kevin: Duke, you can talk!?
Mega Man: No way! That was Rush!
The dogs looked at each other and then leapt on their masters, proceeding to lick their faces!
Dr. Wright smiled in amusement.
Note: And thus the final visit to Megaland concludes. We have 2 more stops left before this sereis comes to a close. Next stop: Teris!
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Captain N: Re-Edited Episode 14: Return To CastleVania!
It's been one week since Mother Brain's demise. The day following that event,The N-Team went on a mission to destroy Metroid once and for all. They succeeded and Peace had been brought to the Universe. Despite this though,Videoland still has it's share of isolated incidents. Which leads us to this next Adventure....
On CastleVania,Kevin and Simon attend The Belmont Awards, where Simon is going to be honored for being a hero like his great-grandfather, Trevor Belmont. Simon is fixing his hair.
Kevin: Simon, they're not honoring you for Hairstyle of the Year. It's for being a hero like your great-grandfather.
Simon: Yes,but even heroes have to look their best.
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen,here to except the Belmont family items,Simon Belmont.
Simon approaches the Stage to applause. The Poltergeist King appears on stage.
Simon: (kneels) Your Kingship, I humbly accept the gifts you have come to bestow upon my heroic self.
Poltergeist King: (angry,accusing) You!? No,Simon Belmont! You are no hero! You never defeated the Count like your ancestors. Instead,you had the N-Team do it for you! Cowardly Buffoon!
A shocked Simon begins to faint,causing Kevin to rush out to the stage to help his friend.
Poltergeist King: I hereby place a curse on you,Simon Belmont! A 1,000 years of shame!
The Poltergeist King then disappears, taking the weapons with him. The audience begins booing Simon and throwing food at him.
Simon: (ashamed) My life is a complete lie! I'll never be able to live this down!
Simon escapes by running into a nearby warp.
The Poltergeist King arrives at a Tower...And turns into the Count,who was impersonating the King.
The Count: (laughs evilly) With Simon Belmont disgraced,I could easily take over Castlevania.
Igor, a small winged creature sitting on top of the King's staff.
Igor: You're a genius, master.
The Count: "Thank you, Igor. Coming from you, that means zip.
He see the real Poltergeist King was escaping from the tower where he was being held captive. The King was climbing down a bedsheet.
Igor: Your Wickedness, look. The real Poltergeist King is getting away!
The Count: Well, stop flapping your lips and start flapping your wings! Go, stop him!
Off screen,Igor screams.
The Count: Ugh,Do I have to do every evil thing myself?
Count flies up and uses the King's magic staff to set the "rope" on fire. The King climbs back up to the window he came out of.
Vlad, the Count's son, comes by on his bat-shaped skateboard,he even does a trick.
Vlad: Whoa,dude! Vampires Rule!
The Count grabs Vlad and is mad.
Vlad: Whoa,cool it Dad dude! You're wrinkling the cape.
The Count: Vlad,you incompetent idiot! You were supposed to be watching the King.
Vlad: (non-nonchalantly)Hey,Not my problemo,man!
The Count: (almost fuming) That's It!! I've had it with your attitude! (releases vlad) Out of my sight,you embarrassment!!
Vlad: (angry) I don't need this! I'm outta here!
Vlad leaves via a warp.
After looking for Simon in every dungeon in town, Kevin finds Simon in the graveyard on the other side of CastleVania. Simon was at Trevor's grave,upset.
Kevin: Simon,What are you doing here?
Simon: (saddened) It's the only place I could show my face (looks in his mirror)...and such a handsome face, too
Simon sits on another grave and awakens an old wizard from his sleep,who zaps him. Simon screams.
Wizard: Can't a homeless old Wizard get some peace. Wha...? Trever Belmont? Is that you? No,wait,you're not him. You look like him though.
Simon: You knew my Great-grandfather?
Wizard: Knew him? I helped him on his mission to defeat The Count 100 years ago. I sense the same heroic spirit within you.
Kevin: We have to find the Poltergeist King,and fix this misunderstanding.
Wizard: Oh,I can help you. Just need to rejuvenate these old bones.
The old wizard accidentally casts the wrong spell and brings a Skull Knight to life! Simon is too upset to notice it.
Kevin: Simon! Look out!
Kevin zaps it, and he only manages to shoot off one of it's horns. The horn flies off and bonks the wizard on the head.
Wizard: Oh,now I remember! The Stone spell!
The Wizard freezes the Skull Knight with the stone spell and it crumbles.
Simon then turns around to see what's going on.
Simon: What happened?
Within the his lair,The Count is watching all of this using a magic projection ring.
The Count: (annoyed) They need to be stopped before they reveal the trusth.
When Simon, Kevin, and the old wizard warp into the Poltergeist King's cave.
Kevin: Let's hope his Royal Ghostness is home.
The King Appears and is outraged.
Poltergeist King: You Dare set foot in my lair,you fraud?
Kevin: Cool off,King.
Kevin fires at a spike, and water comes gushing out,wetting the King. The Count then turns back into his true form.
Simon: I should've known you'd have your fang marks in this.
The Count: Speaking of fang marks. Check out my "Belmont Bashers"
The Count laughs evilly as he summons spikes from the ceiling to crush them. As the spikes lower,the old Wizard decides to stop the spikes with a spell.
Wizard (skimming through his book,and fails to find an appropriate spell): Oh,I'll just improvise.
The old wizard again chants the wrong spell, warping himself out of there.
The Count: I hate to bite and run,but..
The Count turns into a bat and flies off. Simon tries to capture the Count with his whip,but instead he catches a rising/falling spike trap instead...while it's ascending
Then Vlad comes by, destroys the spikes and spike traps with fireballs. Simon falls down.
Kevin: Thanks.
Vlad: Cool,save huh? I'm Vlad,The Count's son. Though I'm totally on your side. I wanna help you destroy my pops and save CastleVania.
The Count is hiding in his bat form, hearing all of this.
Moments Later, Vlad warps Simon,Kevin,and himself into the Count's room.
Vlad: This is it,dudes,pops new lair.
Kevin: Looks like dear old dad is out to lunch.
The Count appears.
The Count: No, I thought I'd have a bite in my room today.
Simon: Take This!
Simon whips a candle, somehow turning it into a boomerang which then heads straight for The Count, who then turns it into some kind of Ghost that heads straight for them, which is then shot down by Kevin.
Kevin: I think Simon's gonna need our help, Vlad.
Vlad: You're the one who's gonna need help, sucker.
Vlad joins his father by his side.
Simon: See? We never should've trusted that son of a count.
The Count: (to vlad) You do your father proud.
Vlad: Heh! I learned from the best.
Simon knocks the magic staff out of the Count's hand.
The Count: Fools!
The Count goes to get the staff,
Vlad: Mummies! Attack!
Some Mummies appear
Kevin: Simon,get the staff. I'll hand these freaks.
The Count grabs the staff,but Simon swings towards him using his whip, and knocks the Count away,making him drop the staff in the prossess. The Count falls into a coffin. The coffin closes on the Count.
Kevin uses his Power Pad and unwraps the mummies,destroying them. He then uses the Mummies wrappings to wrap up Vlad. He then sends him spinning into an upright coffin. The coffin shuts on Vlad.
Simon: (stands on the counts coffin) Like Great-Granfather,Like Great-Granson!
Later,back at The Belmont Awards, the audience has fallen asleep (the Poltergeist King is already asleep) from Simon's long, boring speech as he accepts Trevor's weapons. Even Kevin seems bored. The Wizard is there too.
Simon:...And so we will now bestow upon on the House of Belmont,these fine weapons.
Kevin: I wish we bestowed Silence upon the Mouth of Belmont.
The Wizard: I'll handle this.
The old wizard casts a spell, tying Simon up with bandages like a mummy so he can't talk. Kevin and the audience crack up laughing.
Note: And thus ends this final adventure in CastleVania. Our 'Grand Finale Tour' of Videoland continues,as we head back to Megaland.
On CastleVania,Kevin and Simon attend The Belmont Awards, where Simon is going to be honored for being a hero like his great-grandfather, Trevor Belmont. Simon is fixing his hair.
Kevin: Simon, they're not honoring you for Hairstyle of the Year. It's for being a hero like your great-grandfather.
Simon: Yes,but even heroes have to look their best.
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen,here to except the Belmont family items,Simon Belmont.
Simon approaches the Stage to applause. The Poltergeist King appears on stage.
Simon: (kneels) Your Kingship, I humbly accept the gifts you have come to bestow upon my heroic self.
Poltergeist King: (angry,accusing) You!? No,Simon Belmont! You are no hero! You never defeated the Count like your ancestors. Instead,you had the N-Team do it for you! Cowardly Buffoon!
A shocked Simon begins to faint,causing Kevin to rush out to the stage to help his friend.
Poltergeist King: I hereby place a curse on you,Simon Belmont! A 1,000 years of shame!
The Poltergeist King then disappears, taking the weapons with him. The audience begins booing Simon and throwing food at him.
Simon: (ashamed) My life is a complete lie! I'll never be able to live this down!
Simon escapes by running into a nearby warp.
The Poltergeist King arrives at a Tower...And turns into the Count,who was impersonating the King.
The Count: (laughs evilly) With Simon Belmont disgraced,I could easily take over Castlevania.
Igor, a small winged creature sitting on top of the King's staff.
Igor: You're a genius, master.
The Count: "Thank you, Igor. Coming from you, that means zip.
He see the real Poltergeist King was escaping from the tower where he was being held captive. The King was climbing down a bedsheet.
Igor: Your Wickedness, look. The real Poltergeist King is getting away!
The Count: Well, stop flapping your lips and start flapping your wings! Go, stop him!
Off screen,Igor screams.
The Count: Ugh,Do I have to do every evil thing myself?
Count flies up and uses the King's magic staff to set the "rope" on fire. The King climbs back up to the window he came out of.
Vlad, the Count's son, comes by on his bat-shaped skateboard,he even does a trick.
Vlad: Whoa,dude! Vampires Rule!
The Count grabs Vlad and is mad.
Vlad: Whoa,cool it Dad dude! You're wrinkling the cape.
The Count: Vlad,you incompetent idiot! You were supposed to be watching the King.
Vlad: (non-nonchalantly)Hey,Not my problemo,man!
The Count: (almost fuming) That's It!! I've had it with your attitude! (releases vlad) Out of my sight,you embarrassment!!
Vlad: (angry) I don't need this! I'm outta here!
Vlad leaves via a warp.
After looking for Simon in every dungeon in town, Kevin finds Simon in the graveyard on the other side of CastleVania. Simon was at Trevor's grave,upset.
Kevin: Simon,What are you doing here?
Simon: (saddened) It's the only place I could show my face (looks in his mirror)...and such a handsome face, too
Simon sits on another grave and awakens an old wizard from his sleep,who zaps him. Simon screams.
Wizard: Can't a homeless old Wizard get some peace. Wha...? Trever Belmont? Is that you? No,wait,you're not him. You look like him though.
Simon: You knew my Great-grandfather?
Wizard: Knew him? I helped him on his mission to defeat The Count 100 years ago. I sense the same heroic spirit within you.
Kevin: We have to find the Poltergeist King,and fix this misunderstanding.
Wizard: Oh,I can help you. Just need to rejuvenate these old bones.
The old wizard accidentally casts the wrong spell and brings a Skull Knight to life! Simon is too upset to notice it.
Kevin: Simon! Look out!
Kevin zaps it, and he only manages to shoot off one of it's horns. The horn flies off and bonks the wizard on the head.
Wizard: Oh,now I remember! The Stone spell!
The Wizard freezes the Skull Knight with the stone spell and it crumbles.
Simon then turns around to see what's going on.
Simon: What happened?
Within the his lair,The Count is watching all of this using a magic projection ring.
The Count: (annoyed) They need to be stopped before they reveal the trusth.
When Simon, Kevin, and the old wizard warp into the Poltergeist King's cave.
Kevin: Let's hope his Royal Ghostness is home.
The King Appears and is outraged.
Poltergeist King: You Dare set foot in my lair,you fraud?
Kevin: Cool off,King.
Kevin fires at a spike, and water comes gushing out,wetting the King. The Count then turns back into his true form.
Simon: I should've known you'd have your fang marks in this.
The Count: Speaking of fang marks. Check out my "Belmont Bashers"
The Count laughs evilly as he summons spikes from the ceiling to crush them. As the spikes lower,the old Wizard decides to stop the spikes with a spell.
Wizard (skimming through his book,and fails to find an appropriate spell): Oh,I'll just improvise.
The old wizard again chants the wrong spell, warping himself out of there.
The Count: I hate to bite and run,but..
The Count turns into a bat and flies off. Simon tries to capture the Count with his whip,but instead he catches a rising/falling spike trap instead...while it's ascending
Then Vlad comes by, destroys the spikes and spike traps with fireballs. Simon falls down.
Kevin: Thanks.
Vlad: Cool,save huh? I'm Vlad,The Count's son. Though I'm totally on your side. I wanna help you destroy my pops and save CastleVania.
The Count is hiding in his bat form, hearing all of this.
Moments Later, Vlad warps Simon,Kevin,and himself into the Count's room.
Vlad: This is it,dudes,pops new lair.
Kevin: Looks like dear old dad is out to lunch.
The Count appears.
The Count: No, I thought I'd have a bite in my room today.
Simon: Take This!
Simon whips a candle, somehow turning it into a boomerang which then heads straight for The Count, who then turns it into some kind of Ghost that heads straight for them, which is then shot down by Kevin.
Kevin: I think Simon's gonna need our help, Vlad.
Vlad: You're the one who's gonna need help, sucker.
Vlad joins his father by his side.
Simon: See? We never should've trusted that son of a count.
The Count: (to vlad) You do your father proud.
Vlad: Heh! I learned from the best.
Simon knocks the magic staff out of the Count's hand.
The Count: Fools!
The Count goes to get the staff,
Vlad: Mummies! Attack!
Some Mummies appear
Kevin: Simon,get the staff. I'll hand these freaks.
The Count grabs the staff,but Simon swings towards him using his whip, and knocks the Count away,making him drop the staff in the prossess. The Count falls into a coffin. The coffin closes on the Count.
Kevin uses his Power Pad and unwraps the mummies,destroying them. He then uses the Mummies wrappings to wrap up Vlad. He then sends him spinning into an upright coffin. The coffin shuts on Vlad.
Simon: (stands on the counts coffin) Like Great-Granfather,Like Great-Granson!
Later,back at The Belmont Awards, the audience has fallen asleep (the Poltergeist King is already asleep) from Simon's long, boring speech as he accepts Trevor's weapons. Even Kevin seems bored. The Wizard is there too.
Simon:...And so we will now bestow upon on the House of Belmont,these fine weapons.
Kevin: I wish we bestowed Silence upon the Mouth of Belmont.
The Wizard: I'll handle this.
The old wizard casts a spell, tying Simon up with bandages like a mummy so he can't talk. Kevin and the audience crack up laughing.
Note: And thus ends this final adventure in CastleVania. Our 'Grand Finale Tour' of Videoland continues,as we head back to Megaland.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Captain N: Re-Edited Episode 13: Baseball Know-It-Alls!
On the Baseball world of,Homerun, the N-Team is facing a most awesome challenge:
Mr. Bojack,a Bo Jackson expy,is the team captain of the Videoland All-stars. The scoreboard showed that the home team was the Videoland All-stars and that neither the N Team nor the All-stars had made any home runs yet. It was the bottom of the first inning. Mr. Bojack stepped up to the home plate and readied his bat. He wore a dark blue cap that had a red V on the front. He addressed Captain N, who was the pitcher.
Mr. Bojack: I know amateur when I see one, and I eat ’im for Lunch!
Kevin "Captain N" Keene was wearing a lighter blue cap that had a red N.
Kevin: Alright. Eat this, slugger!
He tossed a curve ball that made Mr. Bojack nervous. When he struck the ball, it went flying towards third base.
Simon Belmont, the member of the N Team assigned to home base, stood up. He was wearing a blue shirt underneath a red T-shirt. He lifted up his protective mask. He looked down at his black glove that had four toothlike projections and a red interior.
Simon: This calls for my special, super-deluxe vampire catcher!
It made crunching sounds the two times he closed his hand. After vaunting, he ran after the flying ball. Unfortunately, Duke, assigned near third base, also came running for the ball! Neither was watching where they were going, and Simon and Duke crashed together with a yip from Duke just before the ball landed in Simon’s glove! The ball landed and rolled across the third base foul line soon before it reached third base.
Upire: Foul ball; strike 1!
Lying on his chest near third base, Simon reached back and removed his glove from the rear end of his pants. However, the pants ripped, revealing white underwear with red polka dots! Fortunately, that did not rip. Growling, Simon sat up, regarded his glove, and tossed it furiously on the ground. Duke’s head popped out of the protective pad Simon was wearing and proceeded to lick the vampire hunter’s face once!
Simon: Yeeuck! (points at the dog) Next time,don't be such a hot dog!
When the ball had returned to him, Kevin tossed it into his glove a few times. In her royal box seat separated from the rest of the cheering cloud, Princess Lana was standing up and waving a blue banner with a white baseball on it.
Lana: (cheered) Come on, Kevin! You can do it! Strike him out!
On Metroid, however, Mother Brain was watching the game through her own monitor so that she would not have to put up with commercials.And Again,it's her micro spy bots,who are transmitting the action.
Mother Brain: “Hee, hee, hee, hee! It’s almost time to strike You out, Princess Pea-brain!
She looked down to her two minions, Eggplant Wizard and King Hippo, who were busy trying to rewire the controls for a warp zone.
Mother Brain: Haven’t you lunk-heads got that warp rewired yet?
Eggplant Wizard: Hoo! We’re almost done, Big Mama Brain! (holds a green wire) The N Team won’t know what hit ’em!
King Hippo: (holds read wire) Neither will you, melon head, if you touch that green wire to this red one!
But then, he did touch the two wires together, frying himself and the veggie magician! He screamed.
Mother Brain grabbed the two idiots with electric impulses and lifted them in front of her.
Mother Brain: I don’t know which one of you dim-wits is dimmer: tweedle-dumb or tweedle-dumber!
She drew them away from each other a little, then thrust them together and let them drop to the ground.
Back on Homerun...
Kevin: Strike three coming at you, Bojack!
Mr. Bojack: Right! In your dreams, junior
Kevin pitched the ball. This time, however, Bo, hit it high, and Kevin gasped as it flew over his head. Pit Icarus tried to catch it, but when it hit his glove, it just sent him spinning and continued in its original direction. Pit Icarus cried while spinning downward and drilling into the ground. The ball hit the high scoreboard, and suddenly the baseball field started to become unstable!
Kevin: Huh?
It turned into a warp, and Kevin, Duke, Mega Man, Pit Icarus, Simon, and Mr. Bojack were sent away! Game Boy was making a red-alert sound while flashing “Alert” on his screen.
Gameboy: Alert! Alert! Incoming Danger!
Lana: My goodness! What’s happening?
Mother Brain and her two goons appeared in a hologram, Eggplant Wizard to her right, King Hippo to her left.
Holo!Mother Brain: Yours truly is what’s happenin’, now that I’ve warped those N-Twerps inside this Baseball World!
Holo!Eggplant Wizard: Yeah! It’s so dark and nasty down there, they’ll never get out alive! Na, na na, na, na!
Holo!Mother Brain: Without your precious Captain Nothin',Videoland is mine once again!
She laughed wickedly.
The team was in the cavern-like cellar of Homerun. In the region where they were now, several balls appeared to be embedded in the walls.
Mr. Bojack: Something tells me we’re not in Kansas anymore, N Team.
Simon: (demands in panic, examins a wall) Who cares about Kansas? Where’s the warp out of here!?
He had lost his face-protecting mask.
Kevin: Take it easy, Simon! First, we have to figure out where here is.
He had lost his baseball cap.
Mr. Bojack: There’s only one place this could be, The cellar, where we lock up all our bad equipment.
Pit Icarus: They look pretty harmless to me,guys.
Kid Icarus hovers near a wall. One of the baseballs in the wall suddenly came alive!
Evil Baseball: Oh, yeah? Watch this!
Suddenly, several balls started flying out of the walls towards the good guys!
Mr. Bojack: Whoa! I haven’t seen this many foul balls since the Pennant!
Kevin: I’ll hold ’em off (zaps balls) Everybody make a run for it!
While the others ran off, Bojack prepared his baseball bat.
Mr. Bojack: The only run I’m making is a home run!
He proceeded to whack baseballs along with Kevin. The others arrived at a two-way fork in the road. One to the left went upwards. The other went downwards and over a wooden bridge suspended with ropes.
Pit Icarus: Which way?
Simon shrugged. Kevin and Bo came running, leaving the foul balls behind.
Mr. Bojack: I know baseball, and it’s one game you always play right. Let's cross the bridge.
Kevin: Wait, Mr. Bojack,I know video games. I say we go up to get out.
Duke barked, opting to accompany his master.
Mega Man: I’m with you, Captain N, You’ve gotten us out of some major messes before!
Simon: Not on Homerun, he hasn’t
He joins Bo and putting his right hand on his left shoulder.
Simon: I’m sticking with the man who knows.
Pit Icarus: For once, Simon's right,This is Mr. Bojack’s world.
Kevin: Well,good luck.
Mr. Bojack: You, too.
The two groups went their separate ways.
Meanwhile, at the Palace of Power, Mother Brain is about to bring Videoland to its knees.
Eggy: Now that Mother Brain’s gonna queen again, it’s your job play maid, Princess Lowlife,
She and Game Boy were standing in the throne room with Hippo and Eggplant. Eggy was down on the floor and scrubbing it with a toothbrush. There was also a bucket of soapy water.
Eggy: See, you go round and round, like this!
Lana was looking for a way to distract the two lackeys, which did not seem too difficult.
Lana: I’m not sure I understand. Could you show me again, Eggplant Wizard?
King Hippo snatched the toothbrush from his companion.
Hippo: Aw, let me show her! (begins scrubbing the floor) You couldn’t scrub your back if it was in front of your face!
Lana turned to Game Boy, to her left, and whispered in one of his audio receptors.
Lana: (quietly) Come on, Game Boy. Now’s our chance to try and reach Kevin!
Gameboy: (quietly) Affirmative!
The word “Okay” showed on Game Boy’s face, and he and Lana slipped away, escaping the notice of Eggy and Hippo.
Hippo lifted the toothbrush to the light.
Hippo: (shouts) Hey! This is my toothbrush, rutabaga-breath!
With his left fist, he smashed Eggplant Wizard’s head down into his body, and several vegetables popped out of his collarbone before his head popped back up.
Eggy: Yeah,well You never use it.
Hippo: I was just gettin’ around to it!
Then, he proceeded to brush his teeth, getting suds all over them!
Suddenly, they heard the deep voice of their leader.
Mother Brain: I thought I told you cabbage-heads to keep an eye on Princess Puny!
They looked up and saw Mother Brain.
Hippo: Uh, uh. . . we were just teachin’ her how to scrub the floor, like you said!
Mother Brain: (annoyed) Find her, before I scrub the floor with you sponge-heads!
She fried them each with an electrical blast before they ran off to find Lana.
In the cavern underneath Homerun, Mr.Bojack, Pit Icarus, and Simon heard a noise from an unknown source. . . a beeping signal type of noise. As they cautiously cross a rickety bridge.
Pit Icarus: What’s that? hey were
Bojack: I don’t know, and what I don’t know can hurt me.
At the end of the bridge, a couple of nasty flying baseball gloves laughed menacingly at them. They spat a highly acidic substance on the last plank of the bridge, causing it to melt! Simon freaked out.
Simon: Let’s make a run for it!
He turned around and tried to run, but his way was block by another glove.
Simon: Ah, on second thought, let’s run away from it!”
Bo swung his bat at the gloves, trying to hit them, but they quickly evaded each swing. Pit Icarus shot an arrow at one glove, but it shot a glob of acid at the glove and melted the tip off. Pit Icarus gasped.
Pit Icarus: I sure hope Captain N is doing better than we are!”
Meanwhile, along the other path, Kevin, Mega Man, and Duke were near the top.
Mega Man: A couple more feet,and we’re home free!
Suddenly, though several fly-balls came along and barred their way.
Kevin: Uh, oh, From the looks of those fly-balls, we’re not getting any free rides in this game!
As the flying balls advanced, Mega Man fired plasma blasts at them. However, the balls merely swallowed the shots! Also, they spat fireballs at the trio. Kevin shot several, but their advance was relentless.
Kevin: Fall back!!! These hotheads don’t know the meaning of fair play!!
Unfortunately, both groups decided to fall back, and they met at the fork at the same time, causing confusion. Kevin tried to fire another shot at the balls, but Simon bumped into him, causing his shot to go to the ceiling. Rocks fell from the point of impact and blocked off both paths of the fork entirely, saving them all temporarily but blocking any exit. The balls and gloves returned to their territories.
Simon: Well (sits on a rock) I guess we got rid of them.
Mega Man: Yeah, and sealed ourselves in!
Mr.Bojack was sitting, and Kevin leaning against the wall to his left.
Bojack: We wouldn’t be sitting on this rock-pile if we’d stuck together.
Kevin: And whose fault is that, Mr. Know-It-All?
Bojack frowned. Suddenly, a hologram of Princess Lana appeared!
Kevin: Lana?
Holo!Lana: Ssh, Just listen. I don’t know how long I can talk. Mother Brain has taken over the palace!
In the Palace of Power, she was standing in front of the large communications computer.
Lana: She’s sealed all the warps out of Homerun, but I’ll get you out of there....somehow!”
Suddenly, a shot from behind hit the screen, cutting off the communication! Lana gasped and turned around.
Mother Brain: I don't think so, Princess Pinhead!
Lana decides to feign submission.
Lana: It looks like you win, Mother Brain, The Kevin was my last hope.
Secretly, she reached behind with her left hand and pressed a button on the computer’s control panel.
Mother Brain: It’s about time you wised up!
Kevin: We’ve got to get out of here! Lana needs us!”
Mr. Bojack: We will, Kev, Only this time, let’s use our heads and some teamwork.
He and Kevin shook hands. Suddenly, Duke started barking happily, as he was hearing something.
Kevin: Atta boy, Duke! You found something!
Duke went to the new rock wall and turned back to his master. He barked several more times.
Simon: (shrugs) Smart dog you’ve got there, Captain N, He led us exactly nowhere!
Mega Man stepped over to the same area in the wall.
Mega Man: No, wait! My sensors are picking up something, too. . . a beeping, coming from. . . there!
He passed his hand over the wall, and they all heard the distinct sound of a warp!
Pit: It’s a warp!”
This made everyone happy.
Kevin: Lana must have found a way to lead us home.
They all stepped through the warp and emerged in an area that looked like a miniature baseball diamond.
Voice: So I have some intruders!
Its owner was someone whose entire body was a baseball card! However, his human-like features were his head, which was in the center of the card, his arms and hands, and his legs and feet. He wore a baseball cap.
Baseball Card: I’m the Baseball Card King!
He stood up from his baseball-shaped chair and rubbed his hands together.
Baseball Card King: Those who trespass in my domain will always Strike Out!.
Kevin: Sorry, pal, Play time is over. We’re out of here!
He and the others moved to leave.
The Baseball Card King laughed.
B.C.K.: That’s a foul thing to say, you're not going anywhere! Play Ball!!
Several nasty wooden baseball bats came along, hissing, and they barred the N Team’s way. They had feet on the ends of their handles, arms on either side, mouths, red baseball hats, and nasty attitudes.
B.C.K.: I'm gonna bat a thousand with you intruders!
Mr. Bojack: Guess it’s game time whether we like it or not,Let’s make it a no-hitter!
The bats flew after the N Team.
Simon cried, as he tried to avoid one bat. He pulled out a cymbal and guarded his face. The bat ran into it and disintegrated to video-dust. One came after Bojack, but he whacked it in two with his own trusty bat. One came after Mega Man, but Duke pounced on it. Turning around, Mega Man noted one sneaking up on Duke, and he turned his right hand into a saw blade and reduced this second bat to shavings, burying himself and Duke.
Two came after Kid Icarus, but with flight maneuvers, he caused them to get tangled up in each other. Two came racing towards Kevin from either side, trying to sandwich him, but he pressed Up on his Power Pad to jump above them, and they rammed together. He got out his Zapper and fried each of them before he landed. These bats were reduced to shavings, as well.
The group reassembled.
Kevin: Well, I hate to win and run, but Lana’s signal is coming from the end of the end of the baseball field.
The group ran to the end of the field, where the signal rang loud and clear from within a chasm. They stopped short of falling in.
Kevin: There’s a warp down there. I just know it!”
Simon: Are you kidding? We can’t jump into empty space on what you know!
Simon: I know this is our only chance of making it home!
They heard the Baseball Card King laughing behind them. When they looked, they saw a legion of evil baseball bats behind him!
B.C.K.: (laughs) Time for some extra innings!
The bats hissed, making an ominous noise.
Mr. Bojack knew Kevin was right about this. Also, he did not want to face all those bats.
Bojack: Let’s go for it
Everyone jumped in, Simon the last.
Simon: (cried) It’s not openiiiiiiiiiiiiing!
But the warp did open, and everyone in the group entered it safely. In the Palace of Power, King Hippo and Eggplant Wizard had Mother Brain blindfolded and were guiding her to the throne room.
Hippo: Now, don’t look, my main brain
Eggy: Yeah! It’s a big surprise.
They stopped, and he lifted the blindfold.
When she saw the surprise, Mother Brain was delighted. It was a huge sponge cake with a gold crown on top!
Eggy: It’s my special sponge cake recipe!
Mother Brain grabbed the crown with electrical impulses and put it on top of her jar, and she smiled. Mother Brain was so happy that tears came to her eyes.
Mother Brain: Ooh, I’m all misty-eyed! Really, boys, you shouldn’t have.
Eggy and Hippo took this the wrong way.
Eggy and Hippo: We shouldn’t have? (points) It was her idea!
Lana was leaning against the wall with Game Boy.
Mother Brain: It was? (to Lana) Why?”
Lana: You’ll see, Right about. . . now.”
The same signaling noise sounded that had led Kevin and the others to the warp on Homerun. A warp opened above the sponge cake, and the N Team fell onto the soft cake! The Warp suddenly changed color. The confection spread to Mother Brain and her lackeys. Suddenly,the villains are forced up through the warp..not back to Homerun....but to The Dead Zone.
The Dead Zone was pitch black. Mother Brain and her lackeys could be heard screaming. The screaming stops as the "destroy blip" sound is heard.
Back at the Palace of Power,the heroes are watching the Dead Zone via the Moniter.
Kevin: What happened?
Lana: When I programmed the warp,I made it so that it would reroute itself to the Dead Zone.
Kevin: Genius,Princess!
The N-Team cheered.
Kevin: Looks like the war is over,Mother Brain's destroyed!
Mr. Bojack: Great game,Captain N! Great game!
Mr. Bojack and Kevin slapped a high five.
Notes: You are probably wondering about a few things. This Episode was the ONLY episode that features Mother Brain and her minions. I changed the ending,because the original ending was a stupid end to Mother Brain and her Minions.
Also,each episode of Season 3 was made shorter because NBC wanted to cut their SatAM animation budget. It was also the reason why the art direction got a major downgrade.
Anyway,the Adventure's not over yet,4 more to go!
Mr. Bojack,a Bo Jackson expy,is the team captain of the Videoland All-stars. The scoreboard showed that the home team was the Videoland All-stars and that neither the N Team nor the All-stars had made any home runs yet. It was the bottom of the first inning. Mr. Bojack stepped up to the home plate and readied his bat. He wore a dark blue cap that had a red V on the front. He addressed Captain N, who was the pitcher.
Mr. Bojack: I know amateur when I see one, and I eat ’im for Lunch!
Kevin "Captain N" Keene was wearing a lighter blue cap that had a red N.
Kevin: Alright. Eat this, slugger!
He tossed a curve ball that made Mr. Bojack nervous. When he struck the ball, it went flying towards third base.
Simon Belmont, the member of the N Team assigned to home base, stood up. He was wearing a blue shirt underneath a red T-shirt. He lifted up his protective mask. He looked down at his black glove that had four toothlike projections and a red interior.
Simon: This calls for my special, super-deluxe vampire catcher!
It made crunching sounds the two times he closed his hand. After vaunting, he ran after the flying ball. Unfortunately, Duke, assigned near third base, also came running for the ball! Neither was watching where they were going, and Simon and Duke crashed together with a yip from Duke just before the ball landed in Simon’s glove! The ball landed and rolled across the third base foul line soon before it reached third base.
Upire: Foul ball; strike 1!
Lying on his chest near third base, Simon reached back and removed his glove from the rear end of his pants. However, the pants ripped, revealing white underwear with red polka dots! Fortunately, that did not rip. Growling, Simon sat up, regarded his glove, and tossed it furiously on the ground. Duke’s head popped out of the protective pad Simon was wearing and proceeded to lick the vampire hunter’s face once!
Simon: Yeeuck! (points at the dog) Next time,don't be such a hot dog!
When the ball had returned to him, Kevin tossed it into his glove a few times. In her royal box seat separated from the rest of the cheering cloud, Princess Lana was standing up and waving a blue banner with a white baseball on it.
Lana: (cheered) Come on, Kevin! You can do it! Strike him out!
On Metroid, however, Mother Brain was watching the game through her own monitor so that she would not have to put up with commercials.And Again,it's her micro spy bots,who are transmitting the action.
Mother Brain: “Hee, hee, hee, hee! It’s almost time to strike You out, Princess Pea-brain!
She looked down to her two minions, Eggplant Wizard and King Hippo, who were busy trying to rewire the controls for a warp zone.
Mother Brain: Haven’t you lunk-heads got that warp rewired yet?
Eggplant Wizard: Hoo! We’re almost done, Big Mama Brain! (holds a green wire) The N Team won’t know what hit ’em!
King Hippo: (holds read wire) Neither will you, melon head, if you touch that green wire to this red one!
But then, he did touch the two wires together, frying himself and the veggie magician! He screamed.
Mother Brain grabbed the two idiots with electric impulses and lifted them in front of her.
Mother Brain: I don’t know which one of you dim-wits is dimmer: tweedle-dumb or tweedle-dumber!
She drew them away from each other a little, then thrust them together and let them drop to the ground.
Back on Homerun...
Kevin: Strike three coming at you, Bojack!
Mr. Bojack: Right! In your dreams, junior
Kevin pitched the ball. This time, however, Bo, hit it high, and Kevin gasped as it flew over his head. Pit Icarus tried to catch it, but when it hit his glove, it just sent him spinning and continued in its original direction. Pit Icarus cried while spinning downward and drilling into the ground. The ball hit the high scoreboard, and suddenly the baseball field started to become unstable!
Kevin: Huh?
It turned into a warp, and Kevin, Duke, Mega Man, Pit Icarus, Simon, and Mr. Bojack were sent away! Game Boy was making a red-alert sound while flashing “Alert” on his screen.
Gameboy: Alert! Alert! Incoming Danger!
Lana: My goodness! What’s happening?
Mother Brain and her two goons appeared in a hologram, Eggplant Wizard to her right, King Hippo to her left.
Holo!Mother Brain: Yours truly is what’s happenin’, now that I’ve warped those N-Twerps inside this Baseball World!
Holo!Eggplant Wizard: Yeah! It’s so dark and nasty down there, they’ll never get out alive! Na, na na, na, na!
Holo!Mother Brain: Without your precious Captain Nothin',Videoland is mine once again!
She laughed wickedly.
The team was in the cavern-like cellar of Homerun. In the region where they were now, several balls appeared to be embedded in the walls.
Mr. Bojack: Something tells me we’re not in Kansas anymore, N Team.
Simon: (demands in panic, examins a wall) Who cares about Kansas? Where’s the warp out of here!?
He had lost his face-protecting mask.
Kevin: Take it easy, Simon! First, we have to figure out where here is.
He had lost his baseball cap.
Mr. Bojack: There’s only one place this could be, The cellar, where we lock up all our bad equipment.
Pit Icarus: They look pretty harmless to me,guys.
Kid Icarus hovers near a wall. One of the baseballs in the wall suddenly came alive!
Evil Baseball: Oh, yeah? Watch this!
Suddenly, several balls started flying out of the walls towards the good guys!
Mr. Bojack: Whoa! I haven’t seen this many foul balls since the Pennant!
Kevin: I’ll hold ’em off (zaps balls) Everybody make a run for it!
While the others ran off, Bojack prepared his baseball bat.
Mr. Bojack: The only run I’m making is a home run!
He proceeded to whack baseballs along with Kevin. The others arrived at a two-way fork in the road. One to the left went upwards. The other went downwards and over a wooden bridge suspended with ropes.
Pit Icarus: Which way?
Simon shrugged. Kevin and Bo came running, leaving the foul balls behind.
Mr. Bojack: I know baseball, and it’s one game you always play right. Let's cross the bridge.
Kevin: Wait, Mr. Bojack,I know video games. I say we go up to get out.
Duke barked, opting to accompany his master.
Mega Man: I’m with you, Captain N, You’ve gotten us out of some major messes before!
Simon: Not on Homerun, he hasn’t
He joins Bo and putting his right hand on his left shoulder.
Simon: I’m sticking with the man who knows.
Pit Icarus: For once, Simon's right,This is Mr. Bojack’s world.
Kevin: Well,good luck.
Mr. Bojack: You, too.
The two groups went their separate ways.
Meanwhile, at the Palace of Power, Mother Brain is about to bring Videoland to its knees.
Eggy: Now that Mother Brain’s gonna queen again, it’s your job play maid, Princess Lowlife,
She and Game Boy were standing in the throne room with Hippo and Eggplant. Eggy was down on the floor and scrubbing it with a toothbrush. There was also a bucket of soapy water.
Eggy: See, you go round and round, like this!
Lana was looking for a way to distract the two lackeys, which did not seem too difficult.
Lana: I’m not sure I understand. Could you show me again, Eggplant Wizard?
King Hippo snatched the toothbrush from his companion.
Hippo: Aw, let me show her! (begins scrubbing the floor) You couldn’t scrub your back if it was in front of your face!
Lana turned to Game Boy, to her left, and whispered in one of his audio receptors.
Lana: (quietly) Come on, Game Boy. Now’s our chance to try and reach Kevin!
Gameboy: (quietly) Affirmative!
The word “Okay” showed on Game Boy’s face, and he and Lana slipped away, escaping the notice of Eggy and Hippo.
Hippo lifted the toothbrush to the light.
Hippo: (shouts) Hey! This is my toothbrush, rutabaga-breath!
With his left fist, he smashed Eggplant Wizard’s head down into his body, and several vegetables popped out of his collarbone before his head popped back up.
Eggy: Yeah,well You never use it.
Hippo: I was just gettin’ around to it!
Then, he proceeded to brush his teeth, getting suds all over them!
Suddenly, they heard the deep voice of their leader.
Mother Brain: I thought I told you cabbage-heads to keep an eye on Princess Puny!
They looked up and saw Mother Brain.
Hippo: Uh, uh. . . we were just teachin’ her how to scrub the floor, like you said!
Mother Brain: (annoyed) Find her, before I scrub the floor with you sponge-heads!
She fried them each with an electrical blast before they ran off to find Lana.
In the cavern underneath Homerun, Mr.Bojack, Pit Icarus, and Simon heard a noise from an unknown source. . . a beeping signal type of noise. As they cautiously cross a rickety bridge.
Pit Icarus: What’s that? hey were
Bojack: I don’t know, and what I don’t know can hurt me.
At the end of the bridge, a couple of nasty flying baseball gloves laughed menacingly at them. They spat a highly acidic substance on the last plank of the bridge, causing it to melt! Simon freaked out.
Simon: Let’s make a run for it!
He turned around and tried to run, but his way was block by another glove.
Simon: Ah, on second thought, let’s run away from it!”
Bo swung his bat at the gloves, trying to hit them, but they quickly evaded each swing. Pit Icarus shot an arrow at one glove, but it shot a glob of acid at the glove and melted the tip off. Pit Icarus gasped.
Pit Icarus: I sure hope Captain N is doing better than we are!”
Meanwhile, along the other path, Kevin, Mega Man, and Duke were near the top.
Mega Man: A couple more feet,and we’re home free!
Suddenly, though several fly-balls came along and barred their way.
Kevin: Uh, oh, From the looks of those fly-balls, we’re not getting any free rides in this game!
As the flying balls advanced, Mega Man fired plasma blasts at them. However, the balls merely swallowed the shots! Also, they spat fireballs at the trio. Kevin shot several, but their advance was relentless.
Kevin: Fall back!!! These hotheads don’t know the meaning of fair play!!
Unfortunately, both groups decided to fall back, and they met at the fork at the same time, causing confusion. Kevin tried to fire another shot at the balls, but Simon bumped into him, causing his shot to go to the ceiling. Rocks fell from the point of impact and blocked off both paths of the fork entirely, saving them all temporarily but blocking any exit. The balls and gloves returned to their territories.
Simon: Well (sits on a rock) I guess we got rid of them.
Mega Man: Yeah, and sealed ourselves in!
Mr.Bojack was sitting, and Kevin leaning against the wall to his left.
Bojack: We wouldn’t be sitting on this rock-pile if we’d stuck together.
Kevin: And whose fault is that, Mr. Know-It-All?
Bojack frowned. Suddenly, a hologram of Princess Lana appeared!
Kevin: Lana?
Holo!Lana: Ssh, Just listen. I don’t know how long I can talk. Mother Brain has taken over the palace!
In the Palace of Power, she was standing in front of the large communications computer.
Lana: She’s sealed all the warps out of Homerun, but I’ll get you out of there....somehow!”
Suddenly, a shot from behind hit the screen, cutting off the communication! Lana gasped and turned around.
Mother Brain: I don't think so, Princess Pinhead!
Lana decides to feign submission.
Lana: It looks like you win, Mother Brain, The Kevin was my last hope.
Secretly, she reached behind with her left hand and pressed a button on the computer’s control panel.
Mother Brain: It’s about time you wised up!
Kevin: We’ve got to get out of here! Lana needs us!”
Mr. Bojack: We will, Kev, Only this time, let’s use our heads and some teamwork.
He and Kevin shook hands. Suddenly, Duke started barking happily, as he was hearing something.
Kevin: Atta boy, Duke! You found something!
Duke went to the new rock wall and turned back to his master. He barked several more times.
Simon: (shrugs) Smart dog you’ve got there, Captain N, He led us exactly nowhere!
Mega Man stepped over to the same area in the wall.
Mega Man: No, wait! My sensors are picking up something, too. . . a beeping, coming from. . . there!
He passed his hand over the wall, and they all heard the distinct sound of a warp!
Pit: It’s a warp!”
This made everyone happy.
Kevin: Lana must have found a way to lead us home.
They all stepped through the warp and emerged in an area that looked like a miniature baseball diamond.
Voice: So I have some intruders!
Its owner was someone whose entire body was a baseball card! However, his human-like features were his head, which was in the center of the card, his arms and hands, and his legs and feet. He wore a baseball cap.
Baseball Card: I’m the Baseball Card King!
He stood up from his baseball-shaped chair and rubbed his hands together.
Baseball Card King: Those who trespass in my domain will always Strike Out!.
Kevin: Sorry, pal, Play time is over. We’re out of here!
He and the others moved to leave.
The Baseball Card King laughed.
B.C.K.: That’s a foul thing to say, you're not going anywhere! Play Ball!!
Several nasty wooden baseball bats came along, hissing, and they barred the N Team’s way. They had feet on the ends of their handles, arms on either side, mouths, red baseball hats, and nasty attitudes.
B.C.K.: I'm gonna bat a thousand with you intruders!
Mr. Bojack: Guess it’s game time whether we like it or not,Let’s make it a no-hitter!
The bats flew after the N Team.
Simon cried, as he tried to avoid one bat. He pulled out a cymbal and guarded his face. The bat ran into it and disintegrated to video-dust. One came after Bojack, but he whacked it in two with his own trusty bat. One came after Mega Man, but Duke pounced on it. Turning around, Mega Man noted one sneaking up on Duke, and he turned his right hand into a saw blade and reduced this second bat to shavings, burying himself and Duke.
Two came after Kid Icarus, but with flight maneuvers, he caused them to get tangled up in each other. Two came racing towards Kevin from either side, trying to sandwich him, but he pressed Up on his Power Pad to jump above them, and they rammed together. He got out his Zapper and fried each of them before he landed. These bats were reduced to shavings, as well.
The group reassembled.
Kevin: Well, I hate to win and run, but Lana’s signal is coming from the end of the end of the baseball field.
The group ran to the end of the field, where the signal rang loud and clear from within a chasm. They stopped short of falling in.
Kevin: There’s a warp down there. I just know it!”
Simon: Are you kidding? We can’t jump into empty space on what you know!
Simon: I know this is our only chance of making it home!
They heard the Baseball Card King laughing behind them. When they looked, they saw a legion of evil baseball bats behind him!
B.C.K.: (laughs) Time for some extra innings!
The bats hissed, making an ominous noise.
Mr. Bojack knew Kevin was right about this. Also, he did not want to face all those bats.
Bojack: Let’s go for it
Everyone jumped in, Simon the last.
Simon: (cried) It’s not openiiiiiiiiiiiiing!
But the warp did open, and everyone in the group entered it safely. In the Palace of Power, King Hippo and Eggplant Wizard had Mother Brain blindfolded and were guiding her to the throne room.
Hippo: Now, don’t look, my main brain
Eggy: Yeah! It’s a big surprise.
They stopped, and he lifted the blindfold.
When she saw the surprise, Mother Brain was delighted. It was a huge sponge cake with a gold crown on top!
Eggy: It’s my special sponge cake recipe!
Mother Brain grabbed the crown with electrical impulses and put it on top of her jar, and she smiled. Mother Brain was so happy that tears came to her eyes.
Mother Brain: Ooh, I’m all misty-eyed! Really, boys, you shouldn’t have.
Eggy and Hippo took this the wrong way.
Eggy and Hippo: We shouldn’t have? (points) It was her idea!
Lana was leaning against the wall with Game Boy.
Mother Brain: It was? (to Lana) Why?”
Lana: You’ll see, Right about. . . now.”
The same signaling noise sounded that had led Kevin and the others to the warp on Homerun. A warp opened above the sponge cake, and the N Team fell onto the soft cake! The Warp suddenly changed color. The confection spread to Mother Brain and her lackeys. Suddenly,the villains are forced up through the warp..not back to Homerun....but to The Dead Zone.
The Dead Zone was pitch black. Mother Brain and her lackeys could be heard screaming. The screaming stops as the "destroy blip" sound is heard.
Back at the Palace of Power,the heroes are watching the Dead Zone via the Moniter.
Kevin: What happened?
Lana: When I programmed the warp,I made it so that it would reroute itself to the Dead Zone.
Kevin: Genius,Princess!
The N-Team cheered.
Kevin: Looks like the war is over,Mother Brain's destroyed!
Mr. Bojack: Great game,Captain N! Great game!
Mr. Bojack and Kevin slapped a high five.
Notes: You are probably wondering about a few things. This Episode was the ONLY episode that features Mother Brain and her minions. I changed the ending,because the original ending was a stupid end to Mother Brain and her Minions.
Also,each episode of Season 3 was made shorter because NBC wanted to cut their SatAM animation budget. It was also the reason why the art direction got a major downgrade.
Anyway,the Adventure's not over yet,4 more to go!
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Captain N: Re-Edited Episode 12: The Big Game!
On the robotic world of Megaland, the evil Dr. Wiley is deep inside
Skull Castle cooking up mega trouble for Captain N and his friends.
Dr. Wily, Mother Brain, King Hippo, and the Eggplant Wizard were all gathered in Wiley's lab,around his latest evil invention.
Dr. Wiley: My new power vacuum is a work of pure genius, if I do say so myself.
Mother Brain: What does it do?
Wiley: It harnesses one of the greatest sources of power in Videoland. (smiles) Competition energy, generated from playing sports!
Mother Brain: Hmph, never heard of it!
Wiley: Of course not! I just discovered it! Allow me to demonstrate.(turns). All right, Metal Man!"
A chamber opened behind King Hippo and Eggplant Wizard, and Metal Man walked out.
Metal Man: (in a deep robotic voice) Ready,Dr. Wiley!
The blade on Metal Man's forehead began spinning. Hippo and Eggy yelled, and Eggy held onto Dr. Wiley.
Wiley: Don't blow your stem, Eggplant! All you have to do is defeat Metal Man!
Eggy turned and saw Metal Man send Metal Blades at him. King Hippo and Eggplant Wizard ran, screaming, as Metal Man kept firing. Meanwhile, Dr. Wiley's power vacuum was collecting energy.
Wiley: Pure, condensed competition energy. As long as they compete, they give off invisible energy. And the power vacuum sucks it right up!
Mother Brain: Stop that racket!
Hippo and Eggy grabbed hold of each other as some Metal Blades cut into the wall right in back of them. Then Metal Man stopped firing, and his hands reappeared.
Mother Brain: So, you have a bottle full of competition energy. So what?
Dr. Wiley: If I can get this much energy from one robot and those idiotic sidekicks of yours, think what I can get from Captain Nitwit and his pals! I'm gonna turn his love of games into a curse,(he pulls the level on his machine) That'll send him and his whole N-Twits into the Dead Zone!"
The power vacuum started ringing.
Mother Brain: (smile) I like it!
At the Palace of Power, Kevin was leaning against a window, staring out into space. By the expression on his face, his mind was far away. Duke barked.
Pit Icarus: Kevin's been such a downer lately.
Lana: I think he's beginning to get homesick.
Just then, Mega Man skated by on a homemade skateboard.
Mega Man: This'll cheer Him up,trust me! (winks). Yo,Kev! Boarders Rule!
Kevin: (turns around,smiles) All right!
Kevin put on the elbow and knee pads and the helmet. He caught the skateboard in his hands.
Kevin: Cool, did you make this, Mega Man?
Mega Man: Yup,just like you showed me,righteous dude.
Kevin gave him a thumbs-up with his right hand, then took off on the skateboard.
Gameboy came near Mega Man.
Gameboy: Righteous dude,does not compute. Please reenter data.
Mega Man: You'll have to get Kevin to teach you some Earth slang.
Kevin skated onto a wall, then back onto the floor.
Kevin: Check out this inverted kickflip!
Mega Man: Whoa, he's rad!
Kevin returned to them, got off the board, caught it in his hands, and knelt down in front of Mega Man.
Kevin: Thanks, Mega Man! I love it!"
Lava: May I try?
Kevin stood up and handed her the skateboard.
Kevin: Go for it, Princess.
Back in Megaland,Dr. Wiley laughed, watching Lana clumsily skateboard on his monitor. Via micro spybot,of course.
Dr.Wiley: You ninnies are gonna game yourselves right into the Dead Zone!
He pressed a button on the control panel. A spotlight turned on. Wiley walked onto a small stage he had dressed up to look like a beach. He activated a robot he had created that looked somewhat like an 80's valley girl.
Robot: Oh, really? Like, totally rad,man!
Dr. Wiley rubbed his hands together.
Dr. Wiley: Time to begin.
Back at the Palace,Lana was wearing the elbow and knee pads and the helmet as she skated.
Lana: (looks to the others with a smile) How am I doing?!
The others shouted warnings at her. Lana looked straight ahead again.
Lana: Huh?!
She was heading right for the living room doors. Simon walked by with a bowl of popcorn and the remote control.
Simon: Hey, fellas, it's time for -
He gasped. Lana smashed right into him, and they both fell through the double doors! Simon yelled.
Kevin: Uh-oh!
He and the others rushed into the living room.
Simon: - Castlevania Bandstand!
Simon finished, turning on the TV with the remote. He had landed on the couch, and Lana had landed right on top of him! Lana looked at the TV with the others.
The Host : They are Videoland's cold-cold-coldest new group - the Ungrateful Undead!
On the TV screen, a band of zombies were performing. Then the picture fuzzed up.
Simon: (sat up) Darn, that was one of my favorite songs!
The robotic valley girl Dr. Wily created appeared on the screen.
Robot: Oh, like, get in on this totally tubular offer - seven tickets for a rad day on California Games world! It's, like, so much fun! Just vidspeak me the name of California's most gnarly valley!
Kevin pointed at the TV with his left index finger.
Kevin: Hey, I know that! The San Fernando Valley!
The robot pointed at Kevin with her right index finger.
Robot: Yo, dude, way to go!
The picture fuzzed up again momentarily, then the Ungrateful Undead were shown performing again. Tickets came out of a slot below the TV screen. Kevin went and got them.
Kevin: Seven tickets! That's even one for Duke!
On Megaland,Dr. Wiley laughed.
Wiley: Of course! I wouldn't want you to leave that mangy mutt behind!
He pressed a button on his control panel, then spun around in his chair and got up. He walked over to a warp.
Wiley: All right, line up! Time to get moving!
A whole bunch of Dr. Wiley's "Mega Man II" robotic creations went into the warp. Dr. Wily rubbed his hands together as he laughed.
Wiley: Captain Nitwit's gonna be one sorry California dude!
Then he jumped into the warp.
Unaware of Dr. Wily's evil plan, the N Team arrives on the sunny world of California Games. A warp opened, and the N Team came out.
Kevin and Simon were dressed only in swimming trunks. Kevin's was green with a while stripe. Simon's was green with yellow smiley faces. Simon also had a white towel around his neck. Lana was wearing a green and pink bathing suit, her crown, earrings, necklace, and bracelets.
Kevin (smiles) Hey, this is cool! Just like being back home!
Duke barked in agreement.
Kevin: All right, dudes and dudette, surf's up! (runs to the surfboards) Geronimo!
Duke, running along with Kevin, barked. Kevin grabbed a surfboard, and he and Duke ran out to the water.
Lana: Oh, I'm so glad Kevin's happy again! That means he'll stay with us a little longer!
Simon: I certainly hope not! .
Lana:Oh, Simon, we're on vacation! Let's just have fun!
Lana runs to catch up with Kevin.
The N Team had a blast! Kevin and Lana went surfing - on one board. Simon screamed as he was being chased by a shark. Mega Man was rollerskating, dodging the banana peels in his way. He didn't dodge the beachball, though. He fell and was thrown forward on his stomach. Duke smiled as he passed Mega Man and crossed the finish line, winning the race.
Kevin skateboarded up one side of the ramp, marked with the word "RAD", then back down again. Then Kid Icarus skated up, then down again. Kevin skated up the other end of the ramp, then back down again. Kid Icarus skated up - and kept going! He used he wings to fly upside-down in the air. Kevin stopped and stood where he was, watching in amazement.
Dr. Wiley had set up base in the basement of a hot dog stand. Right now, he was sitting in front of a monitor.
Wiley: (laughs) Good work, Ninny Team!
He picked up a small energy meter in his left hand. The meter had four large dots on it. Two of the dots were lit.
Wiley: You're building up enough game energy for me to knock ya right into the Dead Zone! Because, thanks to my new map of Videoland, I can open and shut warp zones at will! Just as soon as all these energy jars are full! (gots up and smiles) Time to up the competition a little!
There were two large blue doors in the wooden floor. Wily opened them. Two robots that had clown faces and one that looked like a monkey came out.
Wiley (points to ladder) Go to it, my minions!
The three robots climb up the ladder, out of the basement. Kevin and Lana were racing on bicycles outside, with Kevin on Lana's right. The two clown robots followed them on bikes of their own. One of them passed Lana on her left. The other passed Kevin on his right.
Clown robot: Nyaa,Nyaa! you're too slow!
Kevin: Hey, what are Gearclowns doing here? They're from Megaland.
Lana: I don't know, but they're not gonna make one out of me!
Lana sped up to try and pass them. Dr. Wiley was looking at his energy meter.
Wiley: Wonderful! My minions are doubling the energy! I'll be filled to capacity in no time flat!
Kevin, Lana, Simon, Kid Icarus, and Duke gathered together.
Kevin (coughs) Our vacation is turning into a real bummer!
Mega Man and Gameboy came by. Mega Man was on rollerskates. Gameboy was wearing giant sunglasses. Suddenly, two flying robots with propellers came behind them and pushed them.
Kevin: (yells) Proptops! Lookout!
They all ducked as the robots flew over them. Mega Man landed on his stomach again, and Gameboy's shades were crooked. Mega Man raised his left fist in the air.
Mega Man: I'll bet Dr.Wiley's behind this!
Lana: (sighs). Oh, they spoiled everything! Let's just head back to the Palace!
Dr.Wiley: No, no, no, no, no, don't stop! I need more energy! I guess I'll have to switch to my backup plan.
He switched some cables on his newest invention.
Wiley: It'll use up some energy, but at least I can put my Warp Zone Shifter through a little test run.(laughs) This'll keep 'em on California World for as long as I need.
The N Teamsters had dressed back in their normal clothes, and they were packing up to leave. Just then, they heard a sound. Kevin looked in the direction it was coming from.
Kevin: I don't believe it!
He stood up as the others asked what was going on. A building was appearing on the beach!
Kevin: (in disbelief) That's Northridge High! (takes off towards it) That's my school!
The others were following him.
It was a white building with blue windows and doors. On one of the walls, written in red, was "NORTHRIDGE HIGH GYM".
Pretty soon, the N Teamsters left the sand of the beach, and their feet touched the green grass surrounding the gym. They arrived at the steps. Four people were standing there.
On the left was a huge fat guy,named Julius. Some of his teeth were visible, even though his mouth was closed. He was wearing a football uniform. His pants were a light-blue. He was wearing a dark-blue belt. His jersey was red. His number, written in white on the front, was 00. The jersey had a white trim at the neck area. The guy was wearing a blue neck protector of some sort. He was wearing a pair of gray fingerless gloves on his hands. He was wearing a red football helmet. There was a white stripe going from front to back on the center of the helmet. On both sides were a large white dot with a blue "N" inside it. He was British.
To Julius' left, there stood a shorter black guy,named Rick. He was still pretty tall, though. He had short hair, and it was shaved from ear to ear in the center of the back of his head. He was holding his football helmet under his left arm. His pants were a light-blue, his belt was a dark-blue, and his jersey number was 12. He had white bands around his wrists and a white towel tucked into the front of his pants.
To Rick's left was Stacey,a blonde girl dressed in a cheerleadering outfit. It was blue. Her long sleeve sweater that she wore over it was red, and it had a large white "N" on the front. She was wearing long gold earrings, kind of like Lana's. Her long blonde hair fell on both sides of her neck, down over the front of her sweater. It was long in the back, also. Some of it was kept in a blue hairband near the top of her head.
Standing in back of the black football player and the cheerleader was another guy, taller than the black guy. He is Romero. He had short blond hair and some freckles on his face. He was holding his football helmet under his left arm. His pants were white, his belt was a dark-blue, and his jersey number was 51. He was also wearing a blue neck protector, and he had white bands around his wrists.
Stacey: (smiles) Hey! Aren't you that video game whiz who helped me study for my Algebra test?!
Lana frowned as she watched Kevin. This girl obviously knew him. Kevin ran his right hand through his hair.
Kevin: Hi, Stacey! You remember! It was just that one time, and when I asked you for a date, you were busy, but -
Stacey: Your name's Kenny, right?!
Kevin (laughs nervously) Actually,It's Kevin. Kevin Keene.
Simon took up his whip and snagged a bouquet of roses from nearby. He walked up to Stacey, smiling, and bowed.
Simon: And I'm Simon Belmont, Vampire Hunter, at your service!
Stacey screamed, moving closer to Rick and putting her hands on his chest.
Stacey: You hunt vampires?!
Rick gasped, then put his right hand on his chin as he thought.
Rick: Yo, now I remember! You're on the junior varsity swim team, right?
Simon was busy smiling and smelling the bouquet of roses.
Kevin pointed at the Rick with his right index finger.
Kevin: And you're Rick Walker, captain of the varsity football team! Hey, welcome to Videoland!
Julius: (sarcastically) Yeah, right, Videoland! And I'm the bloody King of England!
He shook the blond guy's right hand with his right as they both laughed.
Kevin: Huh?
Lana walked forward.
Romero: (sees lana and falls for her) And if I'm dreamin', don't wake me up!
He was in love.
Kevin (laughs nervously) It's no dream! I dunno how you got here, (points) but you're here!
Rick: But this don't make sense. A minute ago, we came out of the gym for Saturday football practice. (looks around,stacey does too) Now we're at the beach?"
Mega Man turned and looked at Kevin.
Mega Man: I've got a feeling trouble's coming, Captain N.
Stacey held onto Rick again.
Julius: And Who is Captain N? (points at Pit Icarus) This short kid in the fairy wings?!
Julius laughed.
Lana: (smiles) Of course not. Kevin is Captain N.
Kevin ran his right hand through his hair again.
Kevin: That's - that's kind of a nickname they gave me around here.
Then the entire N Team turned and gasped. A trio of Lightning Lords, robots of Dr. Wiley's from Megaland, were flying toward them.
Kevin: (yells)Hit the dirt, everyone!
Everyone except Rick ran away, yelling.
Rick made a fist with his right hand.
Rick: This better not be some kind of joke!
Kevin turned around and ran to Rick.
Kevin: If it is, the joke's definitely on us!"
He pushed Rick down, and they narrowly missed the Lightning Lords' lightning. The Lightning Lords continued flying and firing at all of them. Kevin and Rick looked up and gasped. When the Lightning Lords turned and came back again, Kevin stood up and fired at them. The three robots disappeared with a blipping sound.
Simon: Huh?!
Stacey gasped.
Kevin holstered his Zapper.
Kevin: Those lugnuts were just a nuisance before, but now they're getting downright nasty!
Rick: Man, you're sure ain't the Kevin Keene I remember!
Kevin smiled, running his right hand through his hair again.
Kevin: (points at the gym doors) I think we'll be safer inside!
Rick: I think maybe you're right. (turns and runs) Let's move it, guys!
A giant mechanical bulldog (hotdog) was running toward them.
Kevin motioned to the others.
Kevin: Go, go! I'm right behind you!
The others ran inside the gym, screaming. Kevin faced the bulldog again, and yelled. When the bulldog got closer, it breathed two fireballs out of its mouth at Kevin. Kevin dodged them and fire his Zapper twice at two palm trees. The palm trees fell to the ground. The bulldog breathed two more fireballs. They hit the palm trees and set them on fire. Kevin gasped. The bulldog ran through the fire, unharmed, and continued towards Kevin. Rick was holding a door open for Kevin. Kevin ran inside. Rick looked at the bulldog. He closed the door, right before another fireball arrived.
Dr. Wily was looking at his small energy meter. Only one of the dots were lit now.
Wiley: (yells) No! I used up half my energy supply getting Captain Nitwit's friends here!
Mother Brain was watching Wiley on her mirror on Metroid(via spy bot).
Mother Brain: Do I have to be with you every single second to get things done right?!
Eggplant Wizard: Yes, Mother Brain.
King Hippo looked at him angrily.
Eggy (corrected) Uh, I - I mean, no Mother Brain!
Mother Brain (yells). Shut Up! I better get to California World before Wiley ruins everything!
She laughed as her jar began to spin, and she went down through the floor.
Mother Brain: I always wanted to go to high school!
Hippo and Eggy yelled as an explosion occurred. They looked down into the floor, then they yelled again as a bright light appeared. Eggy looked at Hippo. Mother Brain was riding on a three-wheel motorcycle! She was using her tentacles to control the handle bars. The words "BRAIN LORDS M.C." were on a sign on the top of her jar.
Mother Brain: (laughs) Just call me Big Momma Prom Queen!
She lifted up the front wheel. King Hippo and Eggplant Wizard yelled and ran away. Mother Brain drove away. Kevin, his friends, and the rest of the N-Team were gathered in the gym.
Rick: (in disbelief) You expect us to believe we're in a alternate Universe where Video Games are real?
Kevin: Hey, I didn't believe it either when I first got here!
Stacey put her left arm near Kevin's neck and her right arm around his back.
Kevin:Well, I think it sounds just too, too romantic! Tell me more, Kevy!
Lana, her arms crossed, looked away in jealousy.
Wiley's Voice(calling out): Oh,Captain N!
Kevin and Stacey turned, and they and Lana looked to see where the voice had come from.
Wiley's Voice: Come out and Play!
Mega Man opened the right door, and they came out of the gym and onto the steps. It was Dr. Wiley. A huge hologram of him from the waist up was in the sky.
Kevin: What do you want, Wiley?
Holo!Wiley: Why a contest, of course. The winner-take-all version of the California Games! My team against yours. If we win, we get the Palace of Power and the Throne of Videoland.
Kevin: I know you got some dirty trick up your sleeve, Doc. We won't play, no way!
Holo!Wiley: Oh, yes way! (laughs) I'll give you five minutes to think it over. While we wait, perhaps you'd like a little...entertainment.
The same Proptops that had knocked Mega Man and Gameboy down earlier now came by and fired purple-pink laser beams and everyone. They all yelled as they ran back into the gym, and Kevin closed the door behind him. They put tables, chairs, and mattresses in front of the doors and some of the windows so they couldn't be opened. Parts of the roof crumbled and fell. Lana and Stacey picked up another red mattress.
Romero came by.
Romero: Stick close, ladies. I'll take care of you.
He took hold of the mattress, and Stacey let go.
Simon came by and took hold of the mattress.
Simon: Her Adorablenesses don't need you to take care of them when Simon Belmont's around!
Lana let go of the mattress, also. Stacey folded her hands together, smiling.
Stacey: Oh, my! You're both so rad! Which one should we choose, Lana?"
Lana (laughs) By all means, take both of them!
Lana winks. Stacey put her hands on her hips and frowned. Lana walked over to Kevin. Just then, one of the proptops smashed through a window and flew into the gym. When Simon, Stacey, and Romero noticed it, they ran away, yelling.
Romero: Yo,Somebody help!
Simon: Get that thing away from My hair!
The robot began firing at them. Kevin, Lana, and Gameboy gasped. The robot continued chasing the two of them across the gym, firing.
Pit Icarus: Maybe he needs a netting lesson.
He fired one of his net arrows at the robot. The tip came off, and the net expanded. It covered the robot. The robot, unable to fly any longer, fell down into a trash can, where it exploded. Everyone just stood, looking at it, for a moment. Then Romero walked back over to Rick and Julius.
Romero: Yo,Rick, we gotta bust outta here and make a run for it!
Rick tapped the blond guy on the back of the head with his right index finger.
Rick: You been playing without a helmet again, Romero? Where we gonna run to?
The Julius looked at Rick.
Julius: Let's crush the blighters"
Rick looked at him.
Rick: How? Those roboprops have got us outmanned and outpowered.
Mega Man: Captain N will know what to do.
Mega Man walks past them with a huge stack of mattresses.
Julius stood up, threw down the chair he was holding, and walked over to Kevin.
Julius: No computer wimp on the checkers squad is gonna tell me what to do!
Kevin tapped him on the chest with his right index finger.
Kevin: It's the swim team, dude!
Julius: (grabs hold of Kevin's jacket) Well, la-dee-da! How'd you earn this? Doin' a belly flop?!
He laughed.
Rick: Hey, chill, will ya?!
Rick walks forward. He pulled the huge guy away from Kevin.
Lana walked over to them, her hands on her hips.
Lana: Hey, we asked for the best from your world, and the Ultimate Warp Zone chose Kevin as our Game Enforcer!"
The other N Teamsters shouted their support of Kevin, as well. Rick looked at Kevin.
Rick: Okay, Keene. A good quarterback knows when to fall back. Let's see what all that video game playing taught you.(points at Kevin) It's your call.
Kevin: I say we fight! Only let's play a game we have a chance at winning. (raises his right arm) Football!
Rick was surprised. So was the rest of the N Team. Dr. Wiley was watching this all on the monitor to the right of his Warp Zone Shifter.
Wiley: (laugh) Just a few moments more,...and they'll all be mine.
A warp opened in the basement of the hot dog stand, and Mother Brain rode out on his motorcycle. Dr. Wiley pressed his hands against her glass jar.
Mother Brain: (impatiently) Wiley, when do we send the Nuisance Team into the Dead Zone?
Dr. Wiley: As soon as those N Jerks start playing again!
Mother Brain: No screw-ups this time!!
Wiley: Trust me. When the jars are full, the Warp Zone Shifter will shut down every warp on California World but one. (points at the map of Videoland with a pointer) This one (laughs) right here in this hot dog stand.
Mother Brain: So, while they're running around here looking for a warp door out of here, we'll be long gone!
Wiley: Just remember, we only got sixty seconds (picks up a golden whistle) from the time I blow this whistle.
He blew it, and his white hair flew wildly. Mother Brain drove Dr. Wiley to the school.
Wiley hopped off.
Wiley: We've come to get your answer, Captain Numbskull! What'll it be, play or pay!"
Kevin looked at his friends and smiled.
Kevin: C'mon, we better get outta there before the Brain Lord blows a gasket. Helmets on!
Kevin, Simon, and Mega Man got dressed in football uniforms, and Rick, Romero, Simon, and Pit Icarus put their helmets on. Kevin was wearing jersey number 7. Simon was wearing number 61. Mega Man was wearing number 3. Both Kevin and Simon wore blue neck protectors.
As the others started to go outside, Kevin was about to put on his football helmet. Then Stacey walked by on his left. She closed her eyes and kissed Kevin on the cheek, real audibly. Kevin's eyes widened. He blinked and blushed.
Stacey (smiles) Kevin, I just want you to know: whatever happens (covers her mouth) I think you're terrific!
Kevin: Uh, thanks, Stace.
Kevin looked at her with a smile as she went over to Lana. Stacey took hold of Lana's right arm and giggled.
Stacey: C'mon, Lana! We can do a cheer while the boys play ball!
Lana pulled her arm away and returned the giggle.
Lana: No, thank you, Stacey. I'm gonna see what Dr. Wiley's really up to.
Stacey shrugged and walked outside. Kevin and Lana watched her go.
Kevin: Uh, I better tell Gameboy to keep an eye on her. She could get in trouble.
He ran his right hand through his hair again.
Lana: (turns to him and smiles) I hope that means you're gonna keep your eye on the game.
Kevin became serious and took his hand off his head.
Kevin: Promise you'll be careful, Lana.
Lana (faced him) I will. You, too, okay?
Kevin nodded, smiling, and walked outside. The players were standing in front of the gym.
Kevin: Okay, Wily, we play. But only if it's our game - football!
Dr. Wiley (smiles). Whatever you say, Captain N. Oh, I forgot to tell you...
The players looked to their right and gasped. All of the Robot Masters from Mega Man II came out of a warp and were coming towards them. Well,all except for Flash Man,who was destroyed by the N-Team during a recent Megaland mission.
Stacey:(worriedly) Geez. I hope I know enough cheers!
Moments later,The good guys were in a huddle near a goal post, a good distance away from the Robot Masters.
Simon: I know you explained football to them, Kevin, but are you sure they understand?
Kevin: Well, look on the bright side, Simon. At least we won the toss!"
Stacey was standing in the bleachers, and Gameboy was standing to her right. Gameboy protected a bright, multi-colored hologram that read "N TEAM". Stacey was holding her red and white pompons. She waved her arms and legs and did a cheer.
Stacey: Gimme and 'N'! Gimme a 'Team'!"
The rest of the N Team also cheered. Mother Brain and Dr. Wily were in the bleachers opposite Stacey, as well as some other monsters. The monsters were cheering for the Robot Masters.
Mother Brain :(impatiently) C'mon, play ball!
Bubble Man ran up and kicked the ball. It went into the air. Kevin caught it. He started running, with Simon and Julius in front of him. Unfortunately, Air Man came by and blew the latter two away. Kevin dodged Air Man's blasts of air with his Power Pad. But then Quick Man threw his Quick Boomerang and knocked the ball out of Kevin's hands. Kevin yelled. Quick Man caught the ball and began running with it.
Pit Icarus swooped down, grabbed the ball, and flew back up again. But then Wood Man shot out a vine, which curled around the archer's right leg. Pit Icarus dropped the ball. Rick was running to catch it, but Crash Man threw a Crash Bomb at him.
When Rick was knocked away by the blast, Crash Man caught the ball. Simon and Mega Man chased him to the goal post, but Crash Man made a touchdown anyway. The other monsters cheered, while Mother Brain and Dr. Wiley just watched. Romeo was running, and Kevin threw the ball to him. Unfortunately, Heat Man fired at Romero. Romero was hit in the butt and launched into the air!
Bubble Man intercepted the ball. Mega Man chased after Bubble Man, but the Robot Master blew a bubble at him. It hit Mega Man in the face, and he fell on his stomach again, yelling. Bubble Man made a touchdown. Kevin was running with the ball, and Rick was running to his right.
But then Metal Man shot out Metal Blades at them. Rick moved to his right, but the blades were still coming at him. Kevin knocked him out of the way, but that meant he lost the ball. Simon, however, caught the ball with his whip. He held the ball in his left hand as he ran and made a touchdown.
Stacey: (jumped excitedly) Go N-Team!!
The rest of the N Team also cheered. Stacey waved her arms. Gameboy was also excited. He only had a black "N" on his screen now, though. The good players came together.
Kevin: This is way tougher than I thought,Guys!.
Rick: Hey, don't take it so hard, man! We're still holding our own!
Kevin Well, that's not good enough! though,I've got an idea! (turnes to Mega Man) Mega Man, do you think you can make it back to Megaland and bring back some items from Dr. Wright?
Mega Man: I can sure try!
Mega Man went off.
Kevin:Well, boy, looks like you're our eighth man!
Kevin puts a football helmet on Duke. Duke barked happily. Rick gave Kevin a thumbs-up.
Rick: With your game moves and our grid-eye, we can't lose!
Kevin: Well, then, let's do it!
Kevin gives Rick a high-five. The team got in a huddle.
Meanwhile,The large mechanical bulldog was asleep in front of the hot dog stand. Lana sneaks.
Lana: (quietly) I hope you like chasing things as much as Duke does.
Lana throws a pink frisbee at the Dog. The dog woke up, barked, and took off after it. Lana ran into the hot dog stand. She knelt down on the floor and peered into the basement through the square hole.
Lana: What in Videoland is Wiley up to now?!
Lana climbed down the ladder. She looked at the energy jars.
Lana: Whatever it is, he's not gonna get away with if I can stop him, and I will!
She turned to the Warp Zone Shifter and began pulling some cables out.
Mega Man came by on a small flying scooter (item 2). He dropped some type of climbing machine (sniper armor)and another disc (item 1), then he took off again. Kevin jumped on the item 1.
Kevin: I could use a lift about now.
Kevin had the football and took off. Rick was sitting in the sniper armor and trying to work the controls. It was shaking.
Rick: Whoa! This is what I call on-the-job training!
As Romero and Julius were running on the ground, Kevin was hovering above them. Metal Man was on the roof of the gym. He converted his hands to fire. Rick used the machine to climb up the side of the building. Metal Man backed away and began firing as Rick reached the roof. Mega Man had the ball now. Both Heat Man and Wood Man missed him. But Quick Man didn't. His Quick Boomerang hit the scooter. Mega Man fell off and dropped the ball. Duke made a leap and caught it, however. He carried it right over the goalpost, scoring a touchdown.
His bite also made a hole in the football, and all the air came out. The Big Boss herself was angry.
Mother Brain (yelling) Your Robot Masters are completely useless ,Wiley!
Suddenly, Dr. Wiley felt a burning pain. Black smoke was coming out of his lab coat. He screamed. Then Wiley took out his energy meter. All four dots were lit.
Wiley: (excitedly) No matter! The energy is peaked! It's time!
The good guys cheered their victory in the football game, and Kevin and Duke hugged. Dr. Wily blew his golden whistle. The good guys looked at the bad guys.
Kevin: What's with the timeout?
Kevin, Rick, Romero, Simon, and Kid Icarus took off their football helmets and watched. The bad guys were all leaving the bleachers.
Rick: It looks like they're giving up!
Wiley: (calls out). So long, suckers!
Simon walked over to Kevin and stood to his left.
Simon: (smiles) Boy, they sure are sore losers!
Mother Brain was driving to the hot dog stand, with Wily standing on her bike for the ride. The Robot Masters were running with them. The hot dog stand was giving off blue electrical sparks.
Mother Brain: Are you sure this is gonna work?
The hot dog stand flashed, and a bright yellow ball of energy rose from it. It went over and covered Mother Brain and the rest of the bad guys. Mother Brain yelled. The bad guys were pulled towards the hot dog stand and began circling it clockwise. Soon, they were moving so fast, they couldn't even be seen.
Stacey: Oh, wow! That's really rad!" Stacey said.
She and the football players were watching from a safe distance. Then the hot dog stand exploded.
Julius (pinched his nose) Oh, bugger, what's that stink?!
Simon: (with his nose closed) Yuck!
Then he sniffed the air.
Simon: Oh, I've only smelled that putrid scent once before. It comes from the Unlicensed Landfill!
Pit Icarus: (laughs) Maximum stinkage! That's where are the garbage in Videoland ends up!
Everyone laughed. Then that familiar sound was heard.
Stacey: (becomes worried) Oh, no! Are we going to the Landfill ,too?!"
Just then, Lana came running by.
Lana: Don't worry! Dr. Wiley's Warp Shifter just shifted into reverse! You're going home!
Julius: Finally! I'm outta here!
Julius turns and runs back to the gym.
Romeo: (following julius) Later, guys!
Rick and Stacey started to follow them, then stopped and turned around.
Rick: You're coming back with us, right?
Kevin looked away and thought.
Stacey: (frowns) C'mon, Kevy, what are you waiting for?!
Kevin looked at them with a smile.
Kevin: Sorry,not this time."
Stacey grew very sad, and her face showed it.
Rick: I don't blame you, Captain N. (walks over to Kevin) I'll never forget this.
He placed his right hand on Kevin's left shoulder and shook his left hand.
Rick: Look me up when you get back.
Then he and Stacey ran to the gym. The others all took two steps back. The familiar sound was heard, and Northridge High School disappeared, to be replaced by a rocky cliff.
Lana: (sighs) They will, you know.
Kevin (looks at her) Will what?
Lana: Forget. It's automatic. So will you...when you go back.
Kevin: Uh, well,we won't have to worry about that for a long time.
Kevin assured her. He looked down at Duke with a smile. Duke barked in agreement,smiling also.
Lana: (picking up a pair of pompoms off the ground) And as told you when you 1st arrived, 1 year in Videoland is equal to an hour on Earth.
Kevin: It's like they were never gone.
Lana: You seem to have a thing for this...Stacey.
Kevin: Oh, well, I used to,until I met you! (smiles) Well, then life got twice as cool, and, and ten times as exciting!
Lana placed her right hand on her right cheek, smiling.
Note: And thus ends the Season 2 episodes I plan on doing. Next up,the final 3 episodes,I'm gonna be doing and all of them are from Season 3. Next time,Mother Brain and her lakeys break into the Palace of Power,while the N-team is on the World of Homerun,playing Baseball..with a Bo Jackson expy.
Dr. Wily, Mother Brain, King Hippo, and the Eggplant Wizard were all gathered in Wiley's lab,around his latest evil invention.
Dr. Wiley: My new power vacuum is a work of pure genius, if I do say so myself.
Mother Brain: What does it do?
Wiley: It harnesses one of the greatest sources of power in Videoland. (smiles) Competition energy, generated from playing sports!
Mother Brain: Hmph, never heard of it!
Wiley: Of course not! I just discovered it! Allow me to demonstrate.(turns). All right, Metal Man!"
A chamber opened behind King Hippo and Eggplant Wizard, and Metal Man walked out.
Metal Man: (in a deep robotic voice) Ready,Dr. Wiley!
The blade on Metal Man's forehead began spinning. Hippo and Eggy yelled, and Eggy held onto Dr. Wiley.
Wiley: Don't blow your stem, Eggplant! All you have to do is defeat Metal Man!
Eggy turned and saw Metal Man send Metal Blades at him. King Hippo and Eggplant Wizard ran, screaming, as Metal Man kept firing. Meanwhile, Dr. Wiley's power vacuum was collecting energy.
Wiley: Pure, condensed competition energy. As long as they compete, they give off invisible energy. And the power vacuum sucks it right up!
Mother Brain: Stop that racket!
Hippo and Eggy grabbed hold of each other as some Metal Blades cut into the wall right in back of them. Then Metal Man stopped firing, and his hands reappeared.
Mother Brain: So, you have a bottle full of competition energy. So what?
Dr. Wiley: If I can get this much energy from one robot and those idiotic sidekicks of yours, think what I can get from Captain Nitwit and his pals! I'm gonna turn his love of games into a curse,(he pulls the level on his machine) That'll send him and his whole N-Twits into the Dead Zone!"
The power vacuum started ringing.
Mother Brain: (smile) I like it!
At the Palace of Power, Kevin was leaning against a window, staring out into space. By the expression on his face, his mind was far away. Duke barked.
Pit Icarus: Kevin's been such a downer lately.
Lana: I think he's beginning to get homesick.
Just then, Mega Man skated by on a homemade skateboard.
Mega Man: This'll cheer Him up,trust me! (winks). Yo,Kev! Boarders Rule!
Kevin: (turns around,smiles) All right!
Kevin put on the elbow and knee pads and the helmet. He caught the skateboard in his hands.
Kevin: Cool, did you make this, Mega Man?
Mega Man: Yup,just like you showed me,righteous dude.
Kevin gave him a thumbs-up with his right hand, then took off on the skateboard.
Gameboy came near Mega Man.
Gameboy: Righteous dude,does not compute. Please reenter data.
Mega Man: You'll have to get Kevin to teach you some Earth slang.
Kevin skated onto a wall, then back onto the floor.
Kevin: Check out this inverted kickflip!
Mega Man: Whoa, he's rad!
Kevin returned to them, got off the board, caught it in his hands, and knelt down in front of Mega Man.
Kevin: Thanks, Mega Man! I love it!"
Lava: May I try?
Kevin stood up and handed her the skateboard.
Kevin: Go for it, Princess.
Back in Megaland,Dr. Wiley laughed, watching Lana clumsily skateboard on his monitor. Via micro spybot,of course.
Dr.Wiley: You ninnies are gonna game yourselves right into the Dead Zone!
He pressed a button on the control panel. A spotlight turned on. Wiley walked onto a small stage he had dressed up to look like a beach. He activated a robot he had created that looked somewhat like an 80's valley girl.
Robot: Oh, really? Like, totally rad,man!
Dr. Wiley rubbed his hands together.
Dr. Wiley: Time to begin.
Back at the Palace,Lana was wearing the elbow and knee pads and the helmet as she skated.
Lana: (looks to the others with a smile) How am I doing?!
The others shouted warnings at her. Lana looked straight ahead again.
Lana: Huh?!
She was heading right for the living room doors. Simon walked by with a bowl of popcorn and the remote control.
Simon: Hey, fellas, it's time for -
He gasped. Lana smashed right into him, and they both fell through the double doors! Simon yelled.
Kevin: Uh-oh!
He and the others rushed into the living room.
Simon: - Castlevania Bandstand!
Simon finished, turning on the TV with the remote. He had landed on the couch, and Lana had landed right on top of him! Lana looked at the TV with the others.
The Host : They are Videoland's cold-cold-coldest new group - the Ungrateful Undead!
On the TV screen, a band of zombies were performing. Then the picture fuzzed up.
Simon: (sat up) Darn, that was one of my favorite songs!
The robotic valley girl Dr. Wily created appeared on the screen.
Robot: Oh, like, get in on this totally tubular offer - seven tickets for a rad day on California Games world! It's, like, so much fun! Just vidspeak me the name of California's most gnarly valley!
Kevin pointed at the TV with his left index finger.
Kevin: Hey, I know that! The San Fernando Valley!
The robot pointed at Kevin with her right index finger.
Robot: Yo, dude, way to go!
The picture fuzzed up again momentarily, then the Ungrateful Undead were shown performing again. Tickets came out of a slot below the TV screen. Kevin went and got them.
Kevin: Seven tickets! That's even one for Duke!
On Megaland,Dr. Wiley laughed.
Wiley: Of course! I wouldn't want you to leave that mangy mutt behind!
He pressed a button on his control panel, then spun around in his chair and got up. He walked over to a warp.
Wiley: All right, line up! Time to get moving!
A whole bunch of Dr. Wiley's "Mega Man II" robotic creations went into the warp. Dr. Wily rubbed his hands together as he laughed.
Wiley: Captain Nitwit's gonna be one sorry California dude!
Then he jumped into the warp.
Unaware of Dr. Wily's evil plan, the N Team arrives on the sunny world of California Games. A warp opened, and the N Team came out.
Kevin and Simon were dressed only in swimming trunks. Kevin's was green with a while stripe. Simon's was green with yellow smiley faces. Simon also had a white towel around his neck. Lana was wearing a green and pink bathing suit, her crown, earrings, necklace, and bracelets.
Kevin (smiles) Hey, this is cool! Just like being back home!
Duke barked in agreement.
Kevin: All right, dudes and dudette, surf's up! (runs to the surfboards) Geronimo!
Duke, running along with Kevin, barked. Kevin grabbed a surfboard, and he and Duke ran out to the water.
Lana: Oh, I'm so glad Kevin's happy again! That means he'll stay with us a little longer!
Simon: I certainly hope not! .
Lana:Oh, Simon, we're on vacation! Let's just have fun!
Lana runs to catch up with Kevin.
The N Team had a blast! Kevin and Lana went surfing - on one board. Simon screamed as he was being chased by a shark. Mega Man was rollerskating, dodging the banana peels in his way. He didn't dodge the beachball, though. He fell and was thrown forward on his stomach. Duke smiled as he passed Mega Man and crossed the finish line, winning the race.
Kevin skateboarded up one side of the ramp, marked with the word "RAD", then back down again. Then Kid Icarus skated up, then down again. Kevin skated up the other end of the ramp, then back down again. Kid Icarus skated up - and kept going! He used he wings to fly upside-down in the air. Kevin stopped and stood where he was, watching in amazement.
Dr. Wiley had set up base in the basement of a hot dog stand. Right now, he was sitting in front of a monitor.
Wiley: (laughs) Good work, Ninny Team!
He picked up a small energy meter in his left hand. The meter had four large dots on it. Two of the dots were lit.
Wiley: You're building up enough game energy for me to knock ya right into the Dead Zone! Because, thanks to my new map of Videoland, I can open and shut warp zones at will! Just as soon as all these energy jars are full! (gots up and smiles) Time to up the competition a little!
There were two large blue doors in the wooden floor. Wily opened them. Two robots that had clown faces and one that looked like a monkey came out.
Wiley (points to ladder) Go to it, my minions!
The three robots climb up the ladder, out of the basement. Kevin and Lana were racing on bicycles outside, with Kevin on Lana's right. The two clown robots followed them on bikes of their own. One of them passed Lana on her left. The other passed Kevin on his right.
Clown robot: Nyaa,Nyaa! you're too slow!
Kevin: Hey, what are Gearclowns doing here? They're from Megaland.
Lana: I don't know, but they're not gonna make one out of me!
Lana sped up to try and pass them. Dr. Wiley was looking at his energy meter.
Wiley: Wonderful! My minions are doubling the energy! I'll be filled to capacity in no time flat!
Kevin, Lana, Simon, Kid Icarus, and Duke gathered together.
Kevin (coughs) Our vacation is turning into a real bummer!
Mega Man and Gameboy came by. Mega Man was on rollerskates. Gameboy was wearing giant sunglasses. Suddenly, two flying robots with propellers came behind them and pushed them.
Kevin: (yells) Proptops! Lookout!
They all ducked as the robots flew over them. Mega Man landed on his stomach again, and Gameboy's shades were crooked. Mega Man raised his left fist in the air.
Mega Man: I'll bet Dr.Wiley's behind this!
Lana: (sighs). Oh, they spoiled everything! Let's just head back to the Palace!
Dr.Wiley: No, no, no, no, no, don't stop! I need more energy! I guess I'll have to switch to my backup plan.
He switched some cables on his newest invention.
Wiley: It'll use up some energy, but at least I can put my Warp Zone Shifter through a little test run.(laughs) This'll keep 'em on California World for as long as I need.
The N Teamsters had dressed back in their normal clothes, and they were packing up to leave. Just then, they heard a sound. Kevin looked in the direction it was coming from.
Kevin: I don't believe it!
He stood up as the others asked what was going on. A building was appearing on the beach!
Kevin: (in disbelief) That's Northridge High! (takes off towards it) That's my school!
The others were following him.
It was a white building with blue windows and doors. On one of the walls, written in red, was "NORTHRIDGE HIGH GYM".
Pretty soon, the N Teamsters left the sand of the beach, and their feet touched the green grass surrounding the gym. They arrived at the steps. Four people were standing there.
On the left was a huge fat guy,named Julius. Some of his teeth were visible, even though his mouth was closed. He was wearing a football uniform. His pants were a light-blue. He was wearing a dark-blue belt. His jersey was red. His number, written in white on the front, was 00. The jersey had a white trim at the neck area. The guy was wearing a blue neck protector of some sort. He was wearing a pair of gray fingerless gloves on his hands. He was wearing a red football helmet. There was a white stripe going from front to back on the center of the helmet. On both sides were a large white dot with a blue "N" inside it. He was British.
To Julius' left, there stood a shorter black guy,named Rick. He was still pretty tall, though. He had short hair, and it was shaved from ear to ear in the center of the back of his head. He was holding his football helmet under his left arm. His pants were a light-blue, his belt was a dark-blue, and his jersey number was 12. He had white bands around his wrists and a white towel tucked into the front of his pants.
To Rick's left was Stacey,a blonde girl dressed in a cheerleadering outfit. It was blue. Her long sleeve sweater that she wore over it was red, and it had a large white "N" on the front. She was wearing long gold earrings, kind of like Lana's. Her long blonde hair fell on both sides of her neck, down over the front of her sweater. It was long in the back, also. Some of it was kept in a blue hairband near the top of her head.
Standing in back of the black football player and the cheerleader was another guy, taller than the black guy. He is Romero. He had short blond hair and some freckles on his face. He was holding his football helmet under his left arm. His pants were white, his belt was a dark-blue, and his jersey number was 51. He was also wearing a blue neck protector, and he had white bands around his wrists.
Stacey: (smiles) Hey! Aren't you that video game whiz who helped me study for my Algebra test?!
Lana frowned as she watched Kevin. This girl obviously knew him. Kevin ran his right hand through his hair.
Kevin: Hi, Stacey! You remember! It was just that one time, and when I asked you for a date, you were busy, but -
Stacey: Your name's Kenny, right?!
Kevin (laughs nervously) Actually,It's Kevin. Kevin Keene.
Simon took up his whip and snagged a bouquet of roses from nearby. He walked up to Stacey, smiling, and bowed.
Simon: And I'm Simon Belmont, Vampire Hunter, at your service!
Stacey screamed, moving closer to Rick and putting her hands on his chest.
Stacey: You hunt vampires?!
Rick gasped, then put his right hand on his chin as he thought.
Rick: Yo, now I remember! You're on the junior varsity swim team, right?
Simon was busy smiling and smelling the bouquet of roses.
Kevin pointed at the Rick with his right index finger.
Kevin: And you're Rick Walker, captain of the varsity football team! Hey, welcome to Videoland!
Julius: (sarcastically) Yeah, right, Videoland! And I'm the bloody King of England!
He shook the blond guy's right hand with his right as they both laughed.
Kevin: Huh?
Lana walked forward.
Romero: (sees lana and falls for her) And if I'm dreamin', don't wake me up!
He was in love.
Kevin (laughs nervously) It's no dream! I dunno how you got here, (points) but you're here!
Rick: But this don't make sense. A minute ago, we came out of the gym for Saturday football practice. (looks around,stacey does too) Now we're at the beach?"
Mega Man turned and looked at Kevin.
Mega Man: I've got a feeling trouble's coming, Captain N.
Stacey held onto Rick again.
Julius: And Who is Captain N? (points at Pit Icarus) This short kid in the fairy wings?!
Julius laughed.
Lana: (smiles) Of course not. Kevin is Captain N.
Kevin ran his right hand through his hair again.
Kevin: That's - that's kind of a nickname they gave me around here.
Then the entire N Team turned and gasped. A trio of Lightning Lords, robots of Dr. Wiley's from Megaland, were flying toward them.
Kevin: (yells)Hit the dirt, everyone!
Everyone except Rick ran away, yelling.
Rick made a fist with his right hand.
Rick: This better not be some kind of joke!
Kevin turned around and ran to Rick.
Kevin: If it is, the joke's definitely on us!"
He pushed Rick down, and they narrowly missed the Lightning Lords' lightning. The Lightning Lords continued flying and firing at all of them. Kevin and Rick looked up and gasped. When the Lightning Lords turned and came back again, Kevin stood up and fired at them. The three robots disappeared with a blipping sound.
Simon: Huh?!
Stacey gasped.
Kevin holstered his Zapper.
Kevin: Those lugnuts were just a nuisance before, but now they're getting downright nasty!
Rick: Man, you're sure ain't the Kevin Keene I remember!
Kevin smiled, running his right hand through his hair again.
Kevin: (points at the gym doors) I think we'll be safer inside!
Rick: I think maybe you're right. (turns and runs) Let's move it, guys!
A giant mechanical bulldog (hotdog) was running toward them.
Kevin motioned to the others.
Kevin: Go, go! I'm right behind you!
The others ran inside the gym, screaming. Kevin faced the bulldog again, and yelled. When the bulldog got closer, it breathed two fireballs out of its mouth at Kevin. Kevin dodged them and fire his Zapper twice at two palm trees. The palm trees fell to the ground. The bulldog breathed two more fireballs. They hit the palm trees and set them on fire. Kevin gasped. The bulldog ran through the fire, unharmed, and continued towards Kevin. Rick was holding a door open for Kevin. Kevin ran inside. Rick looked at the bulldog. He closed the door, right before another fireball arrived.
Dr. Wily was looking at his small energy meter. Only one of the dots were lit now.
Wiley: (yells) No! I used up half my energy supply getting Captain Nitwit's friends here!
Mother Brain was watching Wiley on her mirror on Metroid(via spy bot).
Mother Brain: Do I have to be with you every single second to get things done right?!
Eggplant Wizard: Yes, Mother Brain.
King Hippo looked at him angrily.
Eggy (corrected) Uh, I - I mean, no Mother Brain!
Mother Brain (yells). Shut Up! I better get to California World before Wiley ruins everything!
She laughed as her jar began to spin, and she went down through the floor.
Mother Brain: I always wanted to go to high school!
Hippo and Eggy yelled as an explosion occurred. They looked down into the floor, then they yelled again as a bright light appeared. Eggy looked at Hippo. Mother Brain was riding on a three-wheel motorcycle! She was using her tentacles to control the handle bars. The words "BRAIN LORDS M.C." were on a sign on the top of her jar.
Mother Brain: (laughs) Just call me Big Momma Prom Queen!
She lifted up the front wheel. King Hippo and Eggplant Wizard yelled and ran away. Mother Brain drove away. Kevin, his friends, and the rest of the N-Team were gathered in the gym.
Rick: (in disbelief) You expect us to believe we're in a alternate Universe where Video Games are real?
Kevin: Hey, I didn't believe it either when I first got here!
Stacey put her left arm near Kevin's neck and her right arm around his back.
Kevin:Well, I think it sounds just too, too romantic! Tell me more, Kevy!
Lana, her arms crossed, looked away in jealousy.
Wiley's Voice(calling out): Oh,Captain N!
Kevin and Stacey turned, and they and Lana looked to see where the voice had come from.
Wiley's Voice: Come out and Play!
Mega Man opened the right door, and they came out of the gym and onto the steps. It was Dr. Wiley. A huge hologram of him from the waist up was in the sky.
Kevin: What do you want, Wiley?
Holo!Wiley: Why a contest, of course. The winner-take-all version of the California Games! My team against yours. If we win, we get the Palace of Power and the Throne of Videoland.
Kevin: I know you got some dirty trick up your sleeve, Doc. We won't play, no way!
Holo!Wiley: Oh, yes way! (laughs) I'll give you five minutes to think it over. While we wait, perhaps you'd like a little...entertainment.
The same Proptops that had knocked Mega Man and Gameboy down earlier now came by and fired purple-pink laser beams and everyone. They all yelled as they ran back into the gym, and Kevin closed the door behind him. They put tables, chairs, and mattresses in front of the doors and some of the windows so they couldn't be opened. Parts of the roof crumbled and fell. Lana and Stacey picked up another red mattress.
Romero came by.
Romero: Stick close, ladies. I'll take care of you.
He took hold of the mattress, and Stacey let go.
Simon came by and took hold of the mattress.
Simon: Her Adorablenesses don't need you to take care of them when Simon Belmont's around!
Lana let go of the mattress, also. Stacey folded her hands together, smiling.
Stacey: Oh, my! You're both so rad! Which one should we choose, Lana?"
Lana (laughs) By all means, take both of them!
Lana winks. Stacey put her hands on her hips and frowned. Lana walked over to Kevin. Just then, one of the proptops smashed through a window and flew into the gym. When Simon, Stacey, and Romero noticed it, they ran away, yelling.
Romero: Yo,Somebody help!
Simon: Get that thing away from My hair!
The robot began firing at them. Kevin, Lana, and Gameboy gasped. The robot continued chasing the two of them across the gym, firing.
Pit Icarus: Maybe he needs a netting lesson.
He fired one of his net arrows at the robot. The tip came off, and the net expanded. It covered the robot. The robot, unable to fly any longer, fell down into a trash can, where it exploded. Everyone just stood, looking at it, for a moment. Then Romero walked back over to Rick and Julius.
Romero: Yo,Rick, we gotta bust outta here and make a run for it!
Rick tapped the blond guy on the back of the head with his right index finger.
Rick: You been playing without a helmet again, Romero? Where we gonna run to?
The Julius looked at Rick.
Julius: Let's crush the blighters"
Rick looked at him.
Rick: How? Those roboprops have got us outmanned and outpowered.
Mega Man: Captain N will know what to do.
Mega Man walks past them with a huge stack of mattresses.
Julius stood up, threw down the chair he was holding, and walked over to Kevin.
Julius: No computer wimp on the checkers squad is gonna tell me what to do!
Kevin tapped him on the chest with his right index finger.
Kevin: It's the swim team, dude!
Julius: (grabs hold of Kevin's jacket) Well, la-dee-da! How'd you earn this? Doin' a belly flop?!
He laughed.
Rick: Hey, chill, will ya?!
Rick walks forward. He pulled the huge guy away from Kevin.
Lana walked over to them, her hands on her hips.
Lana: Hey, we asked for the best from your world, and the Ultimate Warp Zone chose Kevin as our Game Enforcer!"
The other N Teamsters shouted their support of Kevin, as well. Rick looked at Kevin.
Rick: Okay, Keene. A good quarterback knows when to fall back. Let's see what all that video game playing taught you.(points at Kevin) It's your call.
Kevin: I say we fight! Only let's play a game we have a chance at winning. (raises his right arm) Football!
Rick was surprised. So was the rest of the N Team. Dr. Wiley was watching this all on the monitor to the right of his Warp Zone Shifter.
Wiley: (laugh) Just a few moments more,...and they'll all be mine.
A warp opened in the basement of the hot dog stand, and Mother Brain rode out on his motorcycle. Dr. Wiley pressed his hands against her glass jar.
Mother Brain: (impatiently) Wiley, when do we send the Nuisance Team into the Dead Zone?
Dr. Wiley: As soon as those N Jerks start playing again!
Mother Brain: No screw-ups this time!!
Wiley: Trust me. When the jars are full, the Warp Zone Shifter will shut down every warp on California World but one. (points at the map of Videoland with a pointer) This one (laughs) right here in this hot dog stand.
Mother Brain: So, while they're running around here looking for a warp door out of here, we'll be long gone!
Wiley: Just remember, we only got sixty seconds (picks up a golden whistle) from the time I blow this whistle.
He blew it, and his white hair flew wildly. Mother Brain drove Dr. Wiley to the school.
Wiley hopped off.
Wiley: We've come to get your answer, Captain Numbskull! What'll it be, play or pay!"
Kevin looked at his friends and smiled.
Kevin: C'mon, we better get outta there before the Brain Lord blows a gasket. Helmets on!
Kevin, Simon, and Mega Man got dressed in football uniforms, and Rick, Romero, Simon, and Pit Icarus put their helmets on. Kevin was wearing jersey number 7. Simon was wearing number 61. Mega Man was wearing number 3. Both Kevin and Simon wore blue neck protectors.
As the others started to go outside, Kevin was about to put on his football helmet. Then Stacey walked by on his left. She closed her eyes and kissed Kevin on the cheek, real audibly. Kevin's eyes widened. He blinked and blushed.
Stacey (smiles) Kevin, I just want you to know: whatever happens (covers her mouth) I think you're terrific!
Kevin: Uh, thanks, Stace.
Kevin looked at her with a smile as she went over to Lana. Stacey took hold of Lana's right arm and giggled.
Stacey: C'mon, Lana! We can do a cheer while the boys play ball!
Lana pulled her arm away and returned the giggle.
Lana: No, thank you, Stacey. I'm gonna see what Dr. Wiley's really up to.
Stacey shrugged and walked outside. Kevin and Lana watched her go.
Kevin: Uh, I better tell Gameboy to keep an eye on her. She could get in trouble.
He ran his right hand through his hair again.
Lana: (turns to him and smiles) I hope that means you're gonna keep your eye on the game.
Kevin became serious and took his hand off his head.
Kevin: Promise you'll be careful, Lana.
Lana (faced him) I will. You, too, okay?
Kevin nodded, smiling, and walked outside. The players were standing in front of the gym.
Kevin: Okay, Wily, we play. But only if it's our game - football!
Dr. Wiley (smiles). Whatever you say, Captain N. Oh, I forgot to tell you...
The players looked to their right and gasped. All of the Robot Masters from Mega Man II came out of a warp and were coming towards them. Well,all except for Flash Man,who was destroyed by the N-Team during a recent Megaland mission.
Stacey:(worriedly) Geez. I hope I know enough cheers!
Moments later,The good guys were in a huddle near a goal post, a good distance away from the Robot Masters.
Simon: I know you explained football to them, Kevin, but are you sure they understand?
Kevin: Well, look on the bright side, Simon. At least we won the toss!"
Stacey was standing in the bleachers, and Gameboy was standing to her right. Gameboy protected a bright, multi-colored hologram that read "N TEAM". Stacey was holding her red and white pompons. She waved her arms and legs and did a cheer.
Stacey: Gimme and 'N'! Gimme a 'Team'!"
The rest of the N Team also cheered. Mother Brain and Dr. Wily were in the bleachers opposite Stacey, as well as some other monsters. The monsters were cheering for the Robot Masters.
Mother Brain :(impatiently) C'mon, play ball!
Bubble Man ran up and kicked the ball. It went into the air. Kevin caught it. He started running, with Simon and Julius in front of him. Unfortunately, Air Man came by and blew the latter two away. Kevin dodged Air Man's blasts of air with his Power Pad. But then Quick Man threw his Quick Boomerang and knocked the ball out of Kevin's hands. Kevin yelled. Quick Man caught the ball and began running with it.
Pit Icarus swooped down, grabbed the ball, and flew back up again. But then Wood Man shot out a vine, which curled around the archer's right leg. Pit Icarus dropped the ball. Rick was running to catch it, but Crash Man threw a Crash Bomb at him.
When Rick was knocked away by the blast, Crash Man caught the ball. Simon and Mega Man chased him to the goal post, but Crash Man made a touchdown anyway. The other monsters cheered, while Mother Brain and Dr. Wiley just watched. Romeo was running, and Kevin threw the ball to him. Unfortunately, Heat Man fired at Romero. Romero was hit in the butt and launched into the air!
Bubble Man intercepted the ball. Mega Man chased after Bubble Man, but the Robot Master blew a bubble at him. It hit Mega Man in the face, and he fell on his stomach again, yelling. Bubble Man made a touchdown. Kevin was running with the ball, and Rick was running to his right.
But then Metal Man shot out Metal Blades at them. Rick moved to his right, but the blades were still coming at him. Kevin knocked him out of the way, but that meant he lost the ball. Simon, however, caught the ball with his whip. He held the ball in his left hand as he ran and made a touchdown.
Stacey: (jumped excitedly) Go N-Team!!
The rest of the N Team also cheered. Stacey waved her arms. Gameboy was also excited. He only had a black "N" on his screen now, though. The good players came together.
Kevin: This is way tougher than I thought,Guys!.
Rick: Hey, don't take it so hard, man! We're still holding our own!
Kevin Well, that's not good enough! though,I've got an idea! (turnes to Mega Man) Mega Man, do you think you can make it back to Megaland and bring back some items from Dr. Wright?
Mega Man: I can sure try!
Mega Man went off.
Kevin:Well, boy, looks like you're our eighth man!
Kevin puts a football helmet on Duke. Duke barked happily. Rick gave Kevin a thumbs-up.
Rick: With your game moves and our grid-eye, we can't lose!
Kevin: Well, then, let's do it!
Kevin gives Rick a high-five. The team got in a huddle.
Meanwhile,The large mechanical bulldog was asleep in front of the hot dog stand. Lana sneaks.
Lana: (quietly) I hope you like chasing things as much as Duke does.
Lana throws a pink frisbee at the Dog. The dog woke up, barked, and took off after it. Lana ran into the hot dog stand. She knelt down on the floor and peered into the basement through the square hole.
Lana: What in Videoland is Wiley up to now?!
Lana climbed down the ladder. She looked at the energy jars.
Lana: Whatever it is, he's not gonna get away with if I can stop him, and I will!
She turned to the Warp Zone Shifter and began pulling some cables out.
Mega Man came by on a small flying scooter (item 2). He dropped some type of climbing machine (sniper armor)and another disc (item 1), then he took off again. Kevin jumped on the item 1.
Kevin: I could use a lift about now.
Kevin had the football and took off. Rick was sitting in the sniper armor and trying to work the controls. It was shaking.
Rick: Whoa! This is what I call on-the-job training!
As Romero and Julius were running on the ground, Kevin was hovering above them. Metal Man was on the roof of the gym. He converted his hands to fire. Rick used the machine to climb up the side of the building. Metal Man backed away and began firing as Rick reached the roof. Mega Man had the ball now. Both Heat Man and Wood Man missed him. But Quick Man didn't. His Quick Boomerang hit the scooter. Mega Man fell off and dropped the ball. Duke made a leap and caught it, however. He carried it right over the goalpost, scoring a touchdown.
His bite also made a hole in the football, and all the air came out. The Big Boss herself was angry.
Mother Brain (yelling) Your Robot Masters are completely useless ,Wiley!
Suddenly, Dr. Wiley felt a burning pain. Black smoke was coming out of his lab coat. He screamed. Then Wiley took out his energy meter. All four dots were lit.
Wiley: (excitedly) No matter! The energy is peaked! It's time!
The good guys cheered their victory in the football game, and Kevin and Duke hugged. Dr. Wily blew his golden whistle. The good guys looked at the bad guys.
Kevin: What's with the timeout?
Kevin, Rick, Romero, Simon, and Kid Icarus took off their football helmets and watched. The bad guys were all leaving the bleachers.
Rick: It looks like they're giving up!
Wiley: (calls out). So long, suckers!
Simon walked over to Kevin and stood to his left.
Simon: (smiles) Boy, they sure are sore losers!
Mother Brain was driving to the hot dog stand, with Wily standing on her bike for the ride. The Robot Masters were running with them. The hot dog stand was giving off blue electrical sparks.
Mother Brain: Are you sure this is gonna work?
The hot dog stand flashed, and a bright yellow ball of energy rose from it. It went over and covered Mother Brain and the rest of the bad guys. Mother Brain yelled. The bad guys were pulled towards the hot dog stand and began circling it clockwise. Soon, they were moving so fast, they couldn't even be seen.
Stacey: Oh, wow! That's really rad!" Stacey said.
She and the football players were watching from a safe distance. Then the hot dog stand exploded.
Julius (pinched his nose) Oh, bugger, what's that stink?!
Simon: (with his nose closed) Yuck!
Then he sniffed the air.
Simon: Oh, I've only smelled that putrid scent once before. It comes from the Unlicensed Landfill!
Pit Icarus: (laughs) Maximum stinkage! That's where are the garbage in Videoland ends up!
Everyone laughed. Then that familiar sound was heard.
Stacey: (becomes worried) Oh, no! Are we going to the Landfill ,too?!"
Just then, Lana came running by.
Lana: Don't worry! Dr. Wiley's Warp Shifter just shifted into reverse! You're going home!
Julius: Finally! I'm outta here!
Julius turns and runs back to the gym.
Romeo: (following julius) Later, guys!
Rick and Stacey started to follow them, then stopped and turned around.
Rick: You're coming back with us, right?
Kevin looked away and thought.
Stacey: (frowns) C'mon, Kevy, what are you waiting for?!
Kevin looked at them with a smile.
Kevin: Sorry,not this time."
Stacey grew very sad, and her face showed it.
Rick: I don't blame you, Captain N. (walks over to Kevin) I'll never forget this.
He placed his right hand on Kevin's left shoulder and shook his left hand.
Rick: Look me up when you get back.
Then he and Stacey ran to the gym. The others all took two steps back. The familiar sound was heard, and Northridge High School disappeared, to be replaced by a rocky cliff.
Lana: (sighs) They will, you know.
Kevin (looks at her) Will what?
Lana: Forget. It's automatic. So will you...when you go back.
Kevin: Uh, well,we won't have to worry about that for a long time.
Kevin assured her. He looked down at Duke with a smile. Duke barked in agreement,smiling also.
Lana: (picking up a pair of pompoms off the ground) And as told you when you 1st arrived, 1 year in Videoland is equal to an hour on Earth.
Kevin: It's like they were never gone.
Lana: You seem to have a thing for this...Stacey.
Kevin: Oh, well, I used to,until I met you! (smiles) Well, then life got twice as cool, and, and ten times as exciting!
Lana placed her right hand on her right cheek, smiling.
Note: And thus ends the Season 2 episodes I plan on doing. Next up,the final 3 episodes,I'm gonna be doing and all of them are from Season 3. Next time,Mother Brain and her lakeys break into the Palace of Power,while the N-team is on the World of Homerun,playing Baseball..with a Bo Jackson expy.
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